열 다섯 • Keep The Change

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[🐼❤] park chaeyoung says, "your words are like bullets, but i'm the one with a gun." [🐼❤]

| Chaeyoung's P

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| Chaeyoung's P.O.V |

I don't know why I allowed Jimin to waltz back into my life.

It just happened.

When the realization of, "I'm pregnant with Jeon Jeongguk's baby, and I don't want to abort it," came to me, I knew that it was the truth. One baby had slipped from my hands already, I wasn't going to let another one leave me.

Currently, Jimin and I were on his motorcycle. He had the idea for us to go 'early baby shopping'. For a second, I was ready to disagree, seeing as the baby isn't even close to being born yet, why would I go shopping? Until Jimin reminded me that today was Sunday, and it would be better to go shopping during the weekend than the weekday.

"Hold on tight, all right?" He asked as he revved the engine. I nodded as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

Are you insane? You may be asking me. You do realize that he is, in fact, your ex-boyfriend that left you? Well, the answer is:

Yes, I'm well aware.

Even so, Jimin was making an attempt to help me. I wasn't gonna willingly waltz back into his arms like I would have a year ago. I've matured. I was just going to accept his help and that was it.

Before I could even blink, Jimin sped off on his motorcycle, my arms clenching around his waist as I rested my head on his back. "You're insane." I commented, earning a chuckle from him. Despite the loud motor and the wind flying past our faces, he still managed to hear me.

"Don't pretend like you don't like it, though."

There's the cocky Jimin we all love.


| Third Person P.O.V |

They were a mess.

Jimin amd Chaeyoung were, indeed, a mess.

Frantically running around the store, looking for what babies need. Both of them haven't got a clue in the big, wide world.

"What do babies need?!" Jimin asked as he ran around the baby aisle, throwing everything he saw on the shelves into the cart.

If he wasn't confused enough, Chaeyoung was worse.

"I don't know! I've never had kids, how am I supposed to know?!"

"You have a vagina, for crying out loud!"

"Nice going, Jimin. What? I'm supposed to think with my vagina?"

"Uh, yes?"

Chaeyoung mentally facepalmed before continuing to help Jimin with his shopping spree. Powdered milk, pacifiers, onesies, diapers, bottles; all going into the shopping cart. By the time they finished, half of the things in the aisle were gone.

"Do you think we overdid it?"


Chaeyoung struggled to push the heavy cart towards the register. Perhaps they went just a tad bit overboard. Luckily for her, Jimin was there, a smile on his face as he helped her push the cart. Her admiring eyes stayed on Jimin as he pushed the cart.

The same eyes that Jimin fell for, once upon a time.

And, let's be honest.

He's falling for them again, just as hard.

The cashier lady looked astonished at their cart. She wasn't the only confused one, though; the entire market was staring in dead shock. "A-and, this is all yours?" She questioned in disbelief. Happily, both of them nodded.

Awkwardly, Jimin began to unload the items, trying hard to ignore the stares he was given. Chaeyoung helped him out, equally as uncomfortable.

"Your total is $78.50." The cashier lady spoke quietly, still in utter shock. She's worked here for six years, and never in her life has she come across someone who bought seventy-eight dollars worth of baby supplies.

Jimin rose an eyebrow, astonished at the spicy pricing. "Seventy-eight dollars for baby supplies? That's gotta be a joke, right?" He spluttered, his hands now resting on the counter. The lady shook her head.

Jimin clicked his tongue. "Bullshit."

As soon as the curse left his mouth, Chaeyoung gave him "The Look" and swatted his shoulder before turning towards the lady. "We'll pay."

Before Chaeyoung could take her wallet out, Jimin stopped her. "No, we will not pay. Can't we shorten the price somehow?" She heaved an embarrassed sigh before letting her head sink into her hands.

The cashier lady was vexed. "Honey, I dunno if you go out much, because if you did, you'd know that ain't the way the real world works. I mean, shoot, you pay for what you want, don't you, boo?"


As aggravated as ever, Jimin took his wallet out and paid the woman with a hundred dollar bill. "Keep the change to yourself just like you should with your tongue."

Chaeyoung hastily packed everything in the grocery bags, preventing another heated argument from starting. Jimin knew he would be in for a scolding once they left.

"Are you crazy?!"

Jimin attempted to ignore her by walking past her, but of course, he failed. "Yah, Jimin-ah," she continued. He still didn't listen. "Jimin-ah! Listen to me!"


Befoee he could get any further away, she grabbed his wrist, spinning him around. Their eyes locked, both filled with attitude. "Jimin-ah," she said softer. In that second, Jimin's attitude melted away. He was being selfish. They weren't there to put up with his attitude, but to help Chaeyoung, because she was in need of it.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, rubbing the back of his neck in shame. Chaeyoung merely shook her head.

"It's fine," she murmured, finally a calm look in her eyes. "Just--just, don't fight with people like that, especially store workers." He promised not to do it again, but still, he wanted to make it up to her.

"Do you wanna go to dinner or something? I-I'll pay, if you'd like." He suggested. Chaeyoung smiled generously at his offer. It was a special offer that Jimin wouldn't have made two years ago.

"Of course."


A/N: But what happens when you run into Jungkook at the diner?

Side Note: Hi, guys. So, I decided to make this BTS!Mafia X Reader book titled: Owned, and I really would like for you guys to check it out. Not me begging for votes or reads, I'm just very passionate about writing it and the support wouls help me a lot. Thank you. 💕

- Lana ♤

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