Chapter 11

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"Haku...?" I quietly asked, seeing his face fall. 

He stood there, all color had left his face. He looked hollow. Almost... empty.

I carefully look a step forward to grab his hand to comfort him.

"Haku-" My hand was harshly swatted away and Haku made deathly eye contact with me.

"Are all humans this useless?! Does she not realize what true love is?! Does she not realize that when I told her I'd see her again I meant it?!" He raged angrily, however I could see out of the corners of his eyes tears started to form.

His sadness broke my heart. I wanted to tell him how much he meant to me. But he wouldn't ever accept me. I knew that now.

"Haku please, listen!" I pleaded, trying to match his volume to get his attention.

"No! You listen to me. We are getting out of this garbage world and never coming back, you aren't leaving my sight and I'm going to work you till your very last breath. I can't afford another stupid human ruining things for me, ya got that?" His voice was low and filled with venom. 

Haku stared such cold daggers into my eyes I was too scared to even breath.

"Pack your things, we're leaving." He spat through gritted teeth before turning and ripping off his night shirt to change into more formal clothes for the trip back.

I turned away to give him privacy. You'd think a spirit would have some concept of personal space and privacy. But now wasn't the time to be thinking about that. 

I need to find Chihiro so she and Haku can make up... He may never want to see her again, but he needs to know that she didn't do this out of spite.

I glanced quickly over my shoulder to confirm that Haku was occupied with getting dressed before I made a break for the door.


I heard Haku yell angrily after me as the door slammed shut behind me. I didn't wait for him to follow, I just sprinted to the stairs and slipped out the back door. I didn't want to have to deal with that cheeky lady at the front desk.

Sprinting into the cold night I felt my warm cheeks sting against the cool air. 

I don't even remember where my old house was. How am I supposed to figure out where Chihiro lives?!

Shaking the thought from my head I continued on, determined not to give up. I turned down a neighborhood street by the forest. I looked behind me and saw a figure running towards me.


Knowing he would most definitely be able to out run me I started to run again, despite my burning lungs. I couldn't afford to get caught, I'd come too far.

Glancing at all the houses I passed I tried to search for something familiar.


"It's white, you'll like it."


"A white house..." I breathed, remembering something from my former life.

I scanned the block, desperately looking for a white house.

"C'mon, c'mon!" I whispered to myself, glancing over my shoulder at the steadily gaining Haku.

Abruptly looking forward again my eyes caught sight of something I never thought I'd see again.


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