3.Cold hands running up and down my thighs

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It had been 2 weeks since Scarlett and I hooked up, and I felt like Jay and Danny were giving me weird looks. My birthday is also in 5 days. We are currently sitting in the living room, about to open up our mail. Grabbing the box that has my name on it, I start cutting the tape.

"Are we okay? Because I feel like you guys have been giving me weird looks" I say, looking at the box, the flaps now springing free. Picking up the card it reads

I told you your birthday was gonna be one to remember, this treat is extra special to us. 

Looking up, I see the twins looking at me in confusion and I look back confused too.

"Did you guys get me an early present or something?" I ask, giving them the note. They both shake their heads and look at the box. Shruggging my shoulders, I remove the wrapping paper, and what I see leaves my mouth hanging open in shock.

"What's wrong? What is it?" The twins ask , looking at my shocked face. Eventually, I burst out laughing and pull out my phone to message Scarlett.

Me:You dirty bitch

Scar:Love you too babe

I was laughing so hard, I didn't even realize that the twins were sitting next to me, trapping me between them like they always do. Looking in the box, they exchange a glance of an unrecognizable emotion. Inside the box is a shitload of expensive lingerie, and at the very bottom a red bow with Scarlett's name on it.Silently giggling I close my eyes and rest my head on Jay's shoulder.

"Did I do something wrong? You guys have been so distant lately" I breathe out. Feeling two hands encase my own, I open my eyes to see both the twins looking at me. Looking back and forth between the two, I feel Jay let go of my right hand. I watch him stand and walk upstairs.

"We both agreed it would be better if I talked to you" Danny says, pulling me closer to him. Crawling over his legs and sitting on his thighs, I lay my head on his chest.

"So, there's this very special girl in our life, and she doesn't know it yet, but Jay and I both want to have her. So we need your advice babygirl" Looking up at Danny, I bite my lip and sigh

"Well she must be really special if she managed to capture both your hearts. Personally, I would just be blunt with it. Just tell her how you both feel and do something special for her. Like I would do something special when she first wakes up, like breakfast or a special wake up. Something that shows how much you care about her." I say with a small smile

"She just better not get in the way of our sleepovers because I can't sleep without you two" I say leaning forward and kissing his cheek.


Waking up, everything is dark, I'm sitting on something soft, and my hands are tied behind my back.

"Danny! Jay! Scarlett! Is anyone there?" I yell, my voice seeming to echo throughout the room.

Feeling 4 hands on my body I tense up, frozen and afraid to move. Then I hear a familiar voice in my ear

"Relax princess, it's just us" Danny almost purrs into my ear, making me relax

"Why am I blindfolded? What do you two have planned?" I ask, my voice a little shaky

"You're blindfolded to enhance the experience of your early birthday present" Jay says from what sounds like across the room. Sighing, I lean back and let my back hit what I think is a mattress. Felling my pajamas being slowly peeled off, I take a deep breath and sigh. Feeling a warm mouth on my right nipple, I sigh and wiggle around.

"Stop moving so much babygirl" Jay says in my right ear

"I can't help it, I just wanna use my hands" I whimper out as I feel a new hot mouth on my left nipple. Sighing in content I lick my lips, and let my head lay on the mattress. Feeling both mouths leave my body, my nipples stand up as the cold air moves around them. I hear the boys shuffling in the background, leaving me whimpering on the mattress. After a while, I finally feel someone by my legs, and they spread my legs apart making me shiver.

"Your hands are cold" I whisper, their hands rubbing up and down my thighs. They don't respond, and instead start blowing their hot breath over my wet pussy. Softly moaning and arching my back, I close my eyes underneath the blindfold letting the boys have full control. A slow, constant vibration buzzes on my clit making me moan loudly. The assailant roughly tongue-fucking me, while tugging on my nipples. My senses are over stimulated making my orgasm come even quicker. With a final squeeze of my boobs I squirt, my cum shooting  out as I moan, still coming off my high.

Reaching behind my head, One of the boys unties my blindfold, letting it fall off my face. I look up and see Danny's face smiling down at me. He leans down and pulls me into a passionate kiss, our tongues moving against each other.

"Happy early birthday babygirl" Jay whispers in my ear, wrapping his arm around me. Breaking away from Danny, I turn to Jay and snuggle into his side. Danny slides in behind me, and the presence of them both, pushes me into sleep.


"No way! You dirty slut!" Scarlett shrieks next to me

"I mean, can't even say I'm shocked. It was bound to happen" Michelle says, sitting on her boyfriends lap.

"Did you enjoy it?" Ryan asks, looking me dead in the eye. Letting my mind wander I can feel their hands all over me, their hot breaths fanning over my body, and the feeling I got when they made me cum.

Biting my lip, I nod my head and look him in the eyes."I really did" I say sighing. A knocking on the door makes me sit up and shush all my big mouthed friends. They laugh and I throw the pillows off my bed at them to get them to quiet down.

"Come in" I yell looking at the door, wondering which twin it'll be.

"You have a visitor" Danny says peeking his head into the room. Seeing everyone in the room he asks

"Are you staying tonight?" Nodding my head I stand.

"I'll be right back" I say looking back into the room.

Walking down the stairs into the living room, I come to a complete stop, the memories flashing in my head.

"Why the fuck are you here?" 



Are you ready to kill me now? Don't worry I'm having so much fun

So chapter 4 will be up soon.

Until next time!

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