last part

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last part

arnav watched the stars, which are twinkling making him felt happy, he never know you can be happy just by watching stars which occurs on daily basis, but since he watched them with kushi he cant help to see the stars on differently.

oh! by stars means he remembered kushi, who is not with him. he glanced toward the door to see if kushi is coming or not, arnav signed kushi still not here,she is taking with her parents he wanted to give her own time yo spend with them, so he was here alone now.

arnav felt lonely but struggled that thought kushi will be coming back to me,arnav back to staring stars trying to identify some imaginary shapes.
kushi glanced toward the watch in middle conversation with her parents, she glanced back to her mother who is saying about her childhood freind preetu.kushi cant help but feel she wants to be with arnav. he must be alone in the room.

" amma,babuji you should sleep now and we will continue talking tomorrow " kushi advised.

they both nodded at her. " good night batiya" her father kissed her forehead and her mother hugged her as she came out of the room.

kushi walked up the stairs in silent feet, as most of them sleeping at late night, when she reached the door she was about to open the door, but stopped as it was already opened.

she smiled, and walked straight to poolside after closing the door, she knows he will be there. as she reached their she saw him watching stars with a small smile. kushi walked behind him and closed his eyes standing tiptoe to cover his eyes fully.

arnav smiled as he felt her cover his eyes, ofcource he know its kushi from the time she came to room but waited to see what she will do and childish to her heart this is what she can come up to.

" kushi..." arnav said softly, while removing her hands from his eyes, arnav turned and held kushi by her waist.

kushi giggle, " arnavji it tickles" kushi said in between her giggles, arnav rized his brows thats when he get that,his hands on her waist so this time arnav ticked earning belly laughter from kushi.

after kushi started having trouble in breaking arnav made her sit on the chair and smiled at her pick face.

" kushi i love you" arnav said not even knowing why he was saying this now but who cares he felt it so he was saying it.

" and i you" kushi said while creasing his cheeks. arnav watched the girl in front of him,before her coming to his life arnav never imagined he would be married or dreamed about having his family of his own.

life is peaceful now , he never had this feeling of content in his life, he had everything in the world- a loving family,fame,status and money but still something was missing but now he got all and the one made it possible is sitting in front of him with a bright smile that made his heart flutter.

he cant thank her enough, arnav took her hand in his and kissed them. arnav heard a gasp from kushi. she looked surprised by this but she doesn't say anything other than blush.he smiled.

his hands traveled her face tucking her loose trance behind ears, arnav held his hands on her cheeks making kushi lean toward them, kushi locked her eyes with him as he came close to her.

kushi excepted him to go straight to her lips but to her surprise he kissed her head and then her eyes making her close her eyes.arnav kissed her cheeks at the end of her lips marly missing but enough to sent shiver to kushi.

" arnavji.." kushi called his name as he teased her, " huh.." thats all arnav said as he traveled to her neck.

arnav felt kushi tuned her head giving him a chance to explore her neck, arnav inhaled smelling jasmine and lavender and when he breathed out he felt kushi hands travel to his shoulder.arnav slowly gave her open mouth kiss, biting slightly and then sucking which would form a hinky.

kkushi felt arnav bite her making her hiss at slight pain which turned to moan as soon as he linking and sucked on the bite. kushi hands raised to his head, holding his hairs in her hands she raised his face from her neck to slam her lips on his.

arnav surprised by her act but nutherless dont complain as he kissed her back, arnav titled his face making kiss more passionate. in the haze arnav held kushi in his arms and picked her with ease as he brought her inside the room.

after that both dont even have the clue about outside world as they were busy with each other in their small bubble..
arnav sat in the office chair not able to concentrate on any work, he better be in home at least them he could have with kushi. arnav signed he was here he can atlest act like working with his mind on kushi.

last night was best,the way kushi made him feel or the way she says his name with eyes full of desire it made his breath stop.arnav cant get enough of her,the need to touch her its consumed him he dont know how he came to office.

arnav came out of his thoughts hearing door knock making groan ' a man dont have time for his own thinking' still arnav said come in.

arnav narrowed his eyes to door to see aman coming inside,arnav sat straight in chair waiting for him to say something but all aman did was stand there in nervously.arnav raised his brow at him.

" asr, i wanted to say something" aman said while wiping his sweaty hands to kerchief.

" so say it, why are you nervous about that" asr said in his professional voice making arnav to gulp.

" wo.. wo.. iaminlovewithyoursister.." aman said without even giving gap between words.

" what! aman what are you saying " arnav said not getting what he said. aman took deep calming breath and this time he made sure to give gap between words.

"i am in love with your sister,anjali " aman said as he saw arnav stood up and rolled his sleeve. aman closed his eyes, he know today he is going to die.

arnav stood up strode toward aman with angry face but as soon as he saw aman is closing his eyes,arnav smiled.

aman who waiting for a kick in his gut surprised to feel a hug,aman opened his eyes to see arnav is hugging him.aman opened his mouth to ask him what but cant get even a word out of his mouth.

" what do you think,you go after my sister and i wont have a clue about that.i knew all along but just waiting for you to say" arnav said with a smile as he gave aman water to drink.

" what! really that means your okay with all this, thank you so much asr" aman said with big smile grateful that asr agreed for all sister loving him.

" dont be so happy aman, if you make my sister shed one drop of tear i am going to skin you alive" arnav said with a smile, but aman know behind the smile there is real treat, so he just nodded.

promising to keep her happy, aman gone from there to say this happy news to anjali.

aranv sat on his chair again with dreamy smile on his face in the thoughts of kushi.he know aman is good one for his sister,he will take a good care of her.

i am sry for the delay guys,i dont know i cant write for so many days,i thinks its because i am lazy.

okay guys this is the last part of unwanted marriage.i will write epilogue but cant say it will be long one.
how did you find this good or bad, let me know in the comments.

*i tried to write some kissing and all dont know how it came hope its not bad,if its bad sry*

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