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Bexley's POV

My name is Bexley Zor-El. Twenty-four years ago my planet, Krypton, was in serious peril. My cousin , Kal-El, was sent to a planet called Earth for his own safety and protection. You may know his story. They story you don't know is that my sister Kara and I were sent to protect him.

"Your pod's coordinates are interlocked with Kal-El's. You will follow him to Earth," our father said.

"We're not afraid, Father," Kara had answered before I could. She didn't know that I was terrified. 

"The trip is long but you'll sleep most of the way and we'll be with you in your dreams. You'll journey to Earth to look after your baby cousin, Kal-El. Because of the Earth's yellow sun, you'll have great powers on this planet. You will do extraordinary things," our mother said.

"We won't fail Kal-El or you," I told her in a sad tone and tears running down my face along with Kara's.

"I love you, Kara and Bexley," she replies after kissing our foreheads. As we go to get into our pod there's a rumbling explosion. "You must go, now," she tells us. Kara runs back to give her a hug while I give my dad a hug. "Go!" she whisper yells at us.

Things didn't exactly go according to my mother's plan. Krypton's destruction sent a shock wave that knocked our pod off course and into the Phantom Zone. A region in space where time doesn't pass. We slept there for 24 years until somehow we got here.

When we arrived, we were still 13-year-old girls. But in that same time our cousin Kal-El had grown up and revealed himself to your world as Superman. The most powerful man in the universe.

My cousin wanted us to have the same safe human-type childhood he did. So he placed us with our adoptive family, the Danvers. Scientists who once helped him understand his own super abilities.

"I know I'm not your mom, sweethearts. But you're safe here," Mrs. Danvers had said to us.

They had a daughter, Alex. And despite being born on different planets, we both shared one thing. We knew our lives would never be the same again. My cousin, he didn't need our protection. We didn't have a mission anymore. But even though we had all the same powers he did we decided it was better for us to stay hidden from the public.

My sister Kara works at CatCo Worldwide Media. An online and print empire built by her boss, Cat Grant. The most powerful woman in National City.

I, however, work as a free-lance writer, using my own blog and occasionally talking Cat Grant into publishing one of my articles. I tend to do photography a lot, too. I was almost as good as some of the best photo journalist in National City.

Today I had to speak to Mrs. Grant about something so I went into her building to see if I could talk to her.

"Bexley! How's it been?" Winn Schott asks as soon as he see me.

I had my satchel on my shoulder so I switched it to the other and adjusted my geeky glasses I wore. They had no prescription in them, they just helped me look somewhat normal.

"Winn! It's good to see you. Have you seen Kara today?" I ask after flattening my plaid flannel.

"Yeah, I think she just went down to get layouts I believe," he begins. "Why? Is there some twin stuff I don't know about?"

"No, I just haven't seen her lately. I've been super busy. Anyways, I need to talk to Mrs. Grant now. See ya!"

I walk over to Mrs. Grants door and see her look up at me from her desk.

"Bexley Danvers, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Mrs. Grant asks after standing up and beckoning me inside.

The thing about Kara and I is that she dresses like a complete nerd and I dress completely different. So it was always easy to tell us apart.

"I have some photo's for you," I reply while putting on a beaming smile.

"I'm sure they're as good as always. Please come sit."

"I'm afraid I only have time to show you these photos and leave, Mrs. Grant. I don't even think I'll have time to talk to Kara."

"Oh, well. Another time then. What are the photo's of?"

"Well, you know there was that shooting last week at that school, I have photo's of that. There was a few shots of firemen going into the burning down apartment building on the bad side of town, and some others. Pick and choose as you may."

I laugh slightly as I hear Kara in the elevator. Mind you the elevator is about thirty or so feet from me right now, so I used my super hearing.

"Thank you for the photos. Go do what ever is important to you."

"Goodbye for now Mrs. Grant."

She waves bye to me and I hear the elevator ding at this floor meaning that Kara hadn't came in yet. The truth is, Kara hadn't seen me since we graduated high school, which was over four years ago.

I talked to Winn of course. We'd only met when we ran into each other at a bar and he thought I was Kara. I had told him to not tell Kara about me or even mention me to her at all and surprisingly he kept the secret.

I walk out into the area near the elevator and wait for Kara to step out of it. And when she does its a priceless look. Complete and utter shock of seeing me after so long.

"Bex? Is it really you?" she asks running over to me.

"Do I look like you?" I ask after releasing her from a tight hug.

"Yes! Why haven't you called?"

"I lost your number little sis. But hey, I'm here to stay. You think I could crash at your house until my condo is finished?"

"Yeah. . . I mean, of course. Let me take off work to catch up with you."

By now we had already walked back to her desk near Cat's office. Winn had waved at us but we ignored it for the time being.

"Kerah!" Mrs. Grant yells.

"Duty calls, Kar," I say while laughing.

I walk in Mrs. Grants office after Kara. "Kerah, I need you to tell that tech guy to come fix this. It's not working," Cat orders.

"Right on it Mrs. Grant," Kara replies with her voice becoming less confident.

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