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Bexley's POV

I don't know what came over me.  I just kissed her.  I don't know if it was the right thing to do or not.  I'm worried that she'll not like it so I pull away.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," I stutter.

"Bex.  Bex.  It's okay.  Really it's okay.  I have to go to work now.  I'll call you later okay?" she replies.

"Okay," I nod.

She walks out of the apartment and now I'm flipping out.  I hope she didn't just say she had to go to work because I was a terrible kisser or whatever.

I slouch down on my couch and run my fingers through my hair.  After a little while I get a call from Winn.

"Hello," I say into my phone.

"Hey, Bex.  How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Good.  Great actually."

"Cool, well.  Do you mind if I come over?  I can bring salad."

"Come over, but you better bring me like a ton of salad, got it?"

"Yep.  I'll be there in a bit."

"Sweet.  See ya."


I hang up the phone and run to my room and change into a different outfit.  I brush my hair and put it into a bun like always and search around my room trying to find my glasses.

"There you are!" I shout once I find them.

I grab them out from under my pillow, put them on, and run to my door since I heard the knocks on it.

It's Winn and he brought food!

"Winn!  Ooh food!" I say as I open it.

"Bex, I'm glad you're okay."

He walks in and sets the food on the counter in my kitchen.

"Do you want this now or?" Winn asks.

"Do you even have to ask?" I ask with a laugh.

"No, but you know, Cadmus can change someone."

"Yeah well not this superhero.  I want food because food is life.  Okay don't fight me on this."

"No need to fight someone over something you already think is true."

"True.  So what did I miss while I was gone?"

"Well, you were gone for almost a week so you missed a lot.  Kara became temperamental and Mon-el got sent back into space because of lead poisoning in the air.  Lena almost had to marry Mon-el.  Alex became a super-bad-ass for like two days and Maggie decided it was a good idea to tease me because of how geeky I am."

"Maggie what?"

"Maggie teased me because of my level of geeky." 

"I'm gonna have a stern game of pool with her later."

I laugh at my own joke which makes Winn giggle adorably.

"So Mon-el got sent to space?" I ask.

"Yeah, long story short.  Mon-el's mother and the Daxamite army invaded earth and Lena and I sent them all away by poisoning the air with lead.  Mon-el's mother died though."

"How is Kara handling Mon-el?"

"She's not talking to anyone about it and she tries to act normal around everyone, but it's easy to tell she's not okay."

"Oh.  I'll have to talk to her.  How are you, Winn.  How's everything in your life?"

"Well,  when you disappeared I met someone and now we're in like a steady relationship, I guess, but you're still my best friend."

"You'll never get rid of me, Winnie the pooh.  Especially when you continue to spoil me with all of this food."

I had already ate like half of the food that he had brought.  Which is crazy and amazing at the same time.  Crazy because he brought like twenty things of salad and amazing because I didn't know I could eat that much salad in like a total of ten minutes.

"I hate that nickname.  Hey, I gotta go.  It was fun to talk to you.  I'll see you later," Winn says and gives me a hug.

I walk him to the door and wave goodbye then shut the door and walk back to the kitchen.

Quickly - at a human speed - I put the rest of the salad into my fridge and check the time.  I've got all day to myself so I can do what ever I want.

I run to my room and grab my phone off the charger and notice that no one has called or texted me.  I grab my house keys off of my key rack and walk out my door.  I wonder if Lena is at L-corp right now.

About ten minutes later I'm standing in front of L-corp doors so I walk inside.

"Bexley.  I haven't seen your face in a while," Jess - Lena's secretary - states.

"Hey, Jess.  Is Lena in her office?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I think she's meeting with someone right now.  You're welcome to go on up and wait outside if you want."

"Okay.  Thank you, Jess."

I walk to the elevator and click it to the top floor button.  After it stops on her floor, I walk to her office door and see it cracked and me being the nosy person I am I look through it.

Big mistake.  I find her lips locked with some man's lips in a very intimate kiss.  Whelp there goes my love life.  Not even saying a work I walk back to the elevator and down past Jess with my head hung low.  I hear Jess try to say something to me, but I can't make out the words.

I walk slowly, but surely to Kara's apartment.  She had told me earlier that she was off today.

I didn't even have the chance to knock on the door when it was swung open and I was embraced in a big hug from her.

"What happened, Bex?" she asks as she pulls me inside.

I open my eyes from her hug and notice Alex and Maggie sitting on the couch looking at us intensely. 

"You know when you really love someone then they go and choose someone else over you it hurts like hell right?" I say after pulling away from her hug only to be pulled back into it.

"What did Lena do?"  Alex asks.

"Wait, middle Danvers loved Lena Luthor?" Maggie asks earning a glare from Alex and Kara.

"I went to her office to ask her about the zoo date that we were supposed to have only to find her kissing some guy.   He wasn't even that cute in my opinion."

Alex, Maggie and Kara laugh lightly at that.

"What?" I ask.

"Bexley you're gay." Maggie and Alex say in unison.

"Actually, it's just easier for me to say I'm gay than what I actually am.  Technically what I am in a more gay version of bisexual," I laugh while wiping my tears away.

"So, Luthor broke your heart?" Alex asks all serious again.

I don't respond.

"Okay, well.  I'm gonna go kick some ass.  Um. . . Kara hold her back as best as you can," Alex says then runs out the door.

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