part 14

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I hope you guys enjoy the update..

part 14

after saying bye and promising kushi he will come home as early as he can, arnav left to office. which has loads of work to complete even it handled by slash there are some he had be there to complete them.

arnav reached office at 9 to see aman waiting for, arnav gave him a nod when aman greeted him.

" good morning asr" aman said, arnav just nodded at him.

both walked side by side as arnav checking the file given by aman on the way.

" aman did you fixed my meeting with malhotra" arnav asked.

" yes ASR, it's easy as soon as I said we want to have deal with them, Ajay malhotra jumping up down for this. " aman said with a smirk

" what he thought that I don't even know he was behind the accident, and he has nerve to agree for the meeting " arnav shook his head at his dumbness.

" don't worry ASR we are going to get him, I have collected the proofs for that and also that he is the one stole our designs. he cant escape even if try " aman proudly said as he don'le the job before his friend even ask he knows even ASR will be happy with that.

" okay aman let us get ready" arnav handed file back to aman as he straightened his tei.

aman glanced at the way ASR going, smiles thinking its going to be end for malhotra.


kushi sat on couch glancing at the door now and then, she can't wait to meet her parents. she wanted to go to receive them at the station, but they said they will come on the phone.

"kushi don't worry, parents will be here" anjali said

" I know Di I just want to meet them it has been weeks since I saw them" kushi said while seeing door once again.

kushi let of a big smile and ran toward the door as she saw her parents, making all other to smile at her.

all other joined at the door as kushi already hugging her babuji.

"namaste shashi betuva, how are you "Nani asked

" namaste, maaji we are are you all " he smiled at all which returned .

after that basic greetings, all sat in the hall talking about things which they missed and kushi telling all the things she experienced. mostly on arnav how he behaves,his likes and dislikes all listen to her. where Guptas are happy that she is happy here and raizadas thinking what she talking about,but no one said anything to break her sentence.

they had lunch as the afternoon came and gone out to show some near places to show Guptas.

arnav came home, it's a hetric day for him first he had meetings with Ajay malhotra who attacked him, the meeting ended with a slap on his face and him going to jail. he should have hide once he get that he is alive but he on other hand came to make a deal with him. arnav shaked his head he don't want to think about that.

he had another two long meeting, just had enough time to eat something which he don't remember. the only thing he want now is kushi arnav opened his mobile to see its already 6:30

arnav signed atlast it's not too late he can have dinner with, and he needs to meet her parents, correctly this time.

the first when he saw them after marriage, he was mocking them for crying saying ' if they don't want to send her daughter they should keep her there' arnav shook his head. how foolish of him to think like that, now he don't know how can he stay away from her.

arnav knocked the door, waiting for kushi to open the door for him but it's HP. arnav said nothing to him just handed him his laptop bag and went inside while loosing his tei.

but when he came inside there is no noise arnav confused turned to HP asking him where all of them.

" bhaiya, they went outside they will be back sometime I think " HP answered

arnav pouted, he came early to be with kushi and family. arnav sat on couch waiting for them to come.

arnav felt hand on his shoulder, arnav opened his eyes with sudden touch to see kushi in front of him. he don't even know when he slept there only but arnav smiled at kushi pulling her down at him.

kushi looked at her husband sleeping on couch when she entered in the house, she felt sad as he looked tried and he must have waited for her.

kushi touched his shoulder and his reaction surprised her as he pulled her to making fall on him, kushi hide her face in his neck as she knew that other must be watching this but she don't want him to be sad, so she hugged him back when she felt his hand on her back.

" kushi.. " arnav said still breathing on her hairs, just then he heard giggling sounds making him to see front of him.

"chotte did you only miss kushi not us" arnav saw his whole family watching him and his Di teasing him.

but arnav know if he shied now teasing will be more, so he just ignored her.

" no Di I just missed kushi" arnav said showing her his tongue to them and hugged kushi.

anjali and all raizadas watched them with mouth open did their chotte just did childish act but kushi parents smiled at that.

after few minutes of silence Nani said to get ready for dinner so all scattered from there to go.

arnav stood up with kushi.

" kushi let us go to your parents room, I want to say hi to them"arnav said as he didn't meet them.

kushi gave him a bright smile at him nodding as she pulled his arms to guest room.

"maa,babuji look arnavji is here" kushi said as she entered to room

"namaste babuji and maaji"arnav said

Then both smiled at him. kushi left them to get table ready for dinner leaving arnav with her parents who is involved in their talk pretty much.

at the dinner table all are taken seats as they eat the dinner they talked about nothing to everything, it's just a beautiful ending of the day for raizadas and Guptas..


so guys what do you all think.
liked it or not let me know with your votes and comments guys..

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