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I searched up depressed Kermit meme and got this... not sure how I feel.

(Flash back- Pidge's pov)

"Hi mom!"

"Hi Kaite how was school?" Mrs.Holt was cleaning the kitchen with the family dog running around her feet.

"Oh it was good. We were talking about adoption in socials and I was hoping you could help. You know seeing as you are adopted."

Mrs.Holt stoped cleaning dishes placing a China plate on the counter. She leant down to scratch the dog behind his ears. "Well sure Kaite. It was good feeling like I was chosen for something."

"Ok thanks mom. I love you."

"You already know how much I love you sweetie. You and the boys are my only family of course I love you. Honestly I don't know what I'd do without you all. Ha probably have an emotional break down. Well anyways go do your homework, dinner will be ready in a few."

(End of flashback)

The couches in the main room were covered with sweaty body's and pieces of paladin armour. The people of Amira may have been free now but the paladins of Voltron were more tired than sloths after a 5 kilometre race. Haggar's robiests never got any easier. Pidge had a drawn out look on their face and the others were taking notice. "Pidge are you ok?"

Pidge had looked up from the ground to see Hunk staring at them. For the first time in knowing them Pidge had no verbal response. "Huh?"

"Pidge you looked out of sorts, is something wrong?"

"Oh no sorry Hunk. I just zoned out there."

"Care to share whats on your mind Pidgeotto?" Lance moved closer to Pidge as to hold them. They held their breath for a few seconds before looking up meeting Lance's eyes then ducking away.

"Oh I don't know I'm just thinking about my mom. She told me once she would lose everything if she lost her family... and now she has. I don't know what she's going to do or how she's going to cope. She's probably given up hope on finding us, who knows how long we've been gone." Pidge had tears building at the corner of their eyes. A drop or two fell before Lance pulled them in closer and wiped them softly with his thumb.

"Hey it's okay, she's okay." He kept whispering soft words into their ear, he pet their hair and rubbed small circles onto their back slowly. "Shh" he soothed "it's okay you'll get back to her. Do you know what's gonna happen?"


"It'll be a brisk day on a nearby planet. Your dad and brother will be at a rebel base safe and sound. We'll have defeated Zarkon and Lotor. We won't need to be up here in space any more. The sun will rise over some valley and you, Matt, and your dad will walk onto the castle. We'll wait a few hours and suddenly through the glass we see earth, round and blue. The sun will just be setting and your mom will be getting ready for bed. She'll pray that her baby comes home to her soon. The door will open you hold your breath while your mom walks down the stairs to see what the noise is. She sees you all and starts to cry. You hug her and then you know everything is going to be all right." Lance slowly told them a story filling their head with images of family. Every once in a while he would stop to see how they were doing and brush their hair out of their face, tucking auburn brown locks behind small ears.

Pidge looked up with a hopeful expression the sadness deflating from their eyes. "Really? Do you think that will happen?"

"I'm sure of it." The truth was Lance was anything but sure. Pidge's dad could be long gone, their mom dead, but right now Pidge needed this. They needed something to hope for so Lance would take the burden of a lie to help his small friend.

"Thank you big brother." Maybe it was the lack of sleep and energy that caused them to say that but in all honesty they just felt that way about Lance. He was a second sibling to them.

"No problem little sib." Lance took no hesitation in replying. He had always thought of Pidge as someone to help, guide, and support. Pidge was like another little sibling to him and he wanted them to know it. "Ok go to sleep, I can tell your tired. Here" he moved his arm so that they could lay down right beside him "and don't forget to stay that way for a while huh. You thought I didn't see you up and working at three yesterday, well you thought wrong. Now come on."

Pidge gladly curled up beside Lance storing their glasses in a hoodie pocket. Pidge lay there slowly drifting off to the sound of Lance humming a familiar song they couldn't remember but it relaxed them enough that they fell asleep. The others in the room watched with awe as Lance coaxed Pidge to sleep humming somewhere over the rainbow. Small whistles and snores came from the body pressed against Lance's side. Everyone on the ship knew the two thought of each other as siblings but to see how close they were with each other honestly made Keith jealous. Lance had this ability to form deep connections with someone he's just met then Keith works at it for years and can barely form a connection with a life time worth of friendship.

"So Lance.... umm... wow.." Keith mentally scolded himself for.. everything. Just. Everything.

"Keith you alright there buddy? You seem a little inarticulate."

"Oh uh yeah Lance I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me Keith what troubling that pretty little mind of yours?"

"Well.. uh.. it's just. Okay. See the thing is your so.. so good with people... yeah. And I'm here struggling to make any connections... it's just how do you do it?" Keith paused frequently to regroup his thoughts and find a way to put them to words hopping Lance understood what he was trying to get across. He dry swallowed a lot to try and ease the tension he was feeling even though he knew there was no pressure on him at this moment.

"Honestly I don't know. But if your trying to say that you can't have good relationships because you don't have lots of deeply rooted relationships then you are wrong. So wrong. What I'm trying to say is that you don't need to be the best at this because we will help you. We're going to help you understand what you feel and how to express it. But until then trust your instinct, it's usually never wrong."

"Thanks sharpshooter."

"Any time Emo™"

"If Pidge weren't laying on you right now I would have you tackled to the ground in no time."

"I'm sure you would." A light blush spread across both boys faces at the last comment. Across the seascape of stars was a small battle cruiser part of a stray Galra fleet with locked coordinates on the castle.

(A/N: hey guys! Thanks for your comments they give me life. This one goes out to all my musical fans out there. Anyways give me ideas if you have them or just talk to me I really love hearing from you guys. Also..... GO TO BED!!!!!! Ok love y'all bye)


What the hell

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What the hell

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