Chapter 3

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I was in front of the sliding wooden window of the boiler room when I heard an all to familiar voice. Not wanting to go in, but not wanting to leave I pressed my ear against the wooden door and listened in.

"I don't know what I'm going to do." It was Haku speaking.

"Well I say you tell her what you told me. She's going to remember." I heard Kamaji reply.

Who are they talking about?

I heard Haku sigh. After that I couldn't hear much, but I did hear footsteps coming in my direction. Frantically I stepped away from the door and took a few steps back, to make it seem like I'd just gotten there.

The door slid open and out climbed Haku, he had somewhat of a concerned expression on his face. The second he noticed me he put on his cold glare. I simply stared at him as he breezed past me.

Climbing through the door I shut it behind me.

"Hello Kamaji." I greeted him, standing up.

"Ah, Rin! Welcome! Done with your work today?" He asked, grinding some herbs.

Nodding I popped down on a soft floor cushion and picked up the book I'd been reading. Sighing I flipped through the pages, letting the story whisk me away.

"You're not asking?" I was thrown out of my fantasy world when Kamaji asked me a question.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"You're not going to ask why Haku was here?" Kamaji stopped his worked and turned to face me. "I'm the only one that knows Rin. You don't have to fall into Yubaba's trap. Don't fall into the meaning of the name she gave you. You aren't a coldhearted person Rin. I know you like Haku and I know you're wondering why he came to see me." I froze, he's know all this time?!

My mouth was hanging open in shock as I tried to piece my thoughts together.

"Haku has fallen back into his old ways." Kamaji told me with a solemn sigh.

"Old ways?" I asked, setting my book down.

"About 6 years ago a little human girl found her way to this bathhouse. She'd be about your age now, maybe two years older than you, 20, in human years. But Haku fell in love with her, he broke her contract with Yubaba and helped free her parents as well. He remembered his name and was going to set things straight with Yubaba and then go to find Chihiro in the human world. However, Yubaba wasn't as changed. Everything went back to how it had been before Chihiro, Haku slowly forgot his name and fell under Yubaba's curse again. He's even worse than he was before, a broken heart made him even more cold than he was." Kamaji explained to me. I felt my heart shatter.

He fell in love... Which means he couldn't possibly love me...

"So... Why was Haku here?" I asked confused.

"He was here because he wants to go find Chihiro." Kamaji said.

I felt my heart plummet even more than it had.

"I know that must hurt but you've got to realize what they had was real, it was the most beautiful thing to happen in this whole bathhouse. She even went to Zeniba for him, Yubaba's twin sister." Kamaji kept talking, telling me about their love. And to think he was on my side.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. All I could do was nod.

"I think Lin said she'd need my help now. Thanks for telling me."  I tried to keep my voice still since it quivered while I spoke.

Quickly bowing to Kamaji I ran across the soot sprite's work area and outside. Finally letting my emotions go I yelled in pure sadness, my tears covered my cheeks and my chest heaved with short breaths.

Two years, two long, agonizing years and it's taken me this long to finally realize I was unloveable even in the spirit world.

Falling to the concrete ground I sobbed messily into my hands. My tears refused to stop pouring out of my eyes. When I finally managed to look up I saw storm clouds were rolling up. Wiping my eyes and nose quickly I wobbled to my feet and began the long walk up the stairs to the entrance of the bath house. By the time I'd gotten half way up it started to pour relentlessly, soaking me and my uniform.

My heart felt heavier than it's ever been as I slowly trudged up the slippery wooden steps. Once I reached the side garden I walked inside to see everyone bustling about for an early open, since it was raining.

"Rin?" Looking up I saw Lin carrying a bucket of water.

"Oh." I said mindlessly, squeezing the water out of my hair. Lin looked at me with concern as she kneeled to dump out the water.

"You okay? What happened, you look like you've been crying." She noted.

Not wanting to bother her I simply shook my head

"No, it was just the rain, that's all." I reassured her, but inside I desperately wanted to cry again.

"Well if you say so... Why don't you change out of your wet clothes and you can help me and the other girls was the floors and prepare some guest rooms." She smiled, walking towards the banquet hall.

Sighing I shut the door behind me and trudged my way to my room.

AHHHH! Such speed with those updates thoooo!!! Sorry this chapter was a bit of a bummer :( I really like to have character diversity and writing three dimensional characters is challenging but fun! It's good to see that things don't always work out, but since it is my sappy mind this story is coming from, things will turn up!! Anyway hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Toodles!!

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