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Bexley's POV

"Look guys I'm back, anyone got a salad?" I say upon entering the DEO in front of my cousin and sister.

"Hey, everybody.  We're back.  Listen up.  Everyone this is our cousin, Sup - I guess you already know," Kara starts.

Someone walks up to me with a salad. "Thank god someone heard me about the salad," I say mildly excited.

After Clark and Kara examined the man that we believe is Kryptonian they left and went to Catco while I stayed here and ate salad.

"Alex," I say once I see her come into the room that I was sitting in.

"Yes, Bex?" she asks.

"Can you tell me what the chemical compound of salad is? It might help me explain why I like it so much."

"Energy. It gives you energy even if you don't need it. It explain's why you eat it after doing any walking or saving the day."


"Would I lie to you?"

"I'd like to say no, but even you don't believe that."

"Ha ha, very funny. Don't you have a day to be saving or something?"

"Right now?" I ask and feel my phone vibrate.  I open it up and look at the screen seeing a message from Kara saying to meet her and Clark at the Luthor corp. "I have a Luthor to investigate.  Can you like, make sure I have another salad when I get back?"

"Yeah, you know I knew about the Luthor corp right?"

"Yeah, Kara said you said something about it.   Anyways, see ya later."

I walk out of the room and to the balcony and fly to an alleyway near the Luthor corp.  I change and walk towards the front of the building to meet up with Kara and Clark.

A few minutes later we're walking into Lena Luthor's office to her saying, "There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for why I wasn't aboard the Venture yesterday."

Clark replies dryly, "Well, that's why we're here."

Lena continues, "There was an emergency regarding the planning for a ceremony I'm holding tomorrow. I'm renaming my family's company, and I had to cancel."

Clark sarcastically says, "Ah, lucky."

Lena retorts, "Lucky is Superman saving the day."

Clark states, "Not something one expects a Luthor to say."

Kara finally finds her voice saying, "And Supergirl was there, too along with Superforce."

Lena asks, "And who are you exactly?"

Kara replies, while I continue to look at the vastness of this office, "I'm Kara Danvers."

"What about you back there?" Lena asks me.

I turn around looking at her again, but I can't find my voice so I say nothing.

"That's my twin, Bexley.  She's normally really outspoken I don't know what's going on with her," Kara answers.

I mumble something that even I don't know what I said. Kara shoots me a look that says, "get your crap together".

"Anyways, I'm not with the Daily Planet. I'm with Catco magazine. Sort of. Bexley is also with Catco."

I nod my head in agreement even though I don't officially work there I'm just there a lot.

"It's a publication not known for its hard-hitting journalism. More like 'High-waisted Jeans, Yes or No?'" Lena states.

"We're just tagging along today," Kara says.

"Right. Right. Can we just speed this interview along? Just ask me what you want to ask, Mr. Kent. Did I have anything to do with the Venture explosion?" Lena states.

"Did you?" Clark asks suspiciously.

"You wouldn't be asking me if my last name was Smith," Lena says after looking up from her papers on her desk.

"Ah, but it's not. It's Luthor," Clark says in a rude tone.

It's getting on my nerves, but I can't do anything about it because I have been rendered speechless.

"Some steel under that Kansas wheat. It wasn't always. I was adopted when I was four. And the person who made me feel most welcome in the family was Lex. He made me proud to be a Luthor. And then he went on his reign of terror in Metropolis. Declared war on Superman. Committed unspeakable crimes. When Superman put Lex in jail, I vowed to take back my family's company. To rename it L-Corp. Make it a force for good. I'm just a woman trying to make a name for herself outside of her family. Can you understand that?" Lena asks.

I was now fully perked up to the conversation and was standing next to Kara.

"Yeah," I say.

"I know why you're here. Because a subsidiary of my company made the part that exploded on the Venture. This drive contains all the information we have on the oscillator. I hope it helps you in your investigation," Lena says and gets up to grab a flash drive from a flash drive container.

"Thank you," Clark says.

"Give me a chance, Mr. Kent. I'm here for a fresh start. Let me have one," Lena says in an asking tone.

"Good day, Ms. Luthor," Clark says and starts to walk away.

"Good day," Kara adds.

I stay put while they walk out, not even noticing that I was still there.

"So you do speak?" Lena asks me while sitting back down.

"Yeah, I do," I reply.

"Are you going to question me more like them?" she asks me.

"No, they see a potentially evil person in you. I see a girl trying to be a better person," I say.

"Why is it that you see differently?"

"Well, you could put it one way and say that I don't agree with them. Or you could put it another way with me saying that I have a gut feeling about you. But either way you put it they're both true."

"Well thank you. I'm sure your sister needs you so you better get going."

"Okay, also I'm sorry about Clark's attitude he's a jackass."

I walk out into the street and just breath in the fresh air. I know why I couldn't speak. At least I think I know why. I think I like Lena Luthor, but it may possibly be way too soon to know anything for sure.

About an hour or so after just walking around I hear someone say into my com that Lena Luthor was the target of the explosion of the Venture so I listen with my super hearing for her voice and find it going into a helicopter. I jog myself into an alleyway changing as I did so so I could fly and save her.

After arriving there I see three drones all about to shoot at the Helicopter and as if right on time Clark and Kara show up too and jump in front of two of them while I get the one in the center.

One of the drones speaks saying, "I thought you three might show up."

Clark says to it, "You know, if you were expecting us to show up, you really should've brought something a little more powerful."

It says again, "I did. I brought my wits. I have drones planted throughout the city, targeting civilian populations as we speak. Your choice, aliens. Innocent civilians or the chopper?"

"Go! I got the chopper!" I yell at Kara and Clark.

They nod and fly off leaving me with the three drones. Quickly I take two of them out with my heat vision losing track of the third one.

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