Chapter 6

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I was in pure and utter shock. Yubaba wanted me  to got the human world with Haku?!

"Yubaba-" Haku tried to protest but he was quickly cut off.

"Haku it isn't polite to disobey your master, she is a human, maybe she'll be helpful to you." Yubaba smiled, knowing very well we don't work well together. "You set off in three days, I suggest you start packing, and make sure you come back with Chihiro, she was a wimp but she brought life to my bathhouse. This time I'll give her a contract she can't break..." Yubaba whispered the last part to herself as she walked back to her desk and sat down. "You're dismissed."


It was quiet once we left Yubaba's office. The dark cold hallway didn't help the mood.

"Haku I-" 

"I don't want to hear it. You are to speak to me only if it's an emergency or if I address you first on this trip." With that Haku took off down the hallway, leaving me behind.

Before he could reach the elevator he stopped and turned his head slightly in my direction.

"Don't mess this up for me, human."


"She said WHAT?!" Lin gasped as we polished the silver in the kitchen.

"Shhh! Lin!" I scolded her, not wanting to make a scene.

"You two are going to kill each other!" Lin exclaimed as she continued to shine the spoon in her hand.

"I know..." I looked down at the platter I was shining, my reflection was all wobbly and distorted as it looked back at me. "I just hope we don't fight too much..." I sighed, setting the platter down to get another piece of cutlery to shine.

"I hope you two make it out alive!" Lin laughed, seemingly ignorant to my somber tone. Deciding I didn't want to burden her with my feelings I just laughed and smiled along.

"Haha, yeah!" 

Once we finished with the silverware and platters we decided to grab some food before the bathhouse opened.

"Here you are." Lin leaned over and handed me a bowl of rice and pan seared chicken.

"Thanks." I gratefully received the bowl and Lin sat down next to me. 

We both ate in silence, watching the bathhouse bustle before opening. I looked down at my bowl and picked up a piece of chicken, just kinda, starring at it before eating it.

"You seem kinda out of it... It's the trip isn't it." Lin inquired, setting her bowl down.

Chewing I nodded, holding back tears... for some reason...

"I'm just scared I'm not going to want to come back... I'm scared I'm going to get separated from Haku..." I sniffled through my food. Lin sighed and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, bringing me into her chest.

"It's going to be rough, and since you're human it'll be tempting to not want to come back, but knowing Haku he won't let you. I believe in you." Lin was making me feel better by the second until- "Bring our Chihiro back..." 

Sitting up quickly I wiped my mouth.

"I think I should go get us some fresh towels for the bathes." I stood.

"O-Okay!" I could hear Lin was caught off guard, but I ignored it and sped walked away.


It was the night before Haku and I were supposed to leave and my stomach was in knots. I'd told Lin I'd finish up the cleaning and she reluctantly agreed. I was the only one left in the bath section, the others were either asleep, seeing guests out or cleaning in other areas of the bathhouse.  My tired body went through the motions of scrubbing, but not much was getting done.

My mind was too occupied with the desire to sleep and far for my trip tomorrow.

"Knock knock."

Turning around I saw Haku had stepped out from behind the partition, standing in the soft glow of one of the bath lights.

"Haku..." I breathed, too tired to think of a witty response.

"I take it you're packed and ready to leave at sun up?" He asked and a lump formed in my throat. But I ignored it, nodding my head.

"Yes." I replied weakly.

"Good. I've had Yubaba find us some human clothes so we can fit in without causing any disturbances. I've left them by your things in your room, put them on before you meet me tomorrow morning." Haku informed me in a strictly buisness manner. His eyes flickered across my tired form and then back to my eyes. "I suggest you sleep now, I'll take care of this." He began to walk forward. 

Noticing what was going on my sleepy body tried to move out of the way, trying to show him I could still work. 

"What are you doing, just hand me the rag and go to sleep." He sighed in annoyance, I saw him holding his hand out for me to give him the towel in my periphery.

I shook my head.

"M-m. No, I can do it, you'll see." I turned my head slowly back around and resumed what I was doing, scrubbing the rim of the bath.

"I know you try to prove yourself but this isn't the time for foolish human games Rin." His voice got colder, motivating me more to continue scrubbing. "Rin-" He'd reached me by now and had gotten a hold of my wrist, whipping me around to face him.

My sleepy body stumbled over itself turning around, but I eventually was facing Haku. For some reason I had tears in my eyes.

"Look at you, you're a mess... Tsk..." He tutted me and ripped the towel from my grip, throwing it to the ground. He'd gotten ahold of both my wrists by now, pulling my face close to his. "Go. To. Sleep." He released me and I stumbled back into the bath.

"Whatever... I was going to anyway..." My exhausted brain let a flimsy remark escape my lips as I trudged past an annoyed Haku.

WHOOP! I hope you lads enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story! Get ready to blast outta the spirit world next chapter!! (and get ready to behold Haku in modern clothes hehehe) ANYWAY!!! I will be updating soon hopefully so stay close to your computers lads and lassies! Toodles!

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