Hold Me

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Shiro burst into the lion with a sprint of adrenaline. He was running so quickly he couldn't even catch his breath to shout Lance's name. However to his relief when he arrived in the cockpit of the metallic red lion he could hear faint snores sounding from the pilots chair. Lance had fallen asleep being comforted by red. The boy looked peaceful even with dried tear tracks on his cheeks. His blue and white long sleeve shirt was bunching up at his waist and his favourite green jacket was hanging on the chair. He was sound asleep but it was clear sadly to them all now just how bad his mental status was. He fidgeted in his sleep like he was receiving a stern lecture. Gosh how did they not notice it before? Lances light brown hair swept over his tan face and fell to the side. Shiro picked up the young paladin, only 17 and carried the light boy in his arms with Lance's jacket swung over his shoulder. As he slowly made his decent from the lions jaws he could hear his teammates all shouting their worries for the red paladin.

"Shh you guys, he's asleep. Let's get him back to a room we can talk later."

"Shiro I hate to say this but uh where do we put him, his rooms not safe yet." Keith had just barely managed to form a coherent thought in his head other than Lance is okay and we'll keep it that way. From a few feet away you could hear Pidge yawning, their small body almost making no noise at all.

"Pidge, how long did you sleep last night?" Pidge held up three fingers as they stroked their short auburn hair. "Okay that's it Pidge your going to sleep with Lance tonight." Shiro began to carry Lance to Pidge's room.

Once they arrived Pidge immediately took off their glasses and laid on the bed while Shiro laid Lance down next to them. With in seconds by instinct Lance hugged the small child to his chest amidst his slumber while said child curled in affectionately and also fell into a pleasant sleep.

Lance woke up with Pidge curled up beside him. As he got up so did Pidge, he could finally see the bags under their eyes. "Pidge what happened?"

"You fell asleep in your lion and I had three hours of sleep. So Shiro forced me to take a nap with you." Lance nodded his head as the sliding door opened and they began their walk to the commons.

"Hey guys, you almost missed breakfast." Hunk was placing plates filled with a bright green goo.

"Hi Hunk, did you guys know Lance is a cuddled? Like seriously he just grappled on to me the second I laid down." Pidge gave a light hearted chuckle. "Lance where did you learn to do that anyways, you were asleep when I laid down."

"Oh simple my siblings." The room fell quiet. Everyone finished breakfast then left for the commons room, Lance already knew what was about to happen. Lance sat in the middle of the couch, with Hunk and Pidge on either side of him.

"Lance, why did you not tell us about your past. I'm sure we could have provided some form of support. To be a strong team we can't keep secrets from each other."

"I know princess, and I'm sorry. And your right I'm sure you could provide support. It's just embarrassing is all. I don't want pity so I don't give people a reason to pity me. I'm just here to protect, it's what I've always done but it's hard to protect people when they think your in danger." He was looking at the ground, he doubted he could maintain any eye contact right now.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Lance, but you need to do something otherwise Voltron will fall." Keith was speeding harshly but Lance could see the worry behind his tone.

"I know Keith and I'm sorry, can we just pretend nothing's wrong?" Tears slid down his face and fell to the floor. Lance could feel the weight on him gaining as Hunk crushed him in a hug. "You guys really its fine" he broke, finally Lance broke. The weight of everything around him had pushed at his guard until he could not hold it anymore and it shattered in front of everyone "I'm fine." He was sobbing gasping for breath as people and aliens alike rushed towards him. Rubbing his back and cooing in his ear comforting words like it's okay and he's gone now. They cared about him and he'd pushed them away. Whatever dignity he had left was certainly gone now as he clung to Shiro's arm like it was his only chance of survival.

"I-I had to protect *sniff* protect them" he continued to gasp for air "he was so mean and, and he tried to hurt them! He tried to hurt everyone I loved, and me on top of that. I have scars because of him! Scars my little sister had to stitch for me while I screamed. I was never aloud to go to a hospital, he was a monster.... a monster. I hate him!" They continued to comfort him as his knees broke, when had he stood up? He fell onto Shiro yet again as the older man pulled him in for a hug, holding close to Lance as if he might slip away if he let go even the slightest. " I just want it all to end! I don't want to live with him controlling my life anymore."

"Lance he's gone, and he's never going to hurt you again." Pidge cooed into his ear, petting his hair in a comforting way.

"Pidge, Pidge *sniff* I don't want to live anymore. I-I want to die." Coran was crying now, Lance who he saw as a son wanted to die. How could any parent hurt their child that much. He would do anything to get his child back but here someone else was just throwing theirs away. It was quiet in the lounge as Pidge started crying along with everyone but Shiro and Keith. Shiro's eyes watered as he looked down upon the boy. Keith looked as if he wanted to kill. Coran still crying walked up to Lance and held him close.

"My boy, it hurts me to see you like this. I will keep you safe. You are safe with me." He began to run his hand through the chocolate brown hair of Lance.

"Coran, I can't do it anymore. He broke me. I'm worthless now, I'm just a piece of garbage. I was always just his punching bag. I've never been his son. Never."

"My boy, you are my son now, I will protect you and guide you. You have a father in me." Lances sobs only got louder as he clung to Coran nodding slightly into his shoulder.

The team joined together, surrounding Lance. They had never been more close to each other than now. Now they understood at least somewhat what Lance was thinking. What he had gone through, how it affected him. Right now they were a team and nothing could break them. Lance was broken, so were Keith, Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk. They needed each other but that was okay. They would be here for each other every time someone broke because that is what a team does for each other.

(A/N holy crap there's so many of you! 87? I can't be reading this wright. Ha get it right wright because I wright this story ugh I give up. Either way thank you for reading and voting and comments, they give me life 💙💙)

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