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Alex's POV

I'm absolutely furious with Lena Luthor right now.  Who does she think she is hurting my sister like that?  You can guarantee that she's gonna get a piece of my mind and maybe even a piece of my pistol.

I knew that Bexley liked her a lot and I know now that Bexley meant nothing to Lena and that broke her heart.  I'm ready to break her face a little now.

I storm into L-Corp with Lena's assistant running behind me saying, "Ma'am.  I need an ID."

I ignore her completely and continue my way into Lena's office where I find her leaning over her desk looking at papers.

"Luthor!  What the hell is wrong with you?" I shout.

"What are you talking about?  Jess why did you let her come in here?  I specifically said no visitors,"  Lena says now standing.

"I'm sorry Ma'am.  She just stormed past me.  I can call security," her assistant stammers.

"You call security and you'll be picking them up off of the floor.  Now answer my damn question," I shout.

"Jess, don't call security.  I can handle this on my own.  Go back to your desk."

"Yes, ma'am," Jess says while rushing out and closing the doors behind her.

I storm towards Lena and wrap my hand around her throat pushing her up against the wall.

"What.  The.  Hell.  Is.  Wrong.  With.  You." I say with my grip around her throat getting tighter and tighter with every word.

She grasps at my hand and I finally let her go put keep her pinned against the wall.

"What do you mean?  I don't know what I did."

"You don't know what you did?  You broke Bexley's heart!  That's what you did!  Tell me Lena, who was that man that you had your lips locked with earlier?  Hmm?" I growl.

"She saw that?"

I punch her in the gut.  "Yeah she saw that, asshole.  She came to surprise you and when she came up she saw that.  You're disgusting, Luthor.  If you even think about coming near my sister or any of my friends or family again you can bet your bottom dollar you won't have a heart to beat anymore.  You hear me Luthor?" I shout the last part.

"I won't I promise.  But at least let me explain myself to Bexley.  It's the least I could do.  I'm a terrible person and I'm sorry," she gasps out.

"No, you're going to tell me and I'll tell her.  You're not to speak to her ever again.  Now speak or you'll never get your chance."

"Okay, okay.  That man was an ex of mine.  It turns out that Bexley wasn't the one for me.  I thought I liked her, but I guess I didn't.  I think it was just a rebound for me.  I like her as a friend nothing more.  She can't be anything more.  I'm sorry," she states with the upmost sincerity in her voice and eyes.

"Bitch," I mutter before punching her in the face and walking back to Kara's apartment.

Upon arrival I can hear a fight going on in Kara's house so I open the door to find Maggie and Kara sitting on top of Bexley trying to keep her calm.

"What did she say?" Maggie asks with sweat running down her face.

"Well, she said that the man was an ex of hers and being with Bex was just a rebound, but she thought that she really did love Bex.  She said that they can only be friends nothing more, but I'm not gonna allow you to see her at all anymore.  If she can't realize that Bexley is a perfect girlfriend then she doesn't deserve a friendship.  There's no changing my mind, Bex," I say.

"Y'all are lucky I haven't ate any food since Winn came by earlier because if I had you two would be on the floor crying and I'd be somewhere deep in the ocean.  No offense Maggie."

"None taken.  I know how it feels kid.  Now are you ready to stop fighting us?"

"Yes.  Kara?" Bexley asks.

"Yeah?" Kara responds.

"Do you still have that portal thing Cisco made?" Bexley asks.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because I think spending some time with all of them will help me get over Lena.  Can I have it please?" Bex asks.

"Yeah.  You should say goodbye to Winn and J'onn?"

"They'll figure it out eventually and I don't feel like dealing with everyone's pity.  Just open the portal please."

"Alright.  Be safe sis," Kara says after getting up off of Bexley.

"Yeah, be safe," Maggie and I say.

Bexley's POV

I jump through the portal and land in the middle of star labs.  No one is in this room currently, but I can hear everyone in a different hallway.  By everyone, I mean everyone.  From Felicity to Barry himself.

Cisco is the first one to walk into the room and he screams when he sees me.

I laugh at him which causes everyone else to laugh.  "Hey, guys," I say.

"Bexley!" Iris yells while running towards me to hug me.

"What brings you here to our earth," Barry asks.

"Feelings.  But besides the point, I need some food I haven't ate in like five hours," I laugh.

"I can take you for some food.  We never got to fully talk last time we saw each other," Sara Lance says while emerging from the back of the small group.

"Sure, let's go get some food.  I'd like to get to know you better.  All I know now is that your name is Sara Lance and that you're a fucking bad ass," I smirk.

"Thanks," Sara says while leading me away from that room.

I hear Oliver and Barry say to each other, "They totally have a thing for each other."

"I heard that!  And its true for me!" I shout towards them.

I giggle as I hear them mutter, "shit."

"Okay, what did they say?" Sara asks.

"They said some confidential information.  Tell me, Sara, do you have a thing for me?" I ask not really expecting an answer.

"With the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Kinda, yeah."

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