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Bexley's POV

"At a girl!" Winn shouted.  He walked towards one of the far walls where a huge computer screen was put up with information that we need.

"So what is all of this?" I ask.

"This is everything I could find out about this arrangement and the people involved.  Jack Spheer, entrepreneur and Lena's arranged relationship.  Currently a good guy gone bad.  He's being controlled by these little Nano bots that are being controlled by her.  She's working for Lena's mother.  Everything that happens to Lena from him is because she wants it to happen.  I'm telling you, Bex this is bad.  Jack Spheer used to be one of Lena's best friends.  They worked on creating a cure for cancer together fresh out of college and it never worked.  Jack invented the nano bots to heal any wound, but only experimented on himself therefore getting himself lost in them.  There is no more Jack Spheer more like a monotone, brain dead, 'Jack Spheer'.  Currently Jack and Lena are walking around L-Corp.  In order to start the ending of this you must find a way to stop Beth.  The only way to stop her is to find her and that is what I've been unable to do.  But I know that with your toned hearing you can listen to a recording of her heartbeat or a recording of her voice enabling you to find her."

I nodded my head and listened to both recordings.  Almost instantly I figured out where she is.  Hidden away in a far away part of Canada.  I think not, Bethy girl.

"Found her.  I'm bringing her here," I spoke and ran out.

I changed into my super suit using super speed and flew to the exact spot where Beth was but remaining hidden since I could sense other people there too.  Looking at the house with my x-ray vision I saw that there were around three people there.  One for her and the other two were a mystery.

Glancing around I saw a power line that led to the house and quickly froze it over with my freeze breath making it cut all of the power out.

I saw the people inside start to flip out.  Quickly and quietly with the help of my super speed, I went inside and put handcuffs on each of the people and flew them to the DEO for questioning.

After hours of questioning and things for Lena getting worse according to Kara I got an idea that reminded me of something that Kal had said to Kara and I when we had found Mon-hell.  I used my x-ray vision on her and saw that she was wearing a little ear piece that likely had a microphone in it that enabled her to control Jack.

Quickly but quietly I motioned for Kara to go check up on Lena while I moved forward and tore the ear piece out of her ear.

"Hey! Don't touch that!  You'll never save her!  I promise to god that you'll never save her," Beth shouted.

"Shut him down and maybe I'll think about not snapping your head off," I growled.

"You think I'd do that?  Do you know what Lillian will do to me if I shut him down?"

"She won't be able to do shit if you're sitting right here while she's in jail now will she?"

"Whatever," she scoffed and said something rather loudly that was in a different language.

"Uh. . . Bex?" Kara said over the coms.  "We have an issue."

"What is it?" I asked hurriedly glaring at this woman in front of me.

"Jack is going bezerk.  He's trying to kill Lena."

"Oh hell no."

I got angry.  I got really angry.  I knew that I couldn't control myself soon so instantly I had the guards lock this idiot up while I went to save my girl.

"I'm coming baby," I whipsered while flying out of the DEO to L-Corp.  Once there I saw Jack with his hands around Lena and Kara's neck.

"Hey, Jacklyn," I yelled.

He didn't speak.  He only turned towards me, smirked and seemed to squeeze harder.  Lena's face was beggining to turn purple and Kara was struggling to get his hands off of her.

"Fucker," I mumbled to myself while running towards him and prying his hands off of Lena and Kara.

"If you're anywhere in there, Jack Spheer, you'd stop this.  I may be my sister's twin but I believe that if something or someone must be killed then it must happen.  I don't like to kill but if I have to I will.  Come on Jack.  Fight whatever is in that smart brain of yours.  Fight it like hell and get out of there for me, okay?  For Lena.  For everyone," I spoke while flying into the sky.

His eyes dialated and changed through many different shades of color before they stopped and he gave me a pleading look.

"I can't fight it for long, please just end me now so I don't hurt anyone else.  I'm sorry about Lena.  Please make sure she knows that.  I'm sorry." He then pried my hands off of him and forced me to drop him.

Before I could think about flying down to catch him he had already hit the ground and died.  Slowly but surely I landed at his feet of his limp body.

"Rest in peace, the real Jack Spheer.  May you live forever under Rao," I spoke softly.

After a few minutes of me just staring blankly at the body Lena ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry.  I love you.  I love you so much and I never ever would have dreamed to do that to you.  I'm sorry for hurting you and I'm sorry for making you think that I didn't love you because I do.  I knew that the second that I was threatened by both Kara and Alex that I really had hurt you and that's no where near what I want.  I knew that I had to tell someone to help me figure out how to stop this madness.  Please forgive me.  I'll do anything," Lena stammered.

"You are forgiven.  I could never not forgive you, because I love you too," I responded and placed a gentle loving kiss on her forehead.

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