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Bexley's POV

"So, Lena," I begin, "why ask me on what ever this is, when there are so many other people in National City?"

We we're done with our food already and now we were just talking while sipping wine at the restaurant. We'd talked lightly while we we're eating and preparing to eat, but I felt like now was a better time to talk to her.

"I don't know, Bexley. Something about you made me want you out of all of the people here in National City. Whether it be that you try to understand me or that you genuinely caught my eyes - which you did by the way - we'll never know. It might even be both, but I know that something drew me to you," she replies while taking another sip of her wine.

"Ah," I sigh. I really wanted to know if she just genuinely liked me or what. Why does she have to be so mysterious.

As if reading my mind she speaks, "Don't fret, Bex. I like you, no doubt about it. I just want to get to know you before I act upon my feelings. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I mean, I understand. Ask me anything. I'll answer with a clear answer."

"What's your full name?"

"Bexley Grace Danvers."

"That's cute. What's your favorite animal?"

"I like all animals."

"So a zoo would be a good date? Interesting. . . What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?"

"Yes, a zoo would be an amazing date, though I'd probably want to spend hours upon hours there. There's so many ice cream flavors. Vanilla, but mixed thoroughly with chocolate syrup."

"That's a new one. Why not just have chocolate?"

"I don't know. I've never liked chocolate anything except if it was like candy. I mean chocolate cake, ice cream, cookies excreta. I don't like it. But if you take vanilla ice cream and add chocolate syrup and the right amount of caramel to it, it taste like heaven."

"Interesting. . . Favorite color?"

"Red, yellow, and blue. Though black is cool too."

"So the super family colors?"

"Let's see, Superman and Supergirl have red, yellow and blue. Superforce wears black with the blue and goldish color for the 'S', so I'd say yeah. Go Super's." I felt my eyebrow twitch just proving my nervousness yet again.

I slip my fingers under my glasses slightly to rub my temples to try to calm down my nervousness at least a little. When I look back up at Lena I notice that she looks worried.

"Are you okay, Bex? Do you have a headache?"

"No, no. I'm fine. I'm just trying to calm my nerves a little."

"So I make you nervous?"

"Not exactly. Can we leave?"

"Yes, yes of course. Waiter!"

Soon she pays for the really expensive dinner and we're walking back out to her car. I sit in silence for a few moments until she pulls in front of my condo's building.

"Would you like for me to walk you up?" Lena asks.

"I didn't ask if we could leave just for you to leave me alone, but if you have somewhere to be then I can walk myself back up," I say gently almost inaudibly.

"Oh, where do I park then?"

"In that parking garage over there, I have two parking spaces in case Alex ever drives over so you can park in her spot. It's B12."

"Okay. I'm sorry that I assumed you we're trying to get rid of me."

"No, no. It's okay, Lena. It's understandable. I should've been more clear."

After a moment we had parked, got out, and walked back to my home. Talk about home sweet home.

"Did I tell you that you looked amazing tonight yet?" Lena asks after I had poured her and I a cup of wine.

"Yes, you did. It was one of the first things you said to me when you picked me up," I reply.

"Well, even so, it won't hurt to say it again. You look amazing, Bex."

Every time she says my nickname my heart melts. Not literally, but like metaphorically.

"Thank you, Lena. You look amazing yourself, too."

She smiles at me making my heart flutter. After an hour and a half of small talk she left and I got into the shower.

After I got out I changed into some comfy pajama pants and an old nirvana t-shirt I have. While sitting on the couch I recollected all of the events of today, and I guess while doing that I fell asleep because I woke up on the couch the next day to banging on my door.

"Bexley Danvers! Get your ass up! NOW!" I hear Alex yell.

I jump up, run to the door, and open it.

"You'd think for someone with super hearing that you'd open the door earlier," she says after entering my house.

"Sorry, I was asleep," I reply groggily.

"'Sorry, I was asleep' doesn't cut it when I've been standing out there for the past fifteen minutes. Do you think you might of accidentally blew your powers out some how last night?"

"Doing what? I literally did nothing yesterday."

"So you guys didn't fuck?" I shake my head. "Kiss?" I shake my head again. "Anything?"

"No! We didn't do anything, we just talked."

"Okay then use your super speed to get dressed because you're needed at the DEO by Winn."

I do exactly what she tells me and I put my super suit on then I put civilian clothes on over it then stand back in front of Alex before she has a chance to even sit down.

"What does Winn need me for anyways?" I ask.

"I think he said something about a computers and science. I can't remember exactly. Now come on," she grabs my hand roughly and pulls me out the door to the DEO.

"Bexley!" Winn shouts once he's seen me walk in.

"Hey, Winn," I say smiling at him.

This boy is a wonder to the art of technology and science. It's amazing to me that he's not dating anyone currently.

"So, I got you a salad because I know you like them when you're working. Also this is like in a different language and I couldn't read it and I know that you learned a lot of languages when you were younger. So do you think you can help me?" Winn asks with the little sparkle in his eye.

"I'm here to help you. I never get to let my geeky side come out so lets do this," I laugh.

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