하나 • Baby, He's Perfect

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[🐼❤] park chaeyoung says "fuxk you!" [🐼❤]

[🐼❤] park chaeyoung says "fuxk you!" [🐼❤]

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||Chaeyoung's P.O.V||

"Through the night, the storm rages, wreaking havoc on it's way. Neath a dripping roof, bedraggled souls are huddled as they pray,"

My eyes are glued on him as he speaks. Him, Jeon Jungkook. Also known as perfection.

You know, my mother always told me angels were beautiful, but Jeon Jungkoom takes the word perfect to a whole nother level. How did God create him? The question keeps me awake during the night. Actually, scratch that--I ponder on that question 24/7.

"Outside, the wind comes howling. Swaying trees shriek and groan. Men of naught, midst suffering sigh in grief, in pain -- they moan."

The tall boy continues with his poem. We were in school--specifically, drama class. A class I took for two reasons and two reasons only. One, ever since I was a little kid, my mother has always wanted me to become an actress. Two, Jungkook is in that club and it's the only way I could get close to him.

Call me a stalker--I don't necessarily care.

Jungkook has always had a way with words--it's part of the reason why he has every girl kneeling at his front door, begging for him to get in their pants.

Nu-uh, not me, though. Despite my heavy feelings for him, you won't see me spreading my legs every time he's in my view. To put it simply, I'm not a slut.

Thanks to my mother's encouraging words and persuasion, I've managed to get through drama class with straight A's. Though I'm not as close to being as smooth with my words as Jungkook is, I'm getting there. Everything is possible, as said by my mother.

Out of nowhere, the classroom breaks into sonorous, ear-splitting applause. Jungkook shyly smiled at everybody, pink flushing his cheeks. "Thank you, everyone." He murmurs quietly as the applause begins to die down. Quietly, he takes his seat which is unfortunately planted in the back of the classroom.

Our eyes meet for a few seconds--but that split second manages to feel like forever. His captivating, enthralling brown eyes lock onto my own. I timidly smile at him, my heart beating quickly. To my surprise, my smiles back, causing my heart to practically melt.

In synchronization, the two of us turn around, now facing the drama teacher, Cho Khyuhyun. "That was outstanding, Jeon Jungkook. It truly was. But next up is Park Chaeyoung with her poem titled, Letting You Go."

I tensed up when I heard my name come out of the professor's mouth. To my pure astonishment, the class breaks into faint applause. It's quiet, yet it's loud at the same time.

With my notebook in my hands, I scramble in front of the class, fear and excitement pulsing through my veins. I stare at everyone, specifically Jungkook. He politely smiles back as if to say good luck. Just seeing his smile makes my heart flutter with intense anticipation.

I clear my throat before speaking. "Time is known to heal all wounds. And it would--if only it could. Yet these wounds cannot be healed, with permanent scars, they have been sealed. Locked inside is all the pain which cannot be washed away by even the heaviest of rain. If only you could feel how much it hurts, yet I would not wish that upon even the cursed," I pause, trying to keep my breathing steady.

There was a certain reason as to why I chose to write such a sad poem--reading it aloud makes me feel--well,--heartbroken.

About a year ago during my junior year, there was a guy. There was a guy named Park Jimin whom I loved dearly. Me being my crazy-in-love self, decided it would be a fantastic idea to--how do I put this subtly? To, well, seduce him.

We were both oblivious at the time, so we ended up doing it. Being clueless at the time, he didn't use protection. It's obvious as to what happened next.

I was only sixteen at the time. So, what does a mother do when she finds out that her daughter got pregnant?

She forces her to abort the baby, of course.

That wasn't even the worse part--while I was struggling and being indecisive, guess where Park Jimin was? Why, he was getting his other best girl friend pregnant, of course. When he found out the baby had been aborted, he blamed it on me.

I was the apperant reason as to why we--no, I lost my kid. As if he actually gave a shit.

Nobody will understand how much it hurts to walk past him, brush against his shoulder as I do so, and be forced to look him square in the eye and say, "hey, how are you doing?" as tears threaten to make an appearance.


An unexpected tear rolls downy cheek as I continue. "The pain is a dagger which stabs my heart, and it pricks every second 'till it tears apart. Like a petal whose flowers have died, all I feel is emptiness inside. Though for you, my heart weeps a river of blood. You are not to be blamed for this flood. I'm letting you go even though you were never mine,"

"--it was my mistake to think this would be just fine."


A/N[🐰🐼❤]: God, I love Chaekook so much.

Try not to take offense as I say this, but I personally think that Lizkook is just a tad bit overrated. As well as Jirosé and Taennie.

If you couldn't tell already, I'm more of a Seulmin, Rosékook, Taelice, Jinsoo & Yoonnie stan.

So don't take it personallllll--


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