4. Fucking on camera is the best

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spit out, my voice laced with all types of anger

"Is that any way to speak to the woman that gave you life? Come give your mother a hug" My poor excuse of a mother says to me, opening her arms.

"I'm sorry, as far as I can remember you wanted nothing to do with me the day I was born, nor the years after that. What brought you crawling back to little old me, mommy dearest?" I angrily spat, my words laced with venom.

"What do you need this time? Drugs, Alcohol? Money to feed your various addiction? Need help getting rid of a boytoy? Are you gonna pimp me out like you used to?" My angry rant turning into a meltdown as tears began streaming from my eyes. Memories flashing before my eyes, a slideshow of my painful past.

==============={Flash Back}================

"Now sit here and wait for the nice man to come in. You two are gonna play together while mommy goes out" She says kissing my cheek

Grabbing my dolls, I turn my back to the door and play with them. The door opens and I turn around to see a man with a bun and a smile.

"Hey there cutie, Whatcha doin?" He asks, his accent clear

"I'm playin, wanna play with me? I ask with a smile, showing off 2 of my missing teeth

"Wow what a big girl, she's already loosing teeth" He says chuckling to himself as he pets me, running his fingers through my hair

"I have an idea for a different game we can play" He say, the smile on his face scaring me

========={End of Flash Back}========

I was so engrossed in my own mind, I didn't even realize that I was crying into Michelle's shirt, while the twins were kicking the wicked witch of the west out. Feeling hands on my back, I immediately recognize that It's Scarlett,and let her whisper soothing things into my ear.

I noticed we were on the floor, and that my eyes couldn't produce anything else, I stood and looked at the floor.

"I'm going to bed" I whisper to no one in particular as I trudge up the stairs, and enter my room. Undressing myself and sliding into bed, I layed there for what seemed like hours until my door opened, and Michelle, Scarlett, and Ryan surrounded me, and reminded me that I was loved until we fell asleep, all lost in our minds


Sitting up, I look around to see an empty bed. Sighing, I get up and decide to act like my life is together. Getting in the shower, I attempt to scrub all the bad memories off my skin until my skin is red. After standing in the steam for what seems like hours, I leave and walk into my room. Since my head was down, I bumped into Jay and fell.

"Babygirl, are you okay?" He asks, concern lacing his voice. I refuse to look up because I know I'm gonna start crying again. Grabbing my chin, he makes our eyes align. The tears just start flowing, and before I know it I'm crying into his shirt. Taking a deep breath, I get the tears to stop and stand. Walking to my room with my head down, I enter and throw my towel on my bed. Stepping into my closet I pick out an outfit.

 Stepping into my closet I pick out an outfit

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