Earth Culture

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(I'm giving you guys a fluff chapter! Yay!)

It had been days since the revelation of Lance's past and the team was looking for a new bonding exercise that hopefully would not take as much mental energy as the last one had. Currently they were spouting ideas in the early morning as the stars passed by on the observation deck. "There is an Altean tradition where we each cut our wrist and share the blood as a symbol of our bond." Coran was really trying to find a new way for them to bond, he never wanted to put Lance in that situation again.

"Yeah no that won't work. On earth we have diseases transmitted by blood also we might not want to hurt ourselves anymore, but thank you for the suggestion Coran." Spoke Shiro, he could only catch a glimpse of Altean life styles but they seemed dangerous to him.

"Shiro?" They had that light in their eye, in other words they had an idea.

"Yes Pidge?"

"Why have we only been using Altean bonding methods. There are plenty of safe bonding methods from earth we could try."

"Good idea Pidge. Tell us what you were thinking."

"I say we have a team Voltron sleep over! Think about it, definitely safe aside from Hunks cookies" Hunk nodded his head as Pidge continued "definitely not emotionally or physically draining. It would provide the perfect opportunity to teach our Altean friends about some earth culture. Not to mention if we felt we needed to discuss something, well three am is the most depressing time of the night." The team laughed in response all agreed the sleep over was to happen that night in the observatory, no skipping it was still training. "Alright everyone meet back at 5 with blankets, pillows, and a depressive disorder."

"Pidge! You and I both know we dont need to mention that one. We all have it anyways." Keith had always been a fan of Pidge's dark humour and often times joined in himself.

"Sorry I meant to say snacks. Altean food goo snacks." With that they all left towards their rooms. Keith walked straight past his door onto Lance's.

"Lance can we talk about, well about feelings. More importantly maybe feelings we have for each other." The door opened to reveal a stunned Lance. He stuttered a yes and Keith walked in. "Lance the image you showed us. Was it true?"

"Well- um I-I mean uh yeah.... of-of course it was. You mean a lot to me Keith b-bu-but if this would hurt our friendship I understand. You can go now if you want."

"But that's the thing Lance, I'm so confused because I don't want to go. I want to talk to you all the time, you are all I think about Lance and I don't know why. But I kinda like it." Keith's eyes were shining he seemed confused but happy all at the same time. Lance absolutely adored the way his violet eyes shown for him.

"You do?" After nodding his head shyly he walked closer to Lance. So close they could feel each other's breaths, Lance leaned upwards to rest his chin on Keith's head. "Well in that case maybe we could be something. Maybe we could be everything." They held each other close walking to Keith's room to find some supplies for the night, both of their faces tinted pink by the warm touch of the other.

At five o'clock the group met in the observatory all holding piles of blankets and the like. "So what do we do with these?" Allura asked, she was rather confused by earth.

Hunk had realized one important part of a sleep over that was missing, "Lance! Go with Allura get your supplies and everyone else get into your pjs."

Everyone soon returned in their matching night wear. All coloured like their suits. Lance and Allura had handfuls of nail polish, makeup, and hair accessories. Splaying them out across the table Lance explained what a sleepover often consisted of. "Sleepovers on earth are ways of strengthening a friendship. They usually have makeovers, movies, games, and people always stay up late in the night talking to one another." The Alteans nodded their heads in understanding.

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