Chapter 10: I Will Be Your Guiding Light

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I just want to let you know that the dual that takes part in this chapter is very short and lame I know but I wrote this early in the morning and I haven't wrote a dual since my Astral love story lol. Also I wont be using the exact decks that the two have in the anime so please bare with me on that front. Anyway enjoy! ~Author-chan

The darkness of the shadow realm was something that Yugi had been expecting after all it wasn't called the 'shadow realm' because it was filled with sunshine and rainbows. However right at this moment was wishing that it was, as soon as he stepped through the portal he fell to his knees finding it hard to breath despite that he refused to give up. He gripped the millennium puzzle and begged for it to shield him from this place's oppressive and sickening air. A thin bubble appeared around him from the puzzle and he smiled taking a second to catch his breath again becuse Ra know's that he would need every inch of energy he could get to traverse his way through this dreadful place and find Yami.

''I knew this place was going to be big but I dind't quite think it would be this big... how am I ever going to find Yami here? Unless.... That's it! Yami and I shre a connection and a bond both through the puzzle and otherwise I just have to put my faith in the millennium puzzle and in myself and I know that I will be able to find him!'' Yugi said smiling and stnading up, he closed his eyes and focused on everything he knew about Yami, his memories, his smile, his scent and their bond, once he had got a lead he started off in that direction. Much to Yugi's surprise ir wasn't all that hard to find Yami he found him on his knees and staring at the floor as if in a deep depression.

''Yami!'' Yugi cried and ran over to his lover, falling to his knees beside the spirit of his lover he flund his arms around him and buried his face into the Pharaoh's necke breathing in the familar scent. Yami had been startled out of his thoughts by this chan of actions and his eyes widened when he looked down and saw his smaller look alike in his arms.

''Yugi.... What are you doing here aibou... I'm... I'm so happy to see you!'' Yami whimpered as he cuddling his hikari closer to him and nuzzled him affectionetly, before Yugi had the chance to answer there was the sound of someone clearing his voice behind them and Yugi knew exactly who it was. He pulled away from Yami and stood up facing Bakura.

''Bakura! I challange you to a shadow dual here and now if I win I get control over your millennium ring and you let Yami and I go.... That was never meant to be yours anyway... you took it from Mahad'' Yugi said growling the final part as he readied his dual disk and entered his deck into it.

''Hahaha! You challange me to a shadow dual?! You clearly don't know who you are talking too but fine I accept your challange I could do with a little entertainment. But if I win little Yugi then I get all your items and you and Yami stay here for the rest of your pitiful existances!'' Bakura shouted as he redied his own deck and dual disk. Yami could do nothing but watch in worry and fear of the safety of his beloved however he had faith in Yugi and that faith would never fade.

''Dual!'' the both of them shouted as they drew their starting hands and the dual began,

''I'm starting this dual off!'' Yugi shouted as he drew his card and looked to his starting hand he smiled knowing he had a pretty good hand to start with ''fisrt off I play the spell card 3 card summon from my hand. I must choose three monsters in my hand that all have the same level and reveal them and then I can speacial summon one of them to my feild. These monsteres are Alpha, Beta and Gamma the magnet warriors, I chose to special summon Alpha to my field in attack mode. Next I nomal summon Beta the magnet warrior in attack mode. Finally I place 1 card face down and hand the dual to you Bakura!'' Yugi shouted as he ended his turn with a strong start indeed however things didn't seem so lucky on Bakura's side.

''Fine I draw, and for my first move I summon Infinity Darkness to my field in attack mode, now go Infinity Dark attack his Alpha the Magnet warrior!'' Bakura shouted but Yugi just smiled

''not so fast you have activated my trap bye bye damage! With this trap card my Apha warrior cannot be destroyed by your attack and any damage I would have taken is delt to you bu double!'' Yugi shouted as Bakura lost 200 life points.

''Tch fine I play a face down and end my turn'' he growled he wans't feeling very lucky today and for some reason he had a feeling that he was going to lose the dual but he wasn't the kind to just surrender so he kept that thought to himself.

''I draw! Now first of all I summon Gamma the magnet warrier in attack mode. Next from my hand I activate the spell pot of greed that allows me to draw one card that I will play face down right now'' Yugi started

''then I will activate my trap Embodiment of Apophis. This trap can be placed in my monster slot wich I wil be putting it in attack mode giving it a base of 1600 attack'' Bakura said

''fine tha means I can activate my equip trap that I have just placed, metalmorph and I equip it to my Gamma warrior raising his attack points from 1500 to 1800. Now I will attack your Embodiment of Apophis with my Gamma warrior which allows metalmorphs other effect to activate. My monster equipped with this card gains extra attck points in battle phase only equal to half the amount of the monster it is attacking. In this case it gains 800 more attack points bringing my warrior up to 2600 total now attack!'' Yugi shouted destroying his monster and bringing Bakura's life points from 3800 down to 2700.

''And I'm not even finished there because next I will use my Beta warrior to attack your Infinity Dark and taking him out hitting you with another 100 points taking you down more. Now your wide open, go Alpha attack Bakura directly!'' Yugi shouted as Bakura's life points were taking all the way down to a mere 1200 whilst Yugi was still at full. ''I end my tur Bakura'' he said smirking,

''Grr... I draw!'' Bkura growled but as he looked to his hand his face dropped he had absolutely nothing that he could summon his monsters were all ritual and high level monsters meaning that he couldn't just summon them normally and he no longer had anything to tribute. Bakura had lost and he had known that all too well he closed his eyes ''I...surrender you win Yugi moto'' he said Yugi was surprised as was Yami as the battle field disappered. 'I know when I have lost and right now... I've lost... you wnated my ring right? Take it, its yours and your both free to go I must stay here for my existance'' Bkura said throwing the millennium ring to Yugi who caught it.

Yugi didn't need telling twice he grabbed his bag and Yami and opened the portal home, Yami smiled and returned to his body, the life and colour returning to him but it was clear that he was exhausted and so was Yugi. He left the bag with the items at the door and turned the light off crawling into bed with Yami and cuddling into his chest and for the first time ever the two fell asleep curled up in one anothers arms. When the gang all came to check on Yami a few hours later they were all delighted at he sight they saw and decided to leave them to sleep and headed to their own homes for the night.

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