Chapter 14: Nephthys

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Quick note: Nephthys is going to be Isis's half sister that Isis never knew of that is why they look a like but they are not both the same being's Isis is human and Nephthys is a goddess. Also ignore the millennium necklace in the picture.

Atem was frozen where he stood for the first few minutes after being told the news, Yugi was pregnant? As in he was pregnant with his child? This was what he had to try and wrap his head around he had managed to get Yugi pregnant and the child was his, as soon as he had gotten that part straightened out in his head a wide smile spread on his face. Atem grabbed Yugi picking him up by his waist and spinning him in circles laughing and smiling wider than he ever had in his life, Yugi giggled as he gripped Atem's shoulders tightly keeping his balance. When he was finally set down the both of them were slightly dizzy from all the spinning but they were still laughing softly and hugging one another.

''So your not mad or upset?'' Yugi asked looking up to him with a small smile after his laughing had settled, Atem looked down to his little lover and shook his head holding him close to his head and stroking his hair softly,

''There's no way I could ever be mad at you Yugi, after all this child is a part of both of us right? That means we need to work together to raise it and give it the best life that it can possibly have. Plus just the thought of having a child with you, the love of my life I couldn't be happier thank you Yugi for making me the happiest guy alive'' Atem said his crimson eyes shining brightly.

Yugi giggled and looked up to him he moved forwards and cuddled into his lovers chest, "You don't have to thank me Atem after all you did most of the work too" he said nuzzling into him. Atem wrapped his arms around Yugi and walked with him back to the party.

The party continued as normal however just as everyone was starting to really enjoy themselves there was a flash making everyone stop and stare as an unwanted guest appeared. "Well... look at everyone here having a party without me... isn't that just mean?" She said looking around everyone with evil eyes.

"Nephthys...." Atem growled as he looked to her, Yugi started to feel nervous about how the air around them suddenly turned cold at the entrance of the goddess of death. "What are you doing here Nephthys?!" The Pharaoh growled as he stood up glaring at her, he placed Yugi on his throne and stood before him.

"Awe you don't have to get so defensive Pharaoh I only came to wish you safe returns and join in the party.... also remind you of the law placed down by the gods" she said her voice turning icy cold at the last part of her sentence. The room seemed to drop more in temperature making everyone shiver a little from the cold that was starting to build. Nephthys looked behind Atem and smirked dangerously as Yugi who curled up more on the throne trying to stay away from her.

Nephthys eyed the Pharaohs lover with eyes filled with hunger, like a wild animal that was caged with its pray and ready to attack at any second. "And what law might that be!" Atem shouted holding his arm out to keep Yugi safe he wouldn't let him or his child be harmed by the likes of her.

"Oh? It seems after all this time you have forgotten... The law that states anyone who bares the child of the Pharaoh and is not engaged or married to him must be termanated! And as the goddess of death it would be my pleasure to deliver that blow!!" She screamed the sound as terrible as a banshee's. Black magic appeared around the throne, but Atem moved faster grabbing his lover and pushing him out if the way and into the safety of Mahad's arms. This however caused the Pharaoh to be caught by the magic and zaps of energy by mass amounts shot through his body causing him to scream out in overwhelming pain.

Seth, Isis and Mana ran at the goddess their eyes set on freeing their king as Mahad held back Yugi who was screaming for her to let Atem go tears spilling down his face as he begged for him to be free and safe. If that attack was made to kill him and the child... then would Atem have a chance? He had to! He couldn't die!!

Before the priests and apprentice could attack there was a screech and the entire palace was filled with a blinding golden glow. As it faded the outline became clear of who had just come in it was Ra and he was not happy with Nephthys. He screeched again making her step back and tremble a little at her superior, Ra's rays of light stopped the spell as Atem fell to the floor his crown came off his head and tumbled down the stairs rolling until it landed at Yugi's feet.

Ra took the goddess of death away with him set to punish her severely for her actions if injustice against the Pharaoh.

"Atem!!" Yugi screamed pushing out of the magivian's arms and running to his fallen love he pulled Atem's burned and bruised body into his lap crying and shaking him. "Please Atem... please wake up you can't leave me... you can't leave our child! Please!!......Please..... ATEM!!!!!"

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