Part 4

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I sit blushing like a virgin while Yana and a few other pack members hoot and holler while watching a video from last night.

"Oh my God! I wish my mate could move like that." one girl yells and a couple others agree looking at me and giggling.

They had somebody's Iphone hooked up to the TV and I can't believe how wonderful Yana and I looked as we danced around the floor last night.

"What are you guys watching?" Javier asks strutting into the den with a bowl of cereal.

"Sentinel Abalon and Healer Yanamarie's dance last night." one girl pipes up.

"Oh..." he frowns, "When did Abalon and Yana dance last night?" Javier asks looking from me to Yana who looks as if she just about had an aneurysm.

"While you were with Luna." Yana sneers. "Throughout the entire party," she adds.

Everybody goes silent; I glance at Javier but quickly drop my head in shame as I can pick up the barely restrained snickers and chuckles.

"Oh?" Javier drawls dumbly and I feel like I would combust from embarrassment when the murmurs grow. Some right out guffawing at my expense.

"Greetings pack." Alpha says coming into the den with Ivan attached to him like a body part and the Elders following. I didn't know Alpha would be back so soon, but then again with the way Alpha loves Luna it's no surprise he's back as soon as possible.

All of us drop our eyes and give greetings to them. My mortification temporarily disregarded.

"What are we watching?" Alpha asks looking at the TV screen then at me then at Yana.

"I never knew you could dance so well Abalon. You looked stunning also in your outfit." Alpha compliments me and I blush.

Gad! Don't make it look so obvious that you don't get compliments! I scold myself.

"Thank you Alpha." I smile shyly at him and glance at Javier who is staring longingly at the way Ivan is stuck to Alpha.

"You are very fortunate Beta Javier, to have such a talented mate." Alpha says to Javier who takes his forgotten spoon from his mouth and nods dumbly. I highly doubt he even heard a word Alpha said.

Food and beverages are brought into the den for Alpha and the Elders to eat. The lower ranking wolves make themselves scarce and we get caught up on what went on at the conference in Paris and we bring Alpha up to date on what arrangements and so on will be happening with Yana and Jarrell.

When we finished we go out and help in the cleaning up of the yard after the party. I was taking down some balloons when I hear them whispering about me.

"It's the truth! I was right there." one voice whispers fervently.

"Abalon was coming down the stairs and Beta Javier was at the bottom. Beta Javier smiled and poor Abalon thought it was for him." the voice giggles and continues.

"You should have seen the way his face pinched up when Beta Javier complimented and greeted Luna. He looked ready to throw up!" then two voices cackle. I swallow hard.

"I bet you my story is sweeter than yours." the second voice whispered.

"Last night after the party Beta Javier went up to Abalon's room." the voice says conspiratorially.

"You lie." the first whispers angrily.

"No! I speak truth! My room is right next to Abalon's! I swear on my life its truth!"

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