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This first part is shit but I promise the book gets better as it goes, like when all the backstory stuff is out the way (like around chapter 4 possibly idk just try it, pls?)


Death. Jimin had never really thought about it. Well he had, but he hadn't thought about it in the short term - meaning, it hadn't occurred to Jimin that he might be about to die.

Jimin opened his eyes, squinting slightly. He didn't want to be awake. Being awake meant getting up for the day, and getting up for the day meant leaving Jungkook's warm arms as he forced himself to slide out of bed. With a sigh, Jimin shifted himself so he was facing his - lover? Boyfriend? The lines were very blurry at this point - and let a small smile take over his plump lips, which tingled when he thought back to the kisses and the feel of Jungkook's breath as he whispered sweet nothings in Jimin's ear. He shut his eyes, picturing Jungkook's fingers dancing along his arm in playful patterns, and their intertwined legs, and the way his eyes were filled with a look, one Jimin had never seen, but one he knew he would relish for days to come. The memory made Jimin shiver a bit, and he opened his eyes to see brown eyes gazing upon his face.

"Cold?" Jungkook whispered, pulling the other boy closer to his chest. Jimin didn't reply, instead choosing to bury his reddening face into the neck of his - well, whatever he was. Jimin guessed lover would have to do for now, until one of them managed to bring up the whole 'what are we?' conversation. It took him all the power he had not to shiver again as Jungkook slowly slid his leg between Jimin's, getting as close as he possibly could to the boy he adored. "How are you feeling this morning?" The younger boy questioned, cupping Jimin's face with a warm hand. It made his heart melt - the way Jungkook cared for him and was keen to make sure he was alright.

"Still hurts," Jimin rasped, wincing. For some reason, his whole body had been aching recently, and he had started to get these intense headaches, which got so bad that he had to lie on the sofa with his head in Jungkook's lap whilst the aforementioned stroked his hair and sang softly until he fell asleep. He was tired quite a lot of the time as well, so it wasn't difficult to do.

"When's your appointment?" Jungkook questioned, letting his fingers drag through Jimin's soft hair, that he loved so. It was one of his favourite physical things about Jimin - the softness of his hair underneath his fingertips.

"Ten." Came the reply, muffled in Jungkook's neck. This time it was his turn to shiver, as Jimin's breath washed over his skin, giving him obvious goosebumps.

"You-" a cough interrupted his sentence "You should probably get up then, Jiminie," stated Jungkook, still stroking the older boy's hair. Jimin let out a whine and held onto his lover more firmly, showing his intense distaste for getting out of bed. "Don't be like that, you need to go to the hospital. You're ill, and it's worrying me."

"It's probably nothing," Jimin said "I mean, if it was serious I'd be in a worse position."

"You're in my arms, that's a great position to be in," said Jungkook, cockily, smirking at Jimin who raised his head with a frown and lightly hit his lover's arm. Jungkook laughed, mentally cooing at how cute Jimin was. The boy was like a cute puff ball of fluff, one Jungkook wanted to hold onto until his dying breath.

"Shut up, you know what I mean," replied Jimin, getting comfortable in Jungkook's neck again. The younger boy sighed and rolled his eyes, before clambering out of bed. Jimin let out another whine of discontent, earning a laugh from the other boy who scooped him up in his arms and carried him, princess style, to the kitchen of Jimin's apartment. Jimin would have protested, but instead he curled into Jungkook's warm chest, savouring the contact whilst it lasted, until he was placed in one of the kitchen chairs.

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