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Bexley's POV

"Take her and kill Lena," the guy said while two other guys came towards me.

"If you hurt her you will regret it for the rest of your life, I swear on Rao."

The next thing I knew I was being dragged out of Lena's office through the balcony window after they smashed my ear piece.

That's what I knew now, and that's all I'll know until someone talks to me.  Right now, I'm in a secluded room with bars around me that I can't bend or burn with my heat vision.  I can't see around past the room's walls because they're lined with lead.

I don't know how long I've been in here or how long I'll be in here, but it's getting lonely and I'm not a people person.

All of a sudden I heard a door click open and a lady walks in.

"Ahh, Bexley Danvers.  Glad you're awake.  I have someone here who would like to meet you, though she only knows you by your alter ego's and not that you're both."

Before I'm even given a chance to say anything Lena is pushed inside the room and glaring at the lady standing in front of me.

"What is this about, mother?  Why do you have Superforce trapped in here like an animal?" Lena asks.

"I wanted you to see what a monster she is.  Expose her now!"  the lady, Lena's mother, shouts at some people then all of a sudden a red looking gas is polluting the air that I'm breathing and I go blank.

Lena's POV

I saw Superforce's eyes go dark and filled with hatred.

"What did you do to her?" I shout trying to get near her only for her to swing at me.

"See!  She's a monster and needs to be put down along with the rest of the aliens.  She'll hurt you along with everyone else on the planet like she did to her own planet."

"You don't know her like I do, mother!  She protected me when your goon tried to kill me.  How are you able to sit here and say that she's evil when what ever you did to her made her like this?"

"Because she's being herself now."

"I've never felt better too.  I'm ready to destroy the world," Superforce says.

I walk closer to her and gently try to put my hands on her face only for her to grab them and twist them back, but I was persistent and push my hands closer and closer to her face.

"Superforce," I whispered with tears falling down my eyes.  "I know you're in there.  I know this isn't you.  Please, please, come back to me.  I couldn't do this without you.  Please just try."

Her eyes flashed back to what they normally were and she immediately let go of my hands and glared at Lillian.

"Red kryptonite, you bitch!" she yelled.

I put my hands back on her face and forced her to look at me.  I noticed that her eyes were glowing but after looking at me in a second they turned back to blue.  A beautiful blue that I've only seen in one other person.  Bexley.  Superforce is Bexley which means that Kara is Supergirl.  Oh my god.

"Bexley," I whispered in an almost inaudible voice.

"Lee, I'm sorry.  I wanted to tell you," she whispered with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Mother," I yell while turning around.  "I demand that you let her go or I will charge you with criminal trespassing in my office and kidnapping."

"That's absurd,  I didn't do such a thing."

"You may not have, but your goons have and being that they're your goons you'd get charged by association."

"You can leave,  but mark my words Bexley Danvers.  I'll end you along with your little family."

After a few moments I was knocked out again and I assume along with Bexley.  When I woke up, I was at home in my bed alone.  I get up slowly and make my way to the living room realizing that I have a pounding headache.

I look around and notice that my entire apartment is empty.  I wonder if they left Bexley back at her apartment.  I grab a coat and some headache medicine and walk out of my apartment to walk towards Bexley's condo/apartment thing.

Upon arrival to her apartment, I knocked on the door and soon was let in by a semi-hyper looking Kara Danvers.

"Hello, Lena.  What are you here for?" she asks me.

"I believe she's here for me, Kara," Bexley say's after appearing from behind Kara.  She must have used her Super-hearing.

I blush and look at my hands.  "Yeah, actually I wanted to check up on you since all of that."

She laughed lightly and let me inside the door then shut it after I was safely inside.

"I'm fine.  Are you okay?" she asks.

"I may be human, but I'm tough," I say giving her a very serious look which makes Kara and Bex laugh.

"So, Bex I have to go and talk to Alex about something.  I'll see you later," Kara states while walking towards the door.

"Okay, bye sis.  Love you!" Bex says as she's closing the door behind her.

"You wouldn't mind if I X-Rayed your body to make sure you don't have any metal chips in you would you?" Bexley asks me.

"No, but just don't stare for too long."

"Okay," she nods, stands up, walks around the counter to me, and looks at me once while taking her glasses off.

"Anything?" I ask.

"Nope.  Kara checked me and I've got nothing too."

I hum in response.

It was silent for a little bit then Bexley asks, "You're not going to tell anyone who Kara and I are right?"

"No, I won't.  What kind of trust-wanting person would I be if I told someone?" I ask gently while taking her hand into my own.

"Thank you, Lena.  It really means a lot to us.  Can I ask you a question?"


"What. . . What compelled you to get near me if you knew that I could've hurt you?  Even after I tried to hurt you?"

"I don't know.  Maybe the fact that I knew that, the Superforce you were was not the Superforce that I had grown to love.  She wasn't the one that protected National city and saved my life a number of times.  I knew that you, no matter how much what ever they put in you, were in there somewhere.  I knew that I'd rather have been hurt and beat to a pulp then let National city lose you."

Next thing I knew, Bexley's lips were on mine and I was kissing her back.

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