10. Riddle me this

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Hello my beautiful readers!

I am so sorry, I can't express how sorry I am that it's been several months since this book has had a new chapter. I was going through a rough patch, and life has been so hectic. Everything is finally calming down, so I'll have time to write again!

I appreciate all the love, and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Luna's POV


My head is painfully throbbing and I can feel my body slumped against the hard ground. My eyes won't open and my body is in a paralyzed state. The room smells damp and moldy. I can faintly hear music from the floors above me and I groan, the soft sound of the bass throbbing against my temple.

I force my eyes open, blinking quickly to adjust to the dark room. I tilt my head slightly but stop as an unbearable pain shoots through my body. I look around the room and find it to be unfurnished. It looks like a storage unit, as boxes are stacked and littered all around.

I try to call out, but nothing comes out of my mouth except for a few painful squeaks. My throat is dry, and my eyes are open a crack when I shiver in fear, seeing someone that I saw every night in my nightmares.

"Miss me little one?"




My eyes zone in on her, so glad that the camera's in this raggedy room still work. Despite not having worked at the  strip club. I pray that Luna is alright, and I'd never live with myself if she was hurt. Unfortunately I'm conflicted. If I tell Danny or Jay where she is, He can link it back to me. If I don't, she may get hurt...

Is it worth it to put my life on the line for another?


Jay's POV


Cops are swarming our house. Coworkers, friends, people that we know are clustered in our house, searching for a girl who means the world to my twin brother and I. I bury my face in my hands, sitting in the back yard on a pool chair, praying that she's alright.

I just want my princess back in my arms

I hear a chair being pulled up in front of me and I don't look up, not caring enough to see their sympathetic eyes.

"We have a lead, and you and Danny are the only ones who can help us figure it out."

My head shoots up and I sit up straighter. I move over as my brother sits down next to me and Jacob sits across from us.

"Figure it out? If you have a lead then follow it!" I say angrily, Danny gripping my arm and giving me a look that tells me to calm the fuck down.

"We can't exactly follow it because it's a riddle."

"A riddle? Who the fuck is playing these games with us?"

"We don't know, it was an anonymous tip."

"Well what's the riddle then?"

"You will find your prize in the place that men and women lose their pride. One wrong step and she may die. The clock is ticking detectives, the time to hunt to hunt is nigh. To play this game you must understand, that your lover lies where ladies dance."


Luna's POV


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