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Bexley's POV

"Mrs. Grant, can I ask a huge favor of you?" I ask after Kara had walked to get Winn.

"What is this favor?" she asks after spinning around in her chair to face me.

"Can you let Kara off for the rest of the day so I can catch up with her?" I ask in a pleading tone.

"What's in it for me?"

"The satisfactory benefits of helping twins who haven't seen each other in over four years?"

"Yeah, she can have the day off. Just don't let it go to waste, Bexley."

"I won't Mrs. Grant. Thank you."

I walk out of her office and see Kara already grabbing her bag and Winn passing me going into Mrs. Grant's office.

"Ready to go binge some TV?" I ask nudging her.

"Yeah, lets go," she replies while leading me out of the office area and to the elevators.

About ten minutes later Kara and I make it to her apartment. I send her to her "room" to change into something more comfortable while I started the TV. I hear a knocking on the door so I use my x-ray vision to see who it is and I see that it's Alex.

I quickly run and open it revealing a stressed looking Alex Danvers. "Either you're a Kara with a different sense of fashion or you're Bexley."

"I opt for the second one being that I am the second one," I reply before giving her a hug.

"Bex! Who was at the door? Oh wait I could just use my x-ray vision. . . Alex!" Kara yells while running out of her "room."

"Hey, Kara," Alex replies after hugging her.

"So, Alex what brings you by? Because I know absolutely nothing about my sisters anymore," I ask.

"I have a conference in Geneva and I need to be on a plane in 2 hours," Alex states.

"And I have a blind date in half an hour and I need you to help me pick out what to wear," Kara adds. "I win."

"Why do you do this to me?" Alex breathes.

"Because I'm your sister and you love me," Kara replies.

"I'm assuming I have to help, or can I sit here and eat my salad?" I ask.

"Eat your salad," they both say.

After a minute or two of Alex being in Kara's room picking out outfits Kara starts talking again.

"I don't know, I feel like I'm not living up to my potential. I went to work for Cat Grant because I thought working in a media company run by a powerful woman who actually shapes the way people think would be the way that I could make a difference. But, instead, I just fetch layouts and coffee," Kara rants.

"You always wanted to be normal, right? So, having a crappy boss and absolutely nothing to wear - This is what normal looks like," Alex explains

"But we're not normal," I state.

"We have the same powers he does," Kara adds.

"We can lift a bus," I begin.

"Stop a bullet. . . Alex we can fly. . . Well at least I think we can. I haven't tried in years what about you, Bex?"

I nod my head causing Alex to chuckle. She says, "Kara, you've got a good job, you're both cute, and thanks to both of your alien DNA - you can't get pimples. But, if you really wanna help somebody, you'll pick between one of these two, so I can get on my plane." Alex was now holding up a pink cardigan thing and a blue cardigan thing.

After pointing to the blue one Kara mutters, "Yep."

"Good choice. When in doubt, go with blue, it is your color. All right. Text me every detail from your date and I will call you when I'm back from Geneva. And you, you better start coming around more often."

"Yes, ma'am," I reply saluting to her.

"I love you guys," Alex says and gives us a hug.

Each of us mutter a, "Love you." When we hug her.

About as soon as Alex leaves Kara leaves too for her date. I decided to just sit around here for a while and watch the news.

I almost fell asleep when I heard the news reporter say, "If you're just joining us, shortly after take-off, National City Airlines, Flight 237 bound for Geneva, is experiencing some loss of altitude. The pilot seems to be circling the city after apparent engine failure."

Geneva? Where did I hear that before? Geneva. Geneva. Geneva. "Alex!" I scream.

I jump off of the couch and make a beeline for the open window and jump for it hoping that all of my practice hasn't failed me.

I end up meeting with Kara while trying to save the plane. Successfully we make it land safely into the water being as there was no other place to land it. After getting sunk under water and swimming out onto the plane wing I figure out that Kara is on the other side while I'm on this side.

Soon after seeing her fly away I do the same flying back in the same way I went out.

The news was still on when we got back so I continued to watch it after changing.

"The passengers of Flight 237 appear to have guardian angels. When, what many report to be two female flying forms," Kara starts squealing. "rescued them from certain death. Leyna Nguyen is live at the scene," the male reporter said.

"Thank you, Rick. Guardian angels or human wrecking balls?" the lady reporter starts.

"What?" I shout.

"There is destruction all over Otto Binder Bridge. And one," She states with Kara interrupting her.

"Well, you try saving a plane for the first time. See if you don't make a mess," Kara lightly growls.

Unbeknownst to us, Alex came in and she sighed after pausing the TV, "Oh my god."

Kara sequels and giggles an, "I know!" and hugs Alex making bones crack and saying, "It's incredible."

"Ow," Alex mutters out. By now I had gotten up and got me another salad because super-heroing makes me hungry.

"Oh, sorry. That was. . . That was too hard. I'm just. . . I'm so excited. I still can't believe we did it," Kara pants out.

"Yeah, neither can I. Are you guys okay?" Alex pants back.

"Us? Are we okay? Are you okay?" I ask now butting myself back into this conversation with my fresh bowl of salad.

"Yes, thank you," Alex breaths.

"Were you scared? I mean, I was scared too, but you, you had to be terrified. Because you had no idea we were coming to save you," Kara says without hardly any breath.

"I need a drink," Alex breaths while walking back towards the mini kitchen.

"I need more food," I mutter with it going unnoticed.

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