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Bexley's POV

The day after Alex's scolding on us using our powers in public we started hanging out with Winn more and using him to find crime to fight.  Our "super suits" were completely different however, her's matched closer to Superman's, our cousin, while mine was solid black with blue and gold-like yellow for the S.  Kara is Supergirl and I'm Superforce.

Clark, also known as Kal-El had sent us capes to go with our suits with mine being black and Kara's being red.  Even if our outfits were the same color we'd still look different. Her's had a skirt while mine had no skirt.  I can't stand skirts.   I'll be dead before I wear a skirt or dress.

Kara and I are a part of the DEO now and we help stop the up-to-no-good aliens from doing no good.  A while ago, a pod - like the one Kara and I came to Earth in - crashed in National City so we took the man to the DEO.

"Where are we?" Kara asks looking around after J'onn, her and I landed on a balcony.

Upon walking in J'onn replies, "The Department of Extra-Normal Operations."

"Wait! Wait, wait, wait.  This has always been here?  With the glass and the views and and you made us fly to that cave every day!" I shout in aggravation.

"DEO has several facilities, Bex," J'onn states back to me.

"A bat bit me in the last one," Kara and I both reply.

"Whiners," J'onn retorts.

"Hey, guys," Alex says after seeing us.

"You knew about this place, too?" Kara asks.

"Yeah, it's like a block from my apartment.   It's kind of like the old place.  Maybe better," Alex replies.

"Wait! So that means it like a block and a half from my condo right?" I ask just realizing that.

Alex nods in reply and I just shake my head. "Well, where's the man who fell to Earth?" Kara asks.

We walk towards the med bay.   "J'onn, is there anyone here who can get me a salad or do I have to go get one myself?" I ask.

"Go get one yourself," J'onn says kind of angrily.

"Okay, okay," I reply while walking away towards the door.

I fly to Noonans and get me a salad after changing in the alleyway into civilian clothes.

"My regular please?" I say after I've sat down.

"Coming right up Bexley," the waiter replies.

A minute later he walks back to me with my salad in a to-go box.

"It'll be five sixty-seven," he replies.

"Here," I reply handing him my money. "Thanks for the great salads."

I walk out and feel my phone buzz in my pocket.   I pull it out and see that I have a text message from Kara that says, "Hey, can you meet me at my apartment?"

I reply a quick, "Sure," and begin my walk there not even bothering to eat my salad until I get there.  She wasn't there when I got there and the door was locked so I did what any person trying to get in does and I pick the lock with a bobby pin.

After successfully doing that I walk inside, lock the door again and sit at the island eating my salad and scrolling through Twitter and Instagram.   Kara walks in about thirty minutes after I had got inside and gasps when she sees me.

"The windows are locked and the door was locked.  How did you get in?" she asks.

"Never mind that, what did you need sis?" I ask changing the subject.

"Outfit for my date tonight with James.  Help," she begs.

"Okay, but you owe me like seven salads from Noonans," I note.

"Deal," she agrees.

I get up and walk over to her makeshift closet and pull out a cute peach dress for her while she gets in the shower.

"I'm out! Have fun on your date!" I shout before I walk out of the door.

I pull out my phone and call Alex.

She answers with, "Hello."

"Alex, I need to talk to you. Can I come by yours?" I ask.

"Yeah, anything you need sis?"

"Other than salad, no.  Just be fully awake because this is important."

"Okay, see you when you get here."

She hangs up the phone so I make my way to her apartment.  Soon enough I get there within about ten minutes.  After knocking on the door and her opening it for me to let me in I go and sit at her island.

"Whats so important sis?" she asks after handing me a salad.

"Well first thanks for the salad.   I still have yet to grasp why I like it so much, and second you might want to sit down for what I'm going to say," I say.

"Okay, so its that type of important.  You're not pregnant are you?" she asks half jokingly and takes a seat next to me.

"Oh god no.  That's not possible for me. . . Well it is. . . but it isn't. . . It's hard to explain."

"This must be serious then."

"Why do you say that?  I mean it is but why do you think that?"

"Because your left eyebrow twitches when your nervous and you twiddle your thumbs when you have something on your mind. I've only ever seen you do both once and that was when you said that you didn't want to go to prom."

"Yeah, prom. . . worst day ever.  Okay, so you got me, it's really serious."

"Quit stalling."

"Alright, alright.   AlexIdon'tknowhowtosaythisbutI'malesbian."

"What? Say it again but slower."

"I said I'm a lesbian." I look down at my hands not wanting to see her reaction.

"Whoa.  Huh, so that explains you never dating anyone at all during school."

"Yeah, I didn't want to go to prom because the girl I liked was going with someone else. You remember that girl couple at prom? The brunette was the one I liked.  Wait!  So you're okay with this?"

"Yeah, completely.  When are you gonna tell anyone else?"

"When I die. No, I'm kidding. When it gets to the point where anytime I'm around someone I like I start to literally scream gay without saying anything at all."

"And who do you like?"

"As of now, no one because I'm an inside bug that doesn't pay attention to people."


I give her a hug. "Thanks for not freaking out."

After a while of her sitting there watching me eat the salad we decide to go to the DEO to watch the launch of the Venture.

Soon enough, because nothing good ever happens in this world it has an engine failure and I go to save it with Kara knowing that she'd go to help and end up helping her and soon our cousin shows up and successfully stop it in a field.

"We've never saved anything together!" Kara and I both shout excitedly at Clark.

"I know," he beams at the two of us.

"I've had dreams of this moment. The three of us teaming up," Kara states.

Clark chuckles, "Me, too."

We then notice some people on the road we were standing on gasping at us.

"We usually say hi," I giggle.

"Me too," Clark responds.

A girl shouts excitedly, "Way to go Superforce and Supergirl!"

A guy standing next to her says, "That's Superman."

"We used to change his diapers," Kara tells them.

They all gasp, "No way!"

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