Remembering Her Pt.1

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The paladins were currently visiting a nearby planet that was rather strange in terms of alien planets. The large orb was coloured a crimson red with splotches of violet where the water was. The inhabitants of the planet were small, barely two feet high, called Temors. They all had the same enticing pair of green eyes, they had varying skin tones from red like the planet to black like the sky above but yellow was the most common. However what made the planet strange was the ability of these aliens. They had the capability to see the memories of others and the emotions accompanying them. Team Voltron was currently trying to make allies of the people while the paladins visited. Hunk had found a small group of children that were hugging his legs only a foot tall. Keith had found the head warrior and was sparring with him. Pidge was discussing the colour of the water with some older looking Temorians but they seemed to be speeding of folklore at the time. Lance had grabbed some of the children that were about to fall off a cliff and was now speaking to their fathers. The fathers, who seemed to take the motherly role, were thanking Lance and asking of his family. "Red paladin, tell us if your family. Here on the Temora we have large families, often consisting of 10-15 children. As we understand on earth you have smaller family units. Is this true?" The Temorian speaking to him was coloured a deep navy blue and spoke in a high pitched voice.

"Yes, its true. I am considered to have a large family. I have 6 siblings. Most on earth have families of 3-5 people in total." Lance spoke with uncertainty upon explaining his family knowing the ability of his friends.

"Red paladin why do you lye to us? You say you have only 6 siblings but you have 7." This time a Temorian green spoke, only to be shushed by the dark blue Temorian.

"Please forgive my friend. He has forgotten on earth the dead are not often included in number of family members. Part of the Temorian culture is that the dead are considered to be family members spirits. A family member without a body if you so please. I understand however that this death was never resolved. Why do you continue to let if cause you pain?"

After forcing himself out of the memories Lance answers the aliens question. "You have a culture to be envious of. On earth the dead are often forgotten which is why I let myself feel pain from it. If only to not let myself forget when so many others already did."

"I see. It's not the best method to keep someone alive but it is better than letting their spirit die off. Please take this as a token of appreciation and a healthy reminder of the lost form. On our planet black is a colour of morning and emptiness. Treat this with love and it may colour again." The short alien passed a small flower to Lance. It was coloured black from root to petals. It had one dried up leaf on the stem and two large black petals folding backwards.

"Thank you it is greatly appreciated. I have to go and help save more planets from the Galra. I promise you will always have pease and freedom and aid with Voltron by your side." Lance waved goodbye holding the delicate plant in a small glass jar while walking back to the castle-ship. What Lance didn't know was that Pidge had overheard this conversation.

"Hey Lance! Where'd ya get the cool looking flower from?" Said Pidge.

"Oh hi Pidge. I got it from the Temorians as a gift of appreciation. Lance the amazingly cool sharp shooter saved their kids from falling off a cliff."

"You can stop talking in third person I get it your pretty awesome. Anyways I was going to the training deck. Do you want to come with me?" While Pidge had been discussing folklore with the Temorians they learned that black was a colour of mourning and other stories of the flower. They figured once Lance was ready to share about his dead lived one he would. Until then they could support him with their similar situations.

"Yeah I guess I could help my little sib with training. Count me in." Pidge nodded their head secretly really happy Lance also thought of them as a sibling. The two made their way to the training deck, unbeknownst to them the rest of the team had the same idea. Walking I. To the large white and blue room the paladins were finishing up fighting a gladiator with Coran dressed as a cheerleader in a bright yellow skirt striped with light blue. On his uncomfortably tight sleeveless shirt the words Altea were printed in white on the yellow background with blue details on the stitching. "Hey Coran? I mean as much as I Love seeing someone cheer for my team what the quiznack are you doing?" Pidge and Lance had equally confused faces as the rest of the earthlings just looked amused as Hunk shot the final blow tho the gladiators chest with his bayard.

"Oh my boy and number 5! Glad to see you here. Keith had informed me of a practice of support on earth called "cheerleading" this seemed like the opportunity to try it out." Coran sashayed over to the two and Lance covered Pidge's eyes whispering you've seen enough terror in the universe already.

"Okay then, thank you Keith" he then looked towards the boy in red rolling his eyes "for the opportunity to see that. I don't think anything else would have been more appropriate at this moment." Lance laughed at the idea of Keith explaining cheerleading to Coran and helping him find an outfit. Although he was sure Coran would need no convincing to go along with the idea.

Shiro was the first to speak up. "Well it's great to see both of you now would be a good opportunity for team training since we are all hear. Lance you can put that strange plant near Coran." Lance nodded walking over to Coran as Allura looked at him.

"I assume that was a gift of appreciation, but why did they give you their remembrance flower? It is usually preserved for the last of the people who remember someone deceased."

Lance was only slightly shocked that Allura knew so much about other alien cultures for such a young princess. "Oh well you see Allura there's one thing my memories didn't show you and I didn't tell you." The team held their breaths in anticipation (A/N: I see you trembling with anticaaaaaaapation rocky horror picture show for the win) for what new secret to lances past they would soon learn.

"I used to have a baby sister."

(So this is likely the only two parter chapter. I would have made this a really long chapter but I wanted to update and I couldn't stay up too late because drumroll please..... I have a date! Woah crazy right? The fan girls can get dates me too I'm in shock.)

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