Chapter 9

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Later that night Haku and I were settling in to our room. I was in the bathroom setting up my toiletries when Haku walked in.

"Do want to get dinner?"I asked, setting my things down and turning to face him.

"The smell of this world is gross, I don't want to eat anything here. The thought of it makes me sick. But if your feeble human bod needs nourishment you can go yourself to find some food." He stated in a bored tone, crossing his arms.

A small smirk crept onto his face. He knew he was getting under my skin. I knew that he wanted to make me irritated but I couldn't help but get frustrated.

"Fine, I'll go out by myself, just give me some money for food." I stated curtly.

He smirked and handed me some money. Swiping it from his hands I marched out of the room, the door shutting loudly behind me. On the other side of the door I felt my stomach drop.

Great, I left my jacket and room key inside... well I guess I'll have to make this a short trip.

Sighing in frustration I marched down the hall and down the stairs. The lady at the front desk stopped me before I left.

"Lovers quarrel?" She smiled, seeing as I was in a bad mood she tried to lighten it a bit with my joke.

Not wanting to be rude I forced a smile on my face and nodded before turning and heading out into the evening.

I walked down the streets of the town until I came across a small ramen shop. My stomach growled and I was pulled in by the warm smell of the broth. When I walked in I was greeted by a man behind the counter.

I walked further into the establishment and took a seat at a table, my back turned to the people at the table behind me. After ordering I stated longingly out the window, trying to focus on the task at hand.

As my mind wandered my ears picked up a conversation going on behind me.

"Well we've only been married a year."

Newlyweds huh...

"My mother won't mind, she loves you!"

I ignored the rest of the conversation and let my mind wander again. I remembered how just before I moved my mom told me her friends daughter was going to get married and my sister was going to be the maid of honor. Too bad we missed the ceremony... wouldn't it be funny if that was her?

I smiled at the thought of reconnecting with an old friend.

This really is a small town.

I opened my mouth to turn and say hi, just to see if it was her, but I kept my mouth shut.

I'm dead to them, my sister, mom and I have been gone from this world for two years now, people must've thought we were dead... I can't afford to blow my cover...

I shrank back into my seat and sighed.

My food arrived and I practically inhaled the warm soup. I even ordered seconds I was so hungry.

I forgot how good this food tastes...

I smiled as I gently pushed my second empty bowl away from me.

"Chihiro I think we should go, I promised your mom we'd be home before 7."

I felt my heart sink.


"Be sure you pack your nice clothes, Chihiro is getting married this year!" My mom told me through the phone.

"Yes mom I know, I'm packing all of my stuff, I'm moving in with you guys." I chuckled, moving the phone from one ear to the other.

"Okay! Love you! See you tomorrow...."


I felt my heart pound in my ears as the couple behind me stood up and I watched their backs head to the door. A woman who couldn't be older than 23 years old walked hand in hand with a young man who seemed a bit older than her.

This cannot be happening! Have I really been gone from the human world so long that I forgot my mothers best friends daughter! We used to hangout all the time as little kids! And now she's married and.... Haku is not going to like this one bit...

My mind panicked as I tried to think of ways to tell Haku.

He'll have no other choice but you... He'll fall in love with you...

My eyes widened in shock at the small voice in the back of my head. I couldn't possibly be thinking so selfishly!

In confusion and frustration I put the money to cover my meal on the table and left in a hurry.

I need to go speak with Chihiro.

OoooooooooooOooOOoOoO! Hello! I hope you all enjoyed this spicy (but slightly short) chapter!! I'll be updating maaaaaybe again this week, no promises. But I hope you guys are enjoying this story! I'm working hard on another Howl x Reader that has yet to be published (but I've already written 11,000 words). I really want to make like a whole story so I'm not publishing it until it's almost completely finished to avoid plot holes and inconsistent updates. Sorry for the long authors note! Toodles!

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