Chapter 17

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Zeniba placed her hands on his shoulders and closed her eyes.

"You might want to let go of him for this, dear." Zeniba said in a low voice.

I quickly nodded my head, even if her eyes were closed. I slid my hand out of Haku's grip and interlaced my hands together in my lap.

A soft glow began to surround Zeniba.

"My sister has copied my seal. Seems her bug has burrowed deep within Haku's cold heart and has bound him to her every word. Unfortunately there is not much I can do. I can weaken it as much as possible, but you'll need (y/n) to break the spell." Zeniba explained, power emitted from each word she spoke, and the glow around her intensified.

"Me?!" I asked nervously.

I didn't wanna accidentally do something wrong. What if I hurt him? What if I can't break the spell?!

"Don't doubt yourself dear." Zeniba reassured me, releasing Haku, who seemed to be in a state of unconsciousness.

Zeniba's glow faded and this time Haku emitted a soft blue glow. She opened her eyes and walked up to me, taking my hands.

"He's unconscious right now... I've weakened the bug as much as I could, since it was rooted in his heart I couldn't avoid the damage to his heart. However he'll be completely fine after you break the spell for good." Zeniba told me as she led to Haku's chair.

"I-I don't know about this. What if I kill him?" My voice quivered as I stood in front of Haku.

"Don't doubt, feel. Remember how you felt the first time you met him, the times you've spent together, the fights you've had. Each moment has grown your love and now is the time to show him how much he means to you." Zeniba whispered calmly into my ear.

Despite her comforting words my eyes continued to prick with tears and my hands shook, fearing that I might lose Haku if I make one wrong move.

Slowly I stepped up to his chair and kneeled beside him. I took his hand in mine and gripped it tightly. I lowered my head to his hand and sat there in a crouched state, holding onto Haku's hand as if my life depended on it. I squeezed my eyes shut and remembered our first encounter.

I stared with scared eyes at the person... no... being, this magnificent being in front of me.

I felt my heart beat faster.

"Go on (y/n). Keep remembering, keep reminding Haku how much he means to you." Zeniba encouraged me.

I sat up, staring longingly at Haku's face.


"Well if it isn't Dragon Boy!"

I felt tears began to find their way down my cheeks. I felt a warmth build in my chest. I just wanted to wholly express how much Haku meant to me, but his eyes were closed and he was still unresponsive.

"Fear of storms, classic."

Impulsively, I pushed off the ground and wrapped my arms around around Haku's torso, weeping into his chest.

"Haku... I wish I could've just told you how I felt before..." I cried through breaths.

Squeezing Haku, as if to communicate how much I loved him with how hard I squeezed him, I buried my face into the clothes on his chest.

"Haku please wake up... I care too much about you for this not to work..." I breathed quietly through sobs.

I was so distracted I didn't even notice Haku's arms wrap around me. Gasping, overwhelmed with joy, I looked up to see Haku looking down at me. He had a weak smile on his face.

"You're awake!" I cheered, leaping up to fully embrace him, landing directly on his lap.

He huffed with my impact, but eventually returned the hug, holding me close.

"You cry a lot, you know that?" I heard Haku tease.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll just retract my love for and let you fall under Yubaba's spell again." I joked back, sitting back and wiping my tears. "I'm just glad you're okay..." I sighed happily, going back to hugging him.

"Beautiful, truly beautiful." Zeniba beamed.

I stood up from Hakus lap, allowing both of us to stand.

"Thank you so much Zeniba." I gratefully bowed my head.

"I've done next to nothing. I only put into motion something that would have happened any way." She smiled. "Now why don't the two of you spend the night here, we have plenty of food for you to both be full and content, and I'll make up the guest bed. You'll need the energy for the journey back." Zeniba offered kindly.

"We couldn't intrude after all you've done for us..." I thought out loud.

"Nonsense, now you two go get yourselves a seat by the fire while I prepare the guest bed." Zeniba instructed us as she disappeared behind a large wood door in the back of the room.

Once Zeniba was gone the room was quiet, except for the soft crackle of the fire. I noticed the tall monster standing in the corner. Not knowing what to do I was about to just turn around and face the opposite direction so I wouldn't have to stare at the monster, but Haku grabbed my hand gently before I could even move.

"He's no harm. Let's go by the fire, hm?" Haku smiled down at me and I felt a surreal happiness bubble up in my chest.

I just nodded, letting Haku lead my to the thick and soft cushions by the crackling flame. He sat down first and then looked up at me. I simply stared at him like an idiot... blind with happiness and disbelief.

He patted the spot next to him.

"Come on, human, I didn't realize you were this slow." He joked and it knocked me right out of my trance.

"Hey now Dragon Boy, watch your tone with me, let's not forget who just saved your life." I retorted facetiously, plopping down next to Haku.

HEY Y'ALL. I'm so jazzed that you guys are enjoying the story! Sorry if this chapter is a bit shorter than the previous few chapters, but I working on re-writing a bit of the next few chapters I had written out. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Toodles!

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