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Bexley's POV

Since I hadn't had a chance to get breakfast, I had already eaten the salad that Winn had gotten me.  You'd think that stimulating the brain with random computer coding programs would make me hungry - which it normally would - but it hasn't yet.  Though, Winn has been throwing random candies at me to eat.   I would protest, but I really like this candy.

"Winn, remind me of what we're trying to do again?" I ask while curiously pointing at the screen.

"Well, that's in a different language and I can't read it so what you're doing is putting it into English then rerouting the program if it needs it," he says while leaning over my shoulder to point at my screen.

I can feel my cheeks heat up slightly then I hear my phone go off.

"Oh okay.  Thanks," I say quickly.

After he's a ways from me I look down at my phone that was in my lap and see that it was a text message from Lena.  

"Hey are you doing anything right now?"

"Yes, and no.  Computer nerdy stuff.  What's up?"

"I just wanted to know if you could grab something to eat, but you're busy so it's okay."

"I may be busy but I always have time for a 'friend'."

"Great so, Noonans?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in ten.  Mind if I bring someone?"

"Sure go for it.  I'll see you there."

Now I realize what Kara and Alex meant about me always smiling like a dork when I get text message.  Anyways, I stand up way too abruptly from my chair earning a slight headache which goes away within seconds.

"Winn.  Hey, do you want to go to Noonans with me and get some food?"  I ask looking shyly at the ground.

"Yeah, sure.  Lets go.  Should I bring the tablet to continue translating the language?"

I laugh lightly at him.  "No, lets take a break from that for a little while."

I grab his hand gently pulling him out of the room then let go of it once we're in the main part of the DEO hoping that no one noticed, but I quickly see Alex and Kara looking at me like they've seen a flying pig.

I shake my head gently at myself and walk with Winn outside and to Noonans, which surprisingly, isn't that far.  After walking in I look around for Lena and notice her in a corner table for four by herself.  I slowly lead Winn over to her.

"Hello, Lena," I say after stopping in front of her.

She looked down at our hands and looked back at me with a hint of some bad emotion  in her eye.  I hadn't even noticed that I had intertwined mine and Winn's fingers.

I let go of his hand and sit down while gesturing for Winn to sit down too.

"Hi, Lena," he mumbles in a barely audible voice.

"So, Bexley.  I was wondering if you wanted to go on a zoo date with me later this week?" Lena asks while completely ignoring Winn's presence.

"I don't know, Lee.  I've been super busy lately with all of the work stuff.  I still have to take pictures for that article that Kara wants to write," I say.

Don't get me wrong,  I want to go, but I'm so tired and Kara needs serious help with some things at the DEO and her life.

"Oh?  What is the article about?" Lena asks.

If I say what it's about it'll be an excuse for me to go with her to the zoo.

"Uhh, the city life," I lie.

"You know I can tell when you're lying right?" she asks.

"Bexley, I'm gonna go.  J'onn just said he needed me for something.  Catch you later," Winn whispers giving me a gently shoulder hug.

After he'd walked out of Noonans I looked back a Lena.

"What is he to you?" Lena asked with jealousy apparent in her voice.

"My friend.  The article is over animals in captivity by the way," I say.

"Just a friend?  Nothing more?" she asks.

"For now at least.  I don't know what is going to happen to us."

"Well, for now, you're mine.  Got it?"

"We haven't even when on our second date yet and you're claiming me?  What's gotten into you, Luthor?"

"Nothing yet," she smirks.

"If it wasn't for the fact that I'm a nice person I would've slapped you for that, but the zoo this week?"

"Yeah, that's what I was wondering if you'd do that with me sometime."

"You're on, Luthor."

"Well great.  I'm sorry I have to cut this short.  Jess - my assistant - needs me back at L-Corp."

"Alright, goodbye, Lee."

She stands up and whispers in my ear while walking by, "We'll find out what's in me later on."

I laughed lightly as she left then got up and walked back to the DEO.

"Bexley!  There's been another hit put on Ms. Luthor, and Kara has blown out her powers.  We need you!" I hear Alex say into my earpiece.

"Well shit," I mutter while trotting into an alley way to "become" Superforce.

"Where is she now?" I ask Alex knowing she can hear me.

"She's walking into L-Corp.  The hit men are in her office.  Hurry."

I quickly fly up and to Lena's office balcony, seeing the hit men hidden perfectly behind her desk.

"Hey!  It's not nice to try to kill someone without giving them a fair fight," I say startling the intruders.

"Well, well, well.  Exactly who we came for showed up.  We always knew you had a thing for Lena Luthor," one of the men say.

"I have a thing for protecting my city," I state.

"Well, I guess today you don't get to do that anymore," the guy said and brought out a kryptonite knife.

I could hear Lena's foot prints get louder, but they were still far away.  I buckled over and fell on the ground as the guy got closer to me.

"Take her and kill Lena," the guy said while two other guys came towards me.

"If you hurt her you will regret it for the rest of your life, I swear on Rao."

Too be continued. . .

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