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Bexley's POV

I see the third drone shoot a mini missile towards the chopper so I fly in front of it. Which causes me to fall to the landing pad. Knocking me out for a few seconds.

When I open my eyes I see the drone shooting at the helicopter so I jump up to fly through the drone and literally catch the chopper safely putting it back on the ground.

I open up the pilots door and say, "You're safe now."

Lena frantically says, "What the hell was that?"

While feeling the pilots chest for a heart beat I say, "Someone's trying to kill you."

Now Lena and I, dressed as a civilian, are walking with Lena towards her meeting talking to her.

She says, "My brother's serving 32 consecutive life sentences. I guess I shouldn't be surprised there isn't a bigger turnout."

I reply, "You're taking an awful risk, going ahead with the renaming ceremony with your life in danger."

"I won't have a life if I can't make this company into something positive. All it will be remembered for is Lex's madness," Lena explains leaving me in the crowd.

Lena, after walking on stage, starts her speech, "I want to thank you all for coming. My brother hurt a lot of good, innocent people. My family owes a debt, not just to Metropolis, but to everyone. I intend to pay that. By renaming my company L-Corp, we will usher in a new age of cooperation and community. Together, we will chart a brighter future."

All of a sudden there's a huge explosion behind her. While running away I manage to hide myself enough from everyone to change into my Superforce outfit. Kara saves James from being crushed while I fly to the Luthor building seeing as the front of it is literally falling off.

After a few seconds of me holding it up by myself Kara and Clark show up and help me. Eventually we figure out what was wrong with it so I go down to where it needs to be fixed and do what is necessary to keep it from falling. 

After repairing it, I fly to where Alex is fighting Corben. He has a gun pointed at her. As soon as he notices me landing he puts her in a choke hold and holds her there with the gun pointed at her head.

"Let her go!" I shout.

Corben replies, "You're gonna let me out of here."

"Lex Luthor hired you to kill his sister, didn't he?" I ask getting more frustrated after putting two and two together.

"Luthor still has resources and reach, even rotting in maximum security lockdown. Now I'm leaving, and there's nothing you can do," Corben states but gets cut off by getting shot by someone. . . Lena?

"Bullet went through-and-through. But he needs a hospital. Nice work, Superforce," Alex pants.

"I had help," I say and turn around to see Clark and Kara hovering in the sky near each other.

After a while Kara, Clark, and I - back in our civilian disguises - go to Lena's office to show her the paper that Clark had wrote and printed on the front cover.

"This is exactly the kind of press my company needs after yesterday's attack. And thank you for including that part about me shooting the guy. That'll teach Lex to mess with me. He'll be the laughingstock of cell block X," Lena chuckles.

"Well, that's not exactly why I wrote it. I wrote it because it's the truth. I was wrong about you, Ms. Luthor. I'm sorry," Clark replies.

"Well, if I can make a believer out of Clark Kent, there's hope yet. What about you, Danvers twins? I didn't see your name on the byline," Lena asks.

"Well, I'm not a reporter. Bex is sort of a reporter though," Kara replies.

"Kara Danvers could've fooled me. I hope this isn't the last time we talk," Lena says.

"I hope not either," I reply.

I turn to walk away with Kara and Clark, Lena's voice stopped me.

"Bexley?" she says.

I turn around and look at her. "Yes, Ms. Luthor?" I ask.

"Dinner tonight at seven?" she asks with pleading eyes.

"Sure thing, Ms. Luthor. Casual, formal, or semi-formal?" I ask.

"Semi-formal. I'll text you when I'm ready to pick you up, okay?"


I slowly turn around and walk out only to be met with Kara and Clark staring at me.

"What?" I ask with a small laugh.

"You just got a date with Lena Luthor, that's what," Kara states

"It's not a date!" I shout after we had gotten out of the building.

"Whatever you say sis. We're going back to the DEO. Are you coming with us?" Kara asks.

"Yeah, I'll catch up with you guys."

Soon enough they fly away to the DEO without being noticed and I'm left in the streets. I fly after them but only a few minutes later.

I walk inside and someone immediately hands me a salad which I gladly take. I walk up to the main center part of the DEO and sit down in one of the spare chairs.

"Bexley, come here," I hear Alex say.

So I get up and walk over to where she was and stuff my face with even more salad. She getting frustrated with me takes the salad from me and throws it in the trash.

"Hey! That's my salad!" I shout.

"You need to tell Kara about you. She won't stop talking about how you got a friendship date type thing with Lena Luthor when you know damn well that its a date date."

"Okay, okay, chill," I say walking away from her.

I walk to the center again.

"Hello, agents of the DEO. I'd just like to put it out there that I am a lesbian and a Superhero. Deal with it. Good day!" I shout and walk away after I finished.

All of a sudden I hear a whoosh and Kara land in front of me.

"Why did you tell me that the date with Lena isn't a date?" She asks.

"Because I wasn't sure how to tell you that I'm gay. And I'm not completely sure that it even is a date to her so I don't want to get my hopes up. Just let me have this for now okay?"

"Okay, have fun. Also when in doubt wear black or purple because you look killer in those colors."

"Alright, I love you sis."

I fly out of the DEO and to my condo.

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