Everything is Different

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You know those mornings when you wake up and you just think to yourself no not to day no? When your nose hurts and your eye lids are barely open and you get a slight headache in the front of your head. Yeah. Today was that kinda day for Lance. He knew he was sick the second he woke up but would he let that slow him down? Hell to the no. He had work to do. Today everything seemed to be a bit too much. The lights were to bright, the voices outside to loud. His pyjamas stuck to his skin with a slick layer of sweat. But worst of all the smell in the air. Vanilla. Lance didn't know why he suddenly hated that aroma or why it was even on the ship. Rather than wasting his time thinking about frivolous things like smells in the air he wasted his time sleeping. He pulled his covers back over his frail body that was slightly shaking from a cold sweat. After 5 minutes of turning and chasing sleep Lance gave up on the idea opting for breakfast. He pulled on his slippers and trudged his way to the kitchen. Hunk and Coran were the only ones in the kitchen at the moment, they eyed Lance for a few seconds before handing him the Altean equivalent of coffee. He thanked them quietly and sat at the long table. Voices drifted through the hallways and echoed throughout the room. Lance let out a loud moan at the lively voices in a desperate attempt to tell them politely of course to shut up. No such miracle happened they all just looked at Lance  strangely.

"Hey babe something wrong?" Keith awkwardly spoke to his boyfriend hoping that Pidge wouldn't make a comment about the pet name. Lance made some incomprehensible noise that made it clear something indeed was wrong. Not only did Lance not comment on the pet name but he also wasn't wearing that sheepish grin he has when Keith acts affectionate towards him.

Pidge walked up to the table to Lance. They saw his pale skin and dead eyes and already had a hypothesis for the problem. Lifting the back of their hand to Lance's forehead Pidge concluded by the high temperature that their hypothesis was correct. Lance was sick. They looked to Shiro and nodded knowing he understood full well what they were saying. Shiro spoke slowly as to not startle Lance like a little fawn. "Lance? Are you sick?"

"What? No" the Cuban drew out the o syllable trying to avoid the subject. "Your just being dramatic Shirogame. I'm totally fine see." Lance stood up to prove his point only to stumble on his feat like he was walking on water for the first time.

"Yeah no your sick. Go lay down."

"Space dad! Ugh I wanna train." No he didn't want to train, but he did want to get better at fighting. After breakfast Lance stood, thanked Hunk and Coran for the meal and put his plate away. He swayed were he stood walking to the training room. Everyone knew Lance could be very stubborn so rather than chasing him down they let drag himself down the hallway until he inevitably wore himself out.

Lance reached the training deck in full paladin armour with his bayard at the ready. He shouted out to start the training sequence going a level higher than the one he previously finished. He danced across the room shooting simulations in the process albeit a little clumsily. He panted and gasped finding air suddenly harder to reach. His limbs fell loosely at his sides when exhaustion finally caught up with him. He wiped the dripping sweat from his forehead feeling more shivers run down his arms and legs. His stomach was turning outside in at a considerable rate and he could only breath through his mouth. He sniffed whatever mucus was trying to escape his body and called out for the next simulation to start. This time he fell over at least 3 times while dodging attacks as it got harder and harder to force himself to stand back up. The next time he fell down he didn't bother moving. He let his body lay there in one of the most awkward positions known to man. His legs were wrapped under each other and one arm was behind his back with the other splayed across his face. He managed to spit out a few words before it all went dark. "End training sequence."

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