The Concept of Chaos

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The sky was a lilac purple on the planet they were visiting. Voltron had been called to form an alliance and when they landed and heard news of the young children a village had been searching for they decided to stay a while longer and join the search party. The people who lived here greatly resembled humans in most every aspect, excluding the fact that they had two sets of arms. The planet they lived on was also sickeningly similar to earth in its lakes and rivers and forests. The planet, Triberra had terrain alike to earth covering its surface. The paladins upon seeing this found a funny feeling in their stomachs wondering if they closed their eyes they might be able to imagine their lives the way they used to be. And if they squeezed them shut tightly enough maybe just maybe they could open them and be back on earth. Surrounded by their friends, families, homes. Hell what they wouldn't do to be back there again drowning in the dusty and dry smell of the dessert or to be in the garrison smelling of cleaning products that have the aroma of pine trees. To wet their feet in the oceans of earth, but that was a dream to far away that they had given up for now in favour of helping the universe. Being on this planet brought Lance a sense of comfort but more so a wave of homesickness. It made him queazy to think of how long it would be until he could be home again. It hurt him how quickly his friends accustomed to calling the castle home. But still he supposes it is home now, or the closest thing he can get to it.

The team split up into pairs in their lions. Hunk was with Lance, Keith was with Pidge, and Shiro and Allura shared the blue lion. Kidge was combing the desert area of the planet while Shallura searched the forestry and Hance searched the rockier terrain. Pidge had convinced them to use ship names when referring to the pairs. No one one was having any luck. "Shallura" Pidge chirped into the com units "have you had any luck using your heat scanners over the forest?"

"No Pidge" Shiro replied "I could ask you and Keith the same but I feel you would have seen them given how flat the deserts are here."

"You got that right Shiro." Keith piped up. "It's just sand as far as the eye can see. I swear I saw when a bug moved down there."

"Oh come on Keith stop pulling my tail."

"No way, these beasts are the size of dogs. I'm scared to imagine what the spiders must be like if a beetle here is as big as a golden retriever."

"Oh lord, oh lord, oh lord, oh lord! Stop talking! I do not want to think about that. Oh great now my skins all tingly because of you. Thanks." Sarcasm dropped from his voice while he did a little dance around the cabin to shake off any excess imaginary bugs. Keith huffed into the air with fondness before telling Shiro to suck it up. Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and Allura were all laughing alongside Keith while Shiro continued his rant about how it was completely natural to have such a reaction to such imagery.

"Don't worry Shiro, how your acting is completely valid" said Lance. He waited a few seconds before adding on "now do you want the red sippy cup or the blue sippy cup?" He spoke in a mocking voice soaking up the annoyed growl he got from Shiro.

"Hardy har har."

As Lance was about to continue his and Shiro's banter he looked to the right of his lion and noticed a cave. "Hey wait guys" he spoke slowly into the mic like he might be seeing things. "Hunk bud you see this too?"

"Yeah, it looks like there's a cave. You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Looks big enough for two small children to camp out in and get away from the weather."

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