Chapter 1

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This will be my second year here. Two whole years since I've left the world of the humans and entered the world of the spirits. I've tried everything I can to remember my name and return to my world, but my hope is beginning to flicker out.


"Hey, c'mon Rin. Kamaji gets grumpy if we don't get his breakfast to him on time." I heard Lin's voice break through my dreams.

Blinking quickly I opened my eyes and sat up, most of the other girls were still sleeping but Lin and I get up early to get Kamaji his food. I stood up and put my bed away. Afterwards I changed into my uniform and followed Lin to the kitchen.

"Rumor has it Haku went on another dangerous mission for Yubaba, I don't know why he does it." Lin sighed, putting a dish together. "But to be honest, I hope maybe one day he won't come back!" She laughed out loud and I felt my heart drop. "Imagine the bathhouse without him!" She took a giggle-filled breath out and picked up the tray of food.

If Haku didn't come back I'd run away, he's the only reason I don't mind staying here, besides the fact that I don't remember my name. I'm not sure why but I crave his attention, his touch, yet we're nothing but cold and sarcastic with one another. Even so I can't get that first day I met him out of my head.


"You're a human."

I stared with scared eyes at the person... no... being, this magnificent being in front of me. With no words to respond with I just kept staring.

"You have to get out of here, fast, and don't ever comeback." It was as if he'd snapped suddenly, his voice had turned cold. He gripped my shoulders harshly and whipped me around to face the opposite direction. "Quickly, GO!" He started to yelled, prodding me forward.

Stumbling a bit on the stone ground I glanced quickly behind myself before running off to find my sister and mom.

That evening I'd found myself curled into a ball against a cool concrete wall away from the bizarre spirit city. With my mom and sister a pig and a chicken I was left alone to feel sorry for myself.

Suddenly I heard the soft patter of feet. Lazily I glanced in the direction of the noise. What I saw shocked me. It was the boy from earlier.

I stood quickly, something inside me compelled me to make myself look stronger for him. To be perceived as worthy by him. But I'm not sure why... I'd only just met him after all.

"Why are you still here human?" He asked in a terse tone.

And that's when it began, I decided to build a mile high wall around myself to keep myself from liking him, and destroying any chance of him liking me back. My wall was built of unwarranted spite, hate and buckets of sarcasm.

"Why should that bother you?" I spat in response, finding myself sitting back down and crossing my arms.

"You're disappearing you know." He stated matter of factly. And he was right, I could practically see through my own hands.

Momentarily I freaked out, but regained control of my emotions when I remembered my wall.

"I know, maybe I want to disappear." My voice shook ever so slightly as I spoke. He crossed he arms and let out a huff of air in place of laughter.

"Funny honey, but I can see the fear in your eyes." He said with the sharp tone of a snake while crossing his arms snidely.

Swallowing a lump I didn't know I had I quickly thought of a response.

"Well are you going to help me?" I asked, trying to make it sound like I didn't want his help, but in reality, I really wanted his help.

"I suppose I could." He responded, hiding a smirk. He walked over and kneeled in front of me on the grass. "Eat this." He said, taking out a small round red, something or other.

Quickly I pulled my face away.

"No thanks." I said, trying to avoid being poisoned.

"Do you want to disappear?" He asked, leaning back.

Rolling my eyes and groaned, tossing my options around in my head.

"Do I have to?" I asked again, confirming my options.

"You need to stop questioning me! You need to eat something form this world or you'll disappear!" He said urgently, shoving his hand towards my mouth.

The small sphere was pressed against my tightly shut lips as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"C'mon..." I heard his effort in his voice as he resorted to prying my mouth open and putting the food in my mouth. "There. You're so difficult, now chew." He sighed, leaning back on his hands and standing up.

After swallowing, I swallowed my pride along with the food and thanked him.

"Great, let's go." He told me, extending a hand towards me.

Rolling my eyes at his gesture I reached my hand out and followed him to what would soon be my home.

~End of Flashback~

"You okay?" I shook myself out of my trance and looked at Lin.

"Yeah, gosh don't think too hard, your brain might explode." I laughed, trying to hide the fact that she was on to something.

We made it to the boiler room and chatted with Kamaji and I fed the soot sprites, they're my favorites. I enjoy coming down here and just relaxing, reading a book and chilling with the sprites. It's my only escape from the hard work at the bathhouse, and breaks are rare for me so I spend them wisely.

After Lin and I left Kamaji we went to get breakfast and get started with our chores.

Hey guys! I don't know what happened but sorry for like reposting this chapter like three times! It deleted the ending and something got all messed up. But I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Toodles!

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