Chapter 8: The Price To Save A Loved One

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''Yugi....'' Yami whispered as he sat there on the sand staring at the sandy grains tears gathering in his eyes Seto, Joey, Tristan and Ryou all stared on at the Pharaoh they didn't say anything.... no it was more of a fact that they couldn't say anything. They had all just witnessed the kidnapping of their friend at the love of the Pharaoh's life, today was only meant to be a fun little trip to the beach so that they could all hang out and have a good time and Bakura really just had to go and ruin that fact didn't he. Ryou was the first one to move, he walked over to Yami and gently placed his hand on the others shoulders trying to think of a good thing to say that wouldn't just upset him more.

''Yami? Yugi is going to be okay I just know he is all we have to do is have faith and find out what exactly it is Bakura want's from you. Once we know that we can work on a plan, locate them and rescue him. You'll see everything will work out in the end it always does, and you both have been through far too much to just quit on each other now. You have one another again are you really just going to let Bakura get away with taking him from you again?'' Ryou's voice was as soft and comforting as it had always been as he moved to rub Yami's back softly trying to help him keep hope,

''Ryou is right Yami you can't give up on Yugi and you can't give up on yourself either. You both have lost one another so many times yet you always find a way to pull through and reunite with one another so don't let this get you down'' Tristen said walking over with a determined look on his face, Yami looked up to his friends then closed his eyes and stole his resolve after all they were both right he wasn't just going to give up and let Bakura take Yugi away from him. Not this time he was never letting go of Yugi again no matter what he had to do he would get him back.

''Your right, I won't just sit here crying thinking that everything is hopeless and not even try to get Yugi back. After all what kind of Pharaoh or boyfriend would that make me?'' Atem said drying his eyes with his towel and standing up with the others. They were smiling they knew they could count on him to snap out of it and no lose hope after all he was the Pharaoh.

''Alright that's our Yami! Now come on lets all change then head back then we can start looking for a way to save Yuge!'' Joey said, everyone nodded in unison and went to the changing stalls to change back into their regular clothes then headed back to Kaiba's limo as they all piled into the limo and drove off everyone was talking about plans on how to locate and rescue their friend. Yami sat in the corner quietly looking out of the window when he felt someone hugging him he looked down and noticed that the one that was hugging him was Ryou, still saying nothing he wrapped his arms around the smaller albino and hugged him back tightly small tears in his eyes he promised himself that he would be strong, but out of all his friends Ryou was the one that was closest to Yugi and the fact that he was hugging Yami for both comfort and to reassure the Pharaoh... Well lets just say that really hit home for Yami and he couldn't hold the tears back for much longer.

The gang had all made it home to Kaiba corporation where both Joey and Seto lived on the penthouse, they took the elevator up and everyone spread out in the living room collapsing on sofa's and the floor. Even after all the planning and making idea's in the car now when it came down to it everyone was silent the worry was just staring to set in and they had no idea what to do or say until Seto broke that silence as people brought in drinks for them all.

''So... what are we going to do about saving Yugi?'' He asked as he picked up his coffee, no one said anything they were all silently crying and hugging into one another or tearing off into space to stop themselves from crying,

''Um Mr. Kaiba? There is a Duke Devlin at the door with another person saying that he is here to help'' a lady said poking her head in the door and looking around all the friends. Seto waved his hand indicating that they could come in he was trying to stay strong for everyone. As soon as Duke walked in he looked around them all and felt their pain from the heavy atmosphere,

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