Fear Overtakes Me pt.4

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Looking around himself Lance saw dark hallways that were barely lit up by light blue luminescent strips on the walls. The floors were cold on his feet even with his red lion slippers on. It didn't take much convincing to get those from Keith, he practically threw them at Lance when he asked. It was at that moment when Lance suddenly wished he had put on some real shoes instead of the fleece coverings. His feet felt like they were burning from being so cold, his toes curled in on themselves and his heels were covered in goosebumps. He scanned up and down the walls for any indications as to where he could possibly be. Dust covered every inch of the floor. So much so that with every step he took he could see his slippers imprint on the ground. How far away was he from the living quarters? It seemed like none of the paladins had ever been down here before? There was ten thousand years worth of dust on the walls and the ceiling lost bits and pieces of its rubble over the years. His walking slowed down until eventually he reached a stop and slid to the ground. It was so dark. And maybe just a little bit comforting to think that no one could see him. No one knew where he was right now. His brain slowed from its rapid thoughts until a calm sensation washed over him. No one could get him here. He was safe, far away from all his troubles. And he loved it. Minutes passed and soon enough he didn't love it so much. All his life Lance was surrounded by others. They swarmed him with their worries and strife. They talked to him constantly, never letting him be alone. Now that he was here, sitting on the cold floor, legs tucked underneath his chin with his arms wrapped around them this calm became overwhelming. The silence surrounded him and shrouded him to the point where it started pulling him into its arms. It was so uncomfortable and left him with a tingling feeling down his spine. All he wanted now was to be in someone's arms. Wrapped up tight with his back pressed against them. To be so close to someone that he could feel their heart beating in soft lulling rhythms. All he really wanted right now was Keith. To feel his warm breath on the back of his neck and maybe have some of that stupid mullet that he loves get caught between their shoulders. For him to whisper sweet words in his ear so quietly that if he spoke any louder he might blow away the sands that constructed lances soul and mind and lose some of the one he held so close to. All he needed was to lay their Keith's legs tangled up in his. To tell him all his fears and have them reassured. To place all his trust and hope, to give his everything to Keith and not have a second of doubt that he was safe in his arms. To never feel the need to regret a single word he said around him. Tears slipped from his eyes as he imagined his amazing boyfriend with him there. He whined Keith's name like a kicked puppy and just prayed he might show up.

Keith jogged down the hallways looking for his melancholy boyfriend. He knew how badly his father had affected him and he knew Lance was sure to be triggered at some point in an ongoing cosmic space war with the purple furies he was related to. He had to find him. All he wanted to do was wrap him up in his arms and whisper to him that everything would be okay. Because he knew it would. Keith refused to let Lance get hurt anymore and was going to do everything in his power to make sure of that. No matter what he had to do to ensure that he kept his promise. He may not of promised Lance that he would protect him but he did promise himself.

One hallway after another and there was no sign of his blue clad boyfriend. He started to run. Faster. And faster. He ran until his vision blurred with tears. Keith may not have had many people in his life who were incredibly close to him but those he did he always seemed to lose. His mom. His dad. Shiro. He refused to ever lose Lance. He would find him because he didn't have any other choice. Some people were worth their weight in gold. No one could buy Lance. Some people were worth the world. Lance was his world. Some people were worth the universe. Lance already saved the universe. And some people were worth more than you could ever give. That was Lance. Keith would never be able to show Lance how much he meant to him but sure as hell he was going to try. Because Lance was worth that.

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