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Lena's POV

I don't know who that man was that kissed me, but he kissed me and I instantly regretted it. I couldn't do that to Bexley. Not after rushing out on her this morning. Speaking of Bexley, where is she? I haven't seen her in almost a week now and I know that Alex told me to stay away from them and all of that, but I felt terrible.

So currently I'm trying to get into contact with someone who knows Bex that won't tell the others that I'm trying to talk to her. So going through my resources, I find an old tech guy from CatCo who knew both Bexley and Kara, Winn Schott.

Isn't that the guy that Bexley brought with her to Noonan's that one time? I quickly dial the number that I have on file and he answers almost immediately.

"Hello? Who is this?" he asks.

"Winn Schott, correct? It's Lena Luthor, I need to speak with you. It's urgent," I say smoothly.

"Miss Luthor?" he seems shocked. "Where can I meet you?"

"I was hoping you knew somewhere where no one could hear us? It's urgent and a secret."

"Yes, of course. I'll send you an address."

"Thank you."

We hang up and soon enough I'm sent an address to which I head to as fast as possible.

When I finally made it to the address I saw Winn standing outside waiting for me.  He eventually saw me and pulled me inside with him to this safe room.

"What is it you needed to tell me?" he immediately asked.

"I didn't want to give up my relationship with Bexley.  I was forced out of it.  Mother threatened to torture Bexley if I didn't end it with her to be with him.  That guy that she saw me with is someone that my mother has arranged for me.  I don't love him.  I actually hate him.  I hate him because he's not Bexley.  I love Bexley.  Please just help me get word to her and don't tell anyone unless you know nobody can hear you.  My mother has eyes and ears everywhere," I spoke almost crying about the part with Bexley.

"I understand.  Thank you for telling me.  I'll get this message to her as soon as possible."

Bexley's POV

"Oh my god Sara!" I groaned as she beat me in pool again.  "You're an asshole."

"I'm an asshole?  You literally won every other game but this one.  I think you're the asshole," she laughed back at me.

"Whatever," I scoff throwing my hands up in the air.  "I quit."

"Ah ah ah, Danvers.  You can't quit now.  Not when I still haven't got my kiss for beating you!"

"Whatever," I scoffed again and leaned down slightly to kiss her on the forehead.

She pushed me backwards slightly with a grin playing on her lips.  I chuckled lightly at her as Barry, Cisco and Oli walked into the room.

"Yo, Bexley.  You need to go back home.  Winn said it's urgent.  You'll be fine kiddo," Oliver told me.

"Alright.  I guess I'll see you guys later?" I laughed slightly as I walked through the portal to send me back home.

I landed directly into the DEO with the same outfit I was wearing before on.

As soon as I appeared Alex ran over to me and latched herself onto me.  "Bexley!  We missed you!" she shouted.

I immediately was tackled to the ground by Kara in what to a human would be a bone crushing hug.

"Alright, Kar.  I'm here.  I love you too, please let me go now before I get irritated," I grumbled from beneath her.

"Right, right.  Sorry, Bex.  I just missed you so much," she stammered with a few tears slipping out of her eyes.

Out of no where Winn appears and motions for me to follow him.  Pushing Kara off of me I follow him into one of the special "no outside hearing" rooms.  

Once inside he closed the door and shoved his hands into his pockets then continued to rock on his heels and stare at the ground.

"Winn," I snap my fingers in front of him, "what was it that you needed to tell me so badly?"

"So.  Uhmm.  Lena actually really, really loves you.  She came to me and said that the guy that you saw her with is someone that her mother pushed into her life forcing you out.  She said that if she didn't tell you what she did that her mom would torture you.  I know that you really don't want to talk about her or even believe me when I tell you this but I believe her.  I know that a part of you believes her too.  So what are you going to do about it?" he asked finally.

I thought about it.  I really didn't believe him.  But he was right.  I part of me did believe him.  I part of me wanted to be able to just forget about her completely but the other part of me still loved her.  As much as I tried to move on, back with Sara, I just couldn't and now thinking about all of the unholy things that her and I did, I feel really guilty about it.  I shouldn't have done that to Lena, whether she loves me or not.

I know what I'm going to do.  There's no way I can't say this to Winn.  I'd feel bad if I said something that disappointed him.

"Bexley?" Winn questioned.  "What is your answer?"

"I. . ." I started. "I'm gonna save my girl."

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