Chapter 2- Back Together At Last

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"Trust me Yuge your going to be really happy that you came with me, I know it doesn't seem like it now but your going to be so happy your not going to know what to do with yourself" Joey said it had taken him ages but he had finally managed to convince Yugi to come out of his room and to walk with him. Yugi looked awful his eyes were red and puffy from all the crying he had done.

"Why Joey..... I just want to be alone I'm not in the mood to go anywhere and I don't want to see anyone! No one is going to make me feel better!" Yugi shouted almost crying again,

"Not even Yami?" He asked making Yugi's eyes widen and tear up he slapped Joey across the face hard

"Yami is gone! He is gone and he's never coming back!" Yugi shouted now full on crying. He started falling to his knees before someone caught him, thinking it was Joey he slapped them but the voice he heard made him stop dead.

"Ow.... Y...Yeah I guess I... deserved that huh?.. Aibou" Yami said to him. Yugi looked up and to the face in front of him his eyes widened. He noticed the royal garbs the crown the jewellery and the millennium puzzle. Yugi's hands moved slowly touching the puzzle the crown his hair and his face, checking if this was some sick prank but it didn't seem to be... no it wasn't.

"Y...Yami?" he whispered stuttering over his words as he trembled in realisation. Yami's crimson eyes narrowed and he smiled, oh that smile that Yugi loved and missed so much

"I'm home.... Yugi" he said sweetly. Yugi lost it he grabbed Yami and hugged him tighter than ever before shaking and crying into his shoulder louder than ever. The familiar strong arms wrapped around him and hugging him back holding him close for support and comfort. The stayed that way for a whole 10 minutes until Yugi had stopped crying so much, Yami helped him to stand and helped him into Joey and Kaiba's home where he and Yugi sat on the couch.

Kaiba passed them both some tea and they both accepted gladly as Joey and Kaiba excused themselves to their room leaving the pharaoh and the boy alone. It was quiet for the first while as they drank their tea's then Yami turned to face Yugi. "I'm sorry..... I was an idiot to leave and it was the last thing I wanted I never wanted to leave here ever. When I heard what kind of a state you were in because I had left... I had to come back and fix what I had done. You had every right to slap me and I give you permission to do it again I deserve it and I won't feel better until you get it all out'' Yami said turning to face him.

Yugi looked to him and saw the seriousness in his eyes and his open body language welcoming the boys anger towards him. Yugi's hand trembled before swinging it hard and slapping him across the face harder than the last time. Yami's crown flew off his head and flew across the room and into the fire melting the gold. Yami was smiling despite the stinging pain on his face. ''That was for leaving me here alone!'' He shouted

''I know thank you Yugi I feel better alrea.....huh?!'' The Pharaoh started but before he had the chance to finish Yugi had hugged him tightly and quietly crying into his shoulder

''and this is for coming back to me coming back and apologising, never leave me again Yami I mean it I can't live without you by my side and I never will be able to'' he said as he held the Pharaoh tighter. Yami smiled and returned the embrace smiling more this felt right he felt happy and at peace with his partner in his arms. He started to feel his heart pounding and his stomach filling with butterflies he knew the feeling and knew he had felt this way from the beginning but now wasn't the right time to tell him.

''Come on aibou you have to eat something you've lost too much weight and you look really weak let me make you something'' Yami said looking down to Yugi who pulled back, he looked up to Yami and gave a reluctant nod. The Pharaoh smiled and made his way through to the kitchen where Kaiba said he could use whatever he felt whilst he was there. Yami started cooking up a healthy and tasty meal for both him and Yugi then left the left overs for Kaiba and Joey if they wanted it. He plated up then walked back through handing the plate to Yugi.

''Thank you Yami'' he said taking the plate from him he looked to it his stomach growling, it did smell really good and he was so hungry that he started to eat it not caring if he was feeling sick the food was really good and his other self the one that he had been having the biggest crush on the whole time before he left had made it just for him but even though he was back he couldn't just blurt out that he loved him could he? No he would wait but he wouldn't leave his side ever again not since they were back together at last.

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