Chapter 15: Ra's Blessing

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The song is called Dad's song and it is the Nightcore version of the original by Set It Off. This is mainly just for background music whilst reading to set the scene a little better so play it whenever you want and replay it all you want. Also obvious the picture is Ra.

Thunder rolled over the vast sands of the Egyptian dessert, the town was quiet and the only thing that could be heard in the palace was crying, the sun of Egypt had faded after the fall of the Pharaoh. Yugi was crying into his lovers unmoving body he just couldn't be dead what happened to his promise to raise their child together. How his smile always made Yugi smile no matter how sad he was. Isis walked over and placed a hand on Yugi's shoulder tears in her own eyes as she tried to revive Atem but no matter her attempts nothing seemed to work on him, he just lay there... no moving.

''There is still a way to save him... right Isis? Please tell me our Pharaoh isn't gone for good not after the sacrifice he had made to save Yugi'' Mana asked walking over a little, she, Mahad and Seth all had tears rolling down their faces the priests all knew that he was gone... No energy or life force was resonating from the millennium puzzle. It was then Isis looked to her eyes widened a little as she stood,

''there is! Our Pharaoh is innocent as is Yugi the gods have to know that they had no idea that they could return here and by the time they got here Yugi was already pregnant it was unplanned. Yugi.. you are the only one that is able to help him now you can save him from this fate. You have to travel to Ra's temple and beg forgiveness for you both Ra has to save him after he finds out the truth of you both being innocent of committing any sins'' Isis said turning to look down to Yugi who was a crying mess.

''Isis is correct Yugi that is the only way we have left to us, allow me to escort you there it is what our Ph...I mean Atem would want, Seth please take him to their room had help Isis treat him while we are gone'' Mahad replied as he walked over and held his hand out to Yugi. The smaller one looked up to him and nodded a little.

''O...Okay, we're going to save you Atem I promise please just hang in there I won't lose you'' Yugi whispered and leaned down kissing his soft lips one last time brushing the blonde bangs out of his eyes as he then stood up with Mahad's help. He looked to Atem as a cloak was wrapped around his shoulders and the hood pulled up for his own protection, Mahad and Yugi walked to the stables and Yugi took Atem's horse getting on her then following Mahad towards the temple of Ra.

Back at the palace Seth picked his cousin up and looked to him, he didn't deserve this and no one wanted this to happen to him, he was a fair and kind ruler and deserved the love of Yugi and the child that they had made so why would that witch do something like this! Holding his dear cousin close Seth walked with Isis in silence to the Pharaoh's room changing into his sleep wear and placing him in the bed covering him with the sheets. ''You will be okay my Pharaoh, if anyone can save you I know that Yugi and Mahad can do so'' he said quietly then began helping Isis once again in silence to try and mend his burns and bruises.

''Here it is the temple of Ra, god of the sun. I will be unable to enter with you are you sure you will be okay by yourself? There will be no traps as you are going to see him personally I am sure he knows that you are here to see him'' Mahad said helping Yugi off his horse then looking down to him in slight worry. Yugi however just shook his head and took the cloak off passing it to the magician.

''I'll be okay you brought me as far as here I need to go the rest of the way by myself but I promise you I will save Atem and I'll return safely... thank you Mahad'' Yugi said hugging him which he returned quickly it was like hugging his Pharaoh once more. When the hug ended he nodded Yugi and took the horses reins leading them to a water source by the entrance where they would wait for Yugi. Yugi turned to the entrance and walked down the stairs to the temple normally temples underground would be cold however it felt warm in here and Yugi was sure he knew why, this was Ra's power radiating and telling him to approach.

''Come young one and state your business, you have come seeking me if I am correct now why have you come here and why have you seeked an audience with me personally?'' Ra's screeches had been replaced with a deep echoing voice, Yugi looked up when he arrived at the deepest chamber. He walked over to Ra and bowed deeply, this was it his one chance to save the one he loved and he wouldn't waste it.

''Great Ra please hear me out and understand my words. Atem and I have been together since he left this place to return to the real world, he never intended to get me pregnant but as you know in the living where I am from there is no sin into having a child with the one you love and are loyal to. We had no idea that we could even return here it was something that happened in an unexpected manner and I had no idea that I was bearing his child until just a few hours ago. Please Ra please save Atem bring him back to us he is the king his people need him... I need him and our baby needs its father. Please don't be the monster that the goddess of death is trying to make out all gods as because I know you are good, please hear me Ra!'' Yugi pleaded his head dropping more as tears started to fall once more.

Ra listened to him carefully and took in every word he thought for a short time before coming to his conclusion. ''I hear your words and I understand your plea young one. You are forgiven I will use my powers and save him. Now go you and the priest are to return to him as he will be waking soon'' As this was said he screeched and released a strong burst of magic that flew out of the temple and towards the palace.

Yugi's eyes widened with a smile he bowed once more muttering a grateful thank you then turned and ran out of the temple, Ra watched him go with a smile before disappearing back to the skies. Yugi ran out and hugged Mahad smiling massively, ''he said he will save him and we need to go back now come on Mahad lets go!'' He said jumping on the horse and taking off. Mahad blinked a couple times before smiling and following after him, of course he was happy his king and best friend was being saved.

Back at the palace Yugi ran to Atem's room and burst the door open without care his eyes lit up as he saw Atem standing with wings made of pure light spreading from his back. He looked up hearing the door open and smiled ''Yugi... you saved me my love'' he whispered opening his arms. Yugi cried and ran over to him tackling him into a hug and bringing them both down onto the bed with happy cries and laughs. One thing was for sure now that Atem was Yugi's god and lover, they would never be leaving each others side ever again.

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