일곱 • So Unlike A Crystal

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[🐼❤] park chaeyoung says "you're a hoe!" [🐼❤]

[🐼❤] park chaeyoung says "you're a hoe!" [🐼❤]

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||Chaeyoung's P.O.V||

Park Jimin.

The ringing of the telephone continues, filling my head with pure irritation. I hesitate before grabbing the phone, but answer the call anyway.

"What do you want?" I snarl at him, not wanting to hear what he has to say.

There's a slight moment of silence, but his voice becomes audible eventually. "Chae––Chaeyoung, I want to talk to you." He repeats the same thing he said a few days ago.

"Good to know––can't say I feel the same, though."

"Chaeyoung, hear me out."

I chuckle bitterly, my words sour. "I'll give you thirty seconds to say what you're just dying to say."

He answers almost immediately, not sparing a second. "Chaeyoung, I want you to know that I love you. I never stopped loving you, Chaeyoung. You're making a mistake by getting close to Jungkook––he isn't the innocent little boy he tells everyone he is. You need to come to me before it's too––"

"Your thirty seconds are up, bitch. End the call or I'm calling the police." I fumble with my words, my tone defensive. How he has the audacity to call me at eleven o'clock and tell me to practically back off of Jungkook––only God knows.


"Goodbye, Jimin."

Before he can respond, I end the call, slamming my mobile phone down against the kitchen counter, not missing the fatal crack, signalling that the screen has shattered. That's the least of my worries right now, though.

What did he mean by 'before it's too late'? I think to myself, nervously gnawing on my nails. Does he know something that I don't know?

I try my best to push those thoughts away as I turn the television off. I run a hand through my orange locks as an attempt to soothe my nerves. It doesn't do much.

I set the television remote down on the counter before slowly trodding up the stairs. The one thing I want to do right now is sleep. Sleep. That's all it takes to soothe me right now.

I slam my bedroom door shut before throwing myself onto my bed. May somebody remind me why the fuck I thought it was a good idea to wear a tank top and shorts as pajamas? When did it get so damn cold?

The bitter cold wind from the outside passes through my window, sending goosebumps over my tingling flesh. I let out a grunt of frustration as I weakly attempt to close my window, nearly failing at the end. "There we go!" I exhale as I manage to shut the window.

I climb back onto my bed, wrapping myself tightly in a blanket that Jimin and I used when––well, when we were together. I clutch the blanket tightly––not to hold onto the unnearable memories, but to generate more heat.

I close my eyes, thinking there is nothing like an embrace––a tight hug––after absence, nothing like burying my face in his chest and inhaling his intoxicatingly delicious scent.

Those days are now over.


"You look like shit, you know," Tzuyu bluntly comments as she presses her back against her locker. I look down, examining today's attire––a maroon hoodie, dark blue jeans and a pair of Vans. I shrug in response, slamming my locker door shut with more force than intended, earning a few glares and glances from the kids around me.

As opposed to what I'm wearing, Tzuyu is dressed nicely. She's wearing a ruffled, white top, denim jacket and a black skirt. "Dude, what's your deal today?" She asks, an amused look on her face.

I turn to face her. "Guess who called?"

Curiously, she raises an eyebrow. "If it ain't Jay Park, I don't care."

I swat her lightly on the arm in response. "Park Jimin, baby."

She snorts with laughter, a look of disbelief in her eyes. "No way! Damn, what did he want from you this time?" I shrug, not really knowing how to answer her question. "Just wanted something to stick his dick in." I mutter in response. Sounds believeable, anywho. The two of us begin walking down the school hallway, clutching our books in our hands.

"I mean, it is Park Jimin," she murmurs. "But did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, he turned a new leaf? You know, had a change of heart?" I frown at her words. Yes. "No, of course not. That's disgusting." I lie in response, pathetically scoffing.

Tzuyu eyes me suspiciously, clearly not believing my words. "So, you're gonna stand here and tell me that you don't miss the fire that the two of you had?" She asks, leaning against a random locker. I shake my head.

"No. No, I don't miss how he claimed he loved me when, in reality, I was just a toy. A toy that he played with until he got bored."

Tzuyu holds her hands up in defense. "Right, I'm sorry, Chae. Let's just forget that Jimin ever existed." I nod my head in agreement.

The two of us begin walking towards the drama club classroom. We're about to enter, until a confounding sight catches my eye.

"Holy shit," Tzuyu uncomfortably chokes out.


It's such a deadly thing.

Across from us, Jungkook flashes me a wave before directing his gaze towards another girl. He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her close, planting a kiss on her lips.

That girl is easily recognizable by her flourishing brown hair; Krystal Jung.

My eyes remain on the two of them. Krystal turns around slightly, snaking her arms around Jungkook's neck as she places her lips on his, one of her hands clasping his jaw softly. A crowd surrounds them, cheering and saying things such as, "What a cute couple!" or "God, I wish I had a boyfriend like that."

Tzuyu gives me a reassuring pat on my shoulder, offering me a sad smile. "I––maybe they're just siblings––friends." I shake my head in disagreement. Jungkook walks up to us, one of his arms around Krystal's waist.

"Hey, Chae. Tzuyu. Meet my girlfriend, Krystal Jung."


A/N: I wasn't planning on it to end this way, but it just happened. Whoops.

-Lana ♡

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