Fear Overtakes Me pt.3

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Lance woke up with a warmth against his back. He crawled out out of the bed to see Pidge laying there sound asleep. They had a little drool dripping down their chin. His neck was sore and made it harder to breath. His lungs swelled with every breath he took. Blinking a couple times to fully wake himself he remembered what happened the other day. He involuntarily closed in on himself bringing in his arms and legs thinking about those hands. The anger in his voice. He knew it wasn't really Shiro in that moment but he couldn't help but wonder what his hero had planned. He felt a shiver run down his spine thinking of what would have happened had Pidge not shown up. He looked over his shoulder at that sleeping kid. He loved them so much but it really was time to make sure Shiro was okay. After getting caught in a trance like that he was probably a little shook. Okay Pidge time to wake up he thought. He gently shook their shoulder and moved some hair out of their face. They groaned something about telling Matt to stop being a dick. He laughed a little at that as their big auburn eyes opened slowly. "Lance?" They spoke slowly with caution as if they were talking to a bird trying to keep it from flying away.

"Hey Pigeon" his voice was raspy and dry. It hurt to speak and judging by the taken back look on Pidge's face it hurt to hear.

"Hey are you okay? What happened?" They shot up quickly upon seeing the state he was in and fluttered around him checking for bruises.

Lance started to reassure Pidge when he remembered his goal. "Come on pideotto I need to check on Shiro."

"What why Shiro?" Then a sudden realization dawned on them and Pidge looked ready to fight. "No no way am I letting you near him. He doesn't need to be checked up on. We need to take you to the medbay."

"No I'm fine but I'm checking on him. Final decision." Pidge reluctantly followed him out into the foyer looking for their leader. They called his name a few times until they found him on the bridge. He was staring out into space looking lost in thought. "Hey Shiro, buddy? I need you to tell me how your doing?" Shiro turned around and suddenly Lance was gone. His hands. They brought him back to a time he'd rather not remember. A time when his fathers hands clasped around his neck the way Shiro's did. He couldn't remember to breathe anymore all he knew was that the pressure on his lungs were pulling him downwards and his feet were carrying him somewhere else. He distantly heard someone call his name. But it was t his teammate anymore. It was his father. Loud footsteps followed him down the hallways with every turn he took they got louder. His feet were slipping and his eyes were watering. He couldn't let this happen again. He ran faster, harder, quicker. He pushed himself beyond his limits and flew down the corridors. His legs were taking him somewhere his mind didn't know yet. He didn't care though so long as he got away from him he knew he'd be okay.

"Lance!" Shiro called. He chased the blue boy down every hallway but with every turn he felt himself loosing his energy while Lance only seemed to speed up. After a couple more minutes he lost his footing sealing his fate of loosing Lance. He collapsed to the floor  with tears springing from his eyes. He's what caused this. He scared Lance into a flash back and nearly killed him. Lance is terrified right now of Shiro and he can't blame him. Shiro is scared of himself. Of his parts that are no longer human; the parts of himself he lost in that Galra ship. How could he do that. He didn't even know what he was doing until it was to late. He thought Lance was corrupted. He was broken. Oh so broken. Soon he was reduced to a puddle of tears on the cold floor of the castle ship wishing nothing more than that he would just fade away.

Pidge had been running down the halls as fast as their little legs could take them. Eventually they could hear the sobbing sounds from just a few hundred feet away. They ran towards the noise to find Shiro curled up on his side practically begging for the cold to do something to his numb body. They sat down next to him and grabbed his head and placed it in their lap. "Shiro, I need you to look at me." They gently pleased with him as he continued to sob into their thigh. Eventually he gained enough strength to weakly look up at the smallest paladin.  He weakly replied to Pidge with a grunt, which took almost all his effort. "I'm going to call Allura Shiro okay? She's going to take you to the medbay. Your to big for me to carry." He nodded once more before flopping back against their leg having exhausted all his energy.

Pidge pulled out a small com device that hooked up to the bridge. "Princess I need your help. Shiro is in a weak state and needs to go to the medbay. I have sent you my location in the ship. If you could come carry him that would be great." The princess replied in an affirmative and arrived a few minutes later shifted into a larger form.

"Hello Pidge" she greeted. Then she slowly wrapped her arms around Shiro's back and knees to pick him up. Within minutes they were all seated in the med bay with the exclusion of Shiro who was laying on a bed.  Pidge had explained the situation to them all and how Lance was still AWOL. Hunk had agreed to go search for the finishing third of the garrison trio with Pidge. Keith however was no where to be found. No one was in good condition.

(A/N: hey guys I'm so sorry for the late update. Honestly things have been kind of hard lately and recently my mom forced me to out myself to her. I've been in kind of a bad place but I'm ready to continue the story. Thankyou for all the votes and comments they keep me going and I will update soon. Okay I love you all go to bed 🐘😘💙)

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