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Bexley's POV  

"Get it together Bex, get it together.  You're going to do fine you just have to find the perfect outfit and you'll be good," I mutter to myself

I still have two hours until Lena is going to pick me up but I literally have no clue what to wear.  I just landed at my apartment though meaning that I left the DEO literally a few moments ago.

My phone rings.  Almost automatically I know that it is Kara by the dorky ringtone she chose for herself one day.  Looking at the ID, I confirm my thoughts on it being Kara.

"Hello, sis," I say while trying not to sound stressed.

"Hey, Bex, where are you?" she asks.

"Home; trying to figure out what I'm going to wear tonight," I reply with a slight chuckle at the end.

That was the full truth, but I regret telling her because now she's gonna come over and possibly bring Mon-el, more like Mon-ew.  I don't know what it is about him, but I just don't like him and it's not because he's a Daxamite.  I just don't trust him and he seems like a total douche.

"Do you mind if Alex, Mon-el, and I stop by?" she asks with hopefulness in her voice.

"Uhm. . . You and Alex can stop by but not Mon-el because he probably wouldn't help with this situation," I lie.  It's not a complete lie he'd probably just piss me off enough to make me knock him out.  I have been known to be stronger than Kal - I mean - Clark and Kara combined.

"Right. . . Alex and I will be there soon.  Love you!"

"Love you too."

I hang up and wait for Alex and Kara with my head in my hands while sitting at my kitchen bar.  A few minutes later I hear a knock at my door so I use my x-ray vision to see that it is Kara and Alex.

"It's unlocked!" I yell from my position because in truth I refuse to get up.

"Bexley why aren't you even trying to find something to wear?" Alex asks me after entering before Kara.

"Uh because I know that I don't have anything that is even relatively semi-formal.  It's formal, Superforce, or casual. There is no in between!" I shout the last part to put emphasis on it.

"Kara go see if you can find a dress for Bex.  Maybe a black one with lace on the arms?" Alex asks her.

I nod and Kara leaves only returning a few moments later with a dress in hand not even giving Alex and I time to speak.

"Will this one do?" Kara asks.

"I think so, now just to do my hair and make up.  God why did I agree to this?" I ask, mumbling the last part.

I stand up from my chair and walk into my bathroom after grabbing the dress from Kara.  Quickly, I change into it and walked back to where Alex and Kara were.

"So?" I ask dragging out the word.

"Yes!" Kara squeals.

"Okay, hair.  What do you want done with your long ass hair?" Alex asks.

"Well," I begin while pulling it out of the messy bun I had put it in earlier, "I was thinking we could just fix it where it looked neater but leave it in the waves?"

"So like style it without messing up the waves?" Kara asks.

I nod my head.

"Okay, sit down right here and we'll do your hair and make up," Alex says.

I do as told, sitting back down where I was earlier before they came.  I sat there for a full hour and ten minutes letting them fix my hair and make up.  I feel like that aunt that want's to be the favorite of her nieces and in this case Alex and Kara are my nieces and I'm the aunt.

"Alright, done.  How long until your date?" Alex asks after cleaning up all of my make up.

I pull my phone out of my small purse and look at the time.  6:40 P.M. 

"Shit!" I scream dragging out the word.  "Leave now! She'll be here any minute.  Thank you guys so much for the help."

I had already texted Lena my address since she was going to be picking me up tonight, luckily.

"You're welcome.  Love you!  Have fun, don't let the Luthor hurt you," Alex says while pushing Kara out the door.

I run to my room and grab my shoes which happened to be my black flats with bows on the back of them.

I feel my phone vibrate in my purse so I look at it and it's a text from Lena.


Hey, are you ready to go?


Yeah.  You ready to be amazed?


We'll see.  I'm almost at your door so be ready.



I hear a knock at my door so I walk to it after x-raying it to make sure it was Lena and not anyone else.

"Lena, I'm glad you didn't get lost on your way here," I say as I open the door.

"I'm blown away by your look.  You look amazing.  Shall we?" she asks causing me to blush, luckily she couldn't see it through all of my make up.

"Yep," I say with too much enthusiasm.  Oh well, it's too late now.

She holds her arm out for me to link my arm with so I do.  We end up walking down to the elevator and all the way to the bottom floor until she disconnected us.

When we get to the car that she had drove to pick me up in, she opens the door for me and shuts it after I'm fully inside and walks over to the drivers side and gets in herself.

"So, where we going, Lena?" I ask.

"To a semi-formal restaurant, then where ever you'd like to go after that," she states, keeping her eyes on the road.

We drive for a good five minutes with the traffic until we pull into a parking lot with a lot of other fancy like cars.  I start to get out after she parks but she stops me, gets out and opens the door for me.

"Ready, beautiful?" she asks after linking arms with me now.

"Yep," I say while nodding.

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