Fear Overtakes Me pt.1

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(A/N: sorry for another two parter but I felt bad leaving you guys for so long)

Soft snores sounded in the lab next to the green lion. Hunk had been working with Pidge to update the lions cloaking mechanism. After a few relentless hours of experiments Pidge's lack of sleep had caught up too them. Their soft auburn hair laid out across the table and over their face. Strands fell loosely across their nose and lifted I to the air when they exhaled. Pidge had been sitting on a chair leaning over the table, pushing a few of their smaller projects to the ground. Hunk was sitting beside them humming softly. He was tweaking with a part from one of the lions. The mice were sat on his shoulder and arm. Another was sleeping on Pidge's back, these mice seemed to follow them everywhere. Not that they were complaining. An hour after Pidge fell asleep the castle alarm went off. Flashing a bright red light throughout the hangar succeeding in startling and waking Pidge and Hunk. With one nod the two were off in separate directions to find their paladin armour.

Outside the castle was a fleet of Galra cruisers. Luckily they seemed to just be cargo ships so if team Voltron could cut out their communications before they got a chance to call for back up they should have a fairly easy fight. After Hunk battle rammed their ion cannon beyond repair Pidge leaked a virus onto their station. Taking all of their information and wiping out communications. It had been a simple fight. That is until another ship showed up seconds after Pidge leaked the virus. Damn. The battle only intensified as more fighters came and gave no time for Voltron to be formed.

It was a long excessive battle. Shouting could constantly be heard through the coms. Purple shrapnel dusted the sky and orange and yellow flashes came and went. Pidge and Lance were attacking the fighter pilots while Allura, Shiro, and Hunk fought some of the larger ships until they retreated. The lions flew back to the castle slowly. The conversation over the coms was lively and spirited until a cry came from Lance. The red lion sparked and for a second glowed purple when a stray fighter ship forgotten in the graveyard shot at Lance.

"Hell! Okay that hurts!" Lance was shrieking in the head sets saying many Spanish curses and profanities.

"Lance! Are you okay? What happened? Did you get hurt? Where are you hurt? Are you bleeding? How muc-"

"Woah okay slow down buddy." Lance cut Hunk off from his rambling to reassure him. "I just cut my arm on reds control panel. Nothing a few stitches can't fix."

"Okay. Everyone let's get inside. Lance head straight for the med bay." Shiro spoke loud and clear to his team. Even with his voice trembling just the slightest.

"Rodger that Shiro."

When Lance arrived at the med bay everyone else was already there. Shiro had been muttering to himself, hunk was pacing. Pidge was finding medical supplies and Keith... well Keith was singing Carry Underwood. It had been no surprise that when Lance took a step in they were suddenly all over him. Coran led him across the floors slowly. He had to support Lance the entire way there because of Lance's newfound nausea and lack of blood. Eventually he found himself sat on a table while Coran inspected his arm. Although he wasn't all to sure about the point as Coran has pretty much no knowledge on the human anatomy. Nevertheless he didn't resist when the Altean gave him some really good pain killers, like were talking brain goes fuzzy pain killers. Sure he had no idea what was going on but he wasn't dumb, he could assume Coran was likely stitching his arm back together. Together. Together again, hey it's good to be together again again cause no feeling feels like that- woah where did his mind just go. Oof let's just reel it in. Maybe now would be a good time for a nap.

Lance was starting to drift off to sleep. Pidge assumed that he had been given a little too much of that pain killer. They laid him onto his back when Coran finished. Pidge left the room returning with a heavy blue blanket that had lion paws covering it. They placed it over him careful not to cover his arm while he slept soundly. Keith and Shiro sat down next to the makeshift bed. Hunk and Pidge filed out of the room towards the kitchen.
"Shiro, how are you holding up?" Said Keith.

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