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Lance laid on his bed, his long legs falling off the edges. He had a ball of yarn sitting next to him rolled out. It was a soft light forest green shade ball. He was currently knitting a small blanket for Pidge. He often saw them shiver at random times even with that giant hoodie they wear. His two knitting needles weaved in and beside each other pulling cords of green with them. It left a beautiful design on it, the kind of pattern you run your finger over to understand just a little more of what your seeing. When he tied the finishing knot on the chevron blanket he let out a hum of approval before placing it beside a proper sweater for Keith that would also cover his torso and didn't have that stupid turtle neck. Beside that was a black lion stuffy for Shiro, he knew he liked to cuddle something at night after their last sleepover and he started spooning a pillow. He was still working on gifts for Hunk, Coran, and Allura. He had no idea what he wanted to make for any of them. Maybe Coran would like a pair of matching slippers. Lance sighed and flipped himself over so his chest rose to the sky. He let his thoughts run free to the far edges of his mind. He let sleep wash over him, his body settling into the down covers.

Pidge was pacing back and forth across the room. Hunk had been finding a new position to sit in every 10 seconds. Shiro just sat still while Keith started to sing just really depressing songs; he was now singing concrete angel. It was never a pretty sight or sound when Keith was worried for Lance. Lance had been in his room for the past few days. He never left it. Hunk had been bringing him meals which luckily he did eat. The whole team was worried and were wondering what could have happened to him these past few days. After one more song, quietly sung by the great Keith Kogane, Shiro had had enough. Standing for the first time that hour after staring off into space Shiro started the walk to Lance's room.

The team, Allura and Coran followed behind him. They were all desperate for answers as to why their beloved Lance had retreated to his room over the past few days, never speaking a word. They prepared for the worst; a broken Lance saying nothing just staring off into space with a dull glazed over look in his eyes. They feared to find him bloody and curling in on himself. Lost between two worlds or even worse leaving the one he knew too well behind. Instead however they found him asleep. He was surrounded by piles of vibrant yarn and its creations. Collectively they gasped at the sheer quantity of material there was. Hunk and Allura had known Lance could knit but the quality of the items was magnificent. Strings folded over and under each other to create delicate patterns on each object. While they gaped at Lance knitting champion 2.0's works he woke up startled to find his room full of teammates. He spoke softly his voice was still waking from its rest. "Uh hi guys, what are you all doing here?"

"Lance since when have you been able to knit?" Pidge was in shock of the new information about her teammate who she had come to see as a brother. "I thought you were dead! What the hell man. Why were you in here for so long anyways?"

"First of Pidge stop rambling. Secondly I was taught by my eldest sister when I was eight. Also I've been in here making these." Lance vaguely gestured to the items surrounding him.

"But why?"

"It's a way to calm myself and besides I wanted to give you all something anyways."

"Aw thank you Lance but you didn't have to do that."

"Ugh Pidgeon just be great full and accept my gifts."

"Okay okay meme lord I accept. So what's for who?"

"Pidge-" he handed them the square green blanket to which they smiled and proceeded to wrap themselves in. "Hunk-" a pair of fuzzy socks found themselves in Hunk's hands along with two matching hats that say I'm his/her rock "these are for you and shay. Getch'ya rock girl." Lance turned to Shiro holding out the black lion stuffy "does this one even need explanation?" He smirked know he had caught Shiro of guard. "Allura-" he gave her a sweater that was longer on the edges fanning out like a cape and wrapping tightly around her waist and arms. She nodded her head in thanks. "This is for the mice" a small traditional pet bed was also placed in her hands. "Coran Coran my gorgeous man-" Lance swung a pair of slippers fitted to look like an orange lion at the advisor causing him to joyously shriek. "And last but certainly not least Keith." Lance laid the sweater on Keith's shoulder locking eyes with him for a good minute before either dare break the peace between them.



Keith's sweater was red with the Voltron logo in black across where his shoulder blades would be. It came down his arms loosely and folded at the ends giving it the kind of look a sweater your grandma made you had. What made it stand apart however was the neck, it was very wide but didn't go down very low making it so that the sweater could slip down one shoulder. Keith liked it. Lance really liked the way it showed of his collarbones.

"So Lance what had you so stressed out anyways?" Keith broke into the conversation with a frown on his face. He scratched the back of his head while waiting for Lance to give some hopefully truthful answers. Keith took a seat on the bed beside Pidge waiting for an explanation. After an encouraging nod from Keith Lance spoke again.

"I was thinking about wormholes." Confused glances from his teammates urged him to explain. "Like what if time passes differently than on earth. These wormholes we've been using may cause our weeks to be their version of Years."

"Wow Lance, I never knew you were capable of thinking like that." Shiro spoke with a tone of authority only wavering slightly. "Lance we don't know how long it's been for them but we also don't know how long it's been for us. We'll make it through this together and we always will." A whoop  and sharp laughter later the boys continue leisurely talking about random subjects and their mutual hatred for Iverson.

Hey guys! Happy valentines 💙💙💙 love u guys so get some sleep.

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