Part 2

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One minute I'm walking beside the most beautiful woman I've ever seen then the next I'm flying off my bed covered in sweat from head to toes. Sun filter through my curtains and soft baby whimpering come from my bed.

Avery lay on his stomach waving about his little limbs and I stare down at him confused as all hell. I could have sworn...

My eyes fly to the calendar and then the clock. Ho-ly shit!

Laughing in incredulity I grab Avery up in a hug and press kisses to the side of his head.

"Daddy is so happy to see you, Baby." I mumble then sniff the air.

"Eww! You pooped!" I playfully accuse the little thing in my arms and proceed to prepare Avery for a bath. I've never been happier to change a number two in my life.

I bathe Avery and myself and feed him his formula before racing out the house to Abalon.

Oh Gods! I don't even know what he must be thinking right now if he's awake. I quickly make my way to his quarters and before I could knock the door rips open with a frantic looking Abalon on the other side on his cell.

The device drops from his hand as my name falls from his lips almost inaudibly.

"Uh, hi?" I don't really know what to say to him right now to be honest.

"Hi? Hi?" Abalon looks at me as if I lost my mind.

Avery coos and reaches for Abalon and I hand him over. Hopefully holding our pup will calm him somewhat.

Abalon just stares at me and I can see him begin to freak out even more. His chest rises and falls rapidly and I can hear how fast his heart is racing in his chest and that's saying something.

Taking Avery from his arms I place the pup in his crib and give him a few toys to play with.

"Abalon?" I call to him gently and he looks up at me with big wet eyes.

"Javier, please tell me I'm not going crazy." He chokes out before the tears come. "I-What is happening?"

I gather him in my arms and he lets me. He holds onto me tightly and buries his face in my neck as his full body sobs wrack him.

Picking him up bridal style I settle us on his bed while he babbles through his tears.

"And you died! You were dead. We performed your cremation ceremony for the Goddess' sake! And she visited me too!" Abalon says his fill and I listen and fill him in on what happened to me in my dream-vision, whatever the hell it was. At least I hope that was the dream and not this. Not waking up alive and holding my son and mate in my arms.

"Do you think I'm dreaming?" Abalon asks so quietly I almost miss it.

"No. It's not. It can't be." I whisper just as softly. I hope to the Gods that this isn't a dream.

We lapse into silence, just holding onto each other with Avery's soft cooing in our background.

"Abalon?" I call to him tenderly. "Where do we go from here?"

The silence is loud.

"Abalon, say something." I beg on a whisper.

There's more silence and then he looks up at me in a way that makes my hairs stand on end from head to toes and my heart rate to increase till I can hear my blood rushing in my ears, my mouth goes dry and I swear my brain short circuited.   


I don't know how I feel about this chapter to be honest. I feel like the start was a bit forced but i worked with what I have cuz I don't know how I lost the original chapter so i built on what I could remember.

Love you cupcakes! ❤ 😍

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