Let Me Love You

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"Hey Keith. I was hoping you could help me figure something out." It was early morning and Shiro had found Keith training. His bayard still drawn, Keith had just finished his training sequence.

"Oh yeah Shiro, what is it?"

"Well you see I'm kinda at a loss for what to do." Shiro's face furrowed in concentration. "You and Lance are dating" within seconds Keith had a face covered in sweat and a dark blush "so I was wondering, what can we do to help him. Help him recover from his past. We don't even know everything that happened, we just have an outline and well I was thinking maybe you have a better idea on what happened. And of course how we could help him."

"Wait back up a second, how did you know we were dating?" Shiro just looked at him as if to say 'how could I not' "Lance had a rough past but he won't tell me everything. It took a lot from him to just let me check for new cuts. Are you sure he's ready for that? I want to help him but Shiro how do we persuade someone who lost his trust so often? Who we broke his trust? We hurt him, how do we make up for that?"

Shiro looked down, he hated reminding himself that part of this was his fault. "I don't know Keith but we have to try. He's our teammate and having him know he can trust us is important. I want him to feel like he can tell us what happened. Anything is worth his trust, I just wish he didn't think so lowly of himself." Keith nodded his head in agreement thinking over every possibility, and every way to earn his trust.

"Well I know my past wasn't the brightest, maybe if we could convince him he's not an outcast for feeling damaged he would open up. Besides like you said we should be able to share everything with each other because we can help."

"Alright good idea, I'll tell the others you bring Lance to the commons room after breakfast. We need- no we will make things right." After waving goodbye Keith left to clean up.

"Ok everyone meet in the commons room. Coran, Allura you as well. I'll go fist but I would like everyone to participate." Shiro was speaking in his Dad™ voice so things must serious. They arrived in the commons and sat down. Tension filled the air until Shiro spoke again. "When I was 8 my father cheated on my mom. I found out after sneaking out of my room to spy on him, only I wasn't aloud to tell my mom otherwise my dad would hurt her. She found out a year later from walking in on them. I lost my dad that day, he left us but really I lost him the year before that. The day he was no longer her husband he was no longer my father." The group stayed silent, all taking in the information they just received. That is until Hunk spoke next.

"I moved schools three times in Hawaii because I got bullied. It was bad, bad enough that I was once in the hospital. It's okay now that I have you all  but it's still hard to look back on." After he said that there was a chorus of oh's and I'm so sorry'. Coran spoke next and pretty much broke any heart left of the team.

"I had a son on Altea. A lot like you Lance, I never got the chance to say goodbye to him before I was frozen. The war came and there was little time. I never got to watch him grow up. I never met the one he'd marry and have children with. He died at some point I'm sure. But I still don't know when or what his life was like. I lost him and he lost me at 17." Lance started to cry next to Coran. He really was the child Coran lost he was important to him.

Pidge wiped silent tears before speaking. "I fought with my mother. I never got the chance to tell her how sorry I was before I left. She still thinks I hate her, and now- now she's all alone *sniff* with no family. With no idea where any of us are, thinking we're all dead. Maybe she has a new family now. Hopefully who knows if I'll ever be able to go back to her, let alone find Matt and Dad too." The team crowded around Pidge in one big group hug. All of them had tears in their eyes. They stayed like that for a bit as Pidge cried into their arms and chests.

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