Chapter 12

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My heart began to beat faster.

I can't believe Haku wouldn't let me go back to ask my name!

Unable to break from Haku's grip I had to start thinking of other ways to get back to Chihiro.

"Haku where are you going?" I asked, noticing he wasn't going back to the hotel.

"Back to the spirit world." He responded without emotion.

No, no, no, NO, NO!

My mind began to race. Everything seemed to be going insanely fast. My life in the spirit world was routine, almost comfortable. Then Haku wanted to find Chihiro, who knows what got him thinking of her again, and I got thrown into this mess and it's all over in a little over a day?!

"But what about Yubaba?! She said we can't come back without Chihiro!" I spat an excuse out whilst I tried to continually pry my wrist from Haku's grip.

"It's too late to go back now, just forget it." He seethed, pulling me along, reaching the forest path.

"Haku at least let me find out my name! Have you no heart?! This entire time I've been obedient and complacent, but I can't take it anymore! I'm not a spirit! I can't live this way, please! I want to stay here, I don't want to go back!" I cried, digging my heels into the soft dirt of the forest path.

Haku stopped. It was silent except for the sounds of the forest and my deep breathing.

"Struggle all you want, you won't ever be coming back here." His voice echoed in my head as he started forward again, dragging me behind him.

I'd given up, letting myself go limp, mindlessly following in Haku's lead.

I'm never coming back... I'll never figure out my name... I'll never be free again... it's all Haku's fault...

My depression and worry burst into seething rage and an adrenaline I couldn't mask. It bubbled out from within me.

With one swift movement I ripped my wrist from his grip. He whipped around and stared me down. We stood in front of the entrance to the giant red building, staring daggers at one another.

"Is this how little you think of me?! Huh? Do I mean so little to you that you're willing to permanently destroy any chance I have of returning to my world because of your selfishness! She's married so you need to man up and get your shit together Haku! You think you're one to be pitied right now?!" I raged at him, tears of anger pricking the sides of my eyes as I squeezed them shut. "I've lived in a foreign world for the past two years being treated like trash, it hurts Haku and you don't help!"

There was only silence after I spoke. Carefully opening my eyes I was met with the most bizarre sight in the world. Haku looked... defeated.

"Did you ever consider that you were the one hurting me?" He spoke with a somber tone. "All this time I've been avoiding feelings for you so it doesn't end up the same way as it did with Chihiro... I didn't know we'd actually find her if we came here, I just wanted an escape from you. All you do is remind me of her, but you've been around so much longer and... and... if I lose you I'll have nothing left." He voice shook with sadness and anger at the same time.

He just ended up sounding... broken.

My mouth hung open in shock and guilt struck my heart. All I could do was stand and gawk at Haku as he bit his lip, preventing himself from saying anything else. He made eye contact with me and shook his head before he turned and walked into the tunnel, disappearing into the shadows.

"Haku..." I found my voice, calling quietly out to him.

Tears fell without restraint from my eyes as I walked into the tunnel. The cool dampness of the tunnel engulfed me, leaving the cool earthly night behind me.

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