Part 2

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I watch as Abalon takes the last of his bags from the tray of my truck.

"So um... you can collect Avery for his walk in the morning as usual and I can have breakfast for you but you'll have to manage for lunch with the rest of the pack." Abalon says taking Avery from my arms. I'll miss his cooking. I miss him already. I miss them both already.

"Okay." I don't know what else to say.

"Bye baby." I kiss Avery's little cheek and he coos. I smile at him and kiss Abalon's cheek quickly.

"Bye baby." I lope to my truck without looking back.

I go and perform my duties as Beta and then I swing by the pack house for lunch. I smile when I see Abalon and Avery sitting by a table to the far right of the dining room. The set up was that of a high school cafeteria I guess.

"He's got guts to come back to the pack house. I swear he's got balls of steel." I cut a look to the words of the male to my left.

A low growl bubbles up my throat silencing almost everybody as I stalk toward my family. I glare at every wolf my eyes fall on in warning. Abalon is oblivious I think as all of his attention is on our pup.



"How're my babies?" I ask and don't miss the little pink tint to the tips of Abalon's ears.

"Avery's fine. He's got a bit of an appetite today." Abalon says holding Avery's bottle to his lips and I notice his untouched food.

"Let me feed him while you eat then you can burp him while I eat." I say and stand to take Avery in my arms. Abalon smiles gratefully to me and I settle on the seat next to him.

"Thank you." Abalon whispers and I smile at him while he digs into his food.

"Where are you going?" I ask when Abalon stands taking my attention from Avery.

"Just gonna make you a plate before all the food is finished." He says absently and I smile like a kid on Christmas when he goes to the buffet table.

"Thanks." I say when he returns with a plate piled with my favorite foods.

Abalon tilts his lips and goes back to his food. I watch as he eats and man it's such a seductive action. The way the fork goes into his mouth and his lips rest on the metal. Pink and plump. Just kissable. Absolutely kissable. His tongue flicks out every now and then to lick them and I do all I can to tamp down on my arousal and mating scent.

The way he pushes his stray strands of hair that tickles his cheek behind his ear is just adorable when he looks at me while doing it.

Avery finishes his formula and Abalon notices. "It's okay. Finish your food." I tell him softly and he tilts his head at me with a frown for a second and then he shrugs. Avery burps loudly and Abalon looks at the little pup in wonder. Me, well I couldn't help the booming laugh at Avery's surprised little face as if he can't believe the sound that he made.

Abalon chuckles and finishes up his food. I hand Avery over to him and dig into my plate. I eat and watch Abalon play with Avery and talk with him until I clean my plate.


"Hmm?" Abalon hums and looks away from Avery to me.

"Go on a date with me tomorrow?" I ask and both our heads snap to the other tables as loud clangs were heard. Fuck, every body's attention was on us like we were the next installment of Fifty Shades of Abalon and Javier. Hey, that didn't sound too bad. Maybe if we got shipped we could go by Abier? Maybe Javalon?

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