Chapter 15

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After my encounter with Haku I rushed down to the bathroom. I'd need to be fast so I could get back to work before Yubaba returned.

My heart raced as I quickly wove my way through hallways and down stairs to the worker bathroom. As expected they were empty, since everyone was already at work.

I stripped myself of my uniform and ran myself a hot bath. Quickly I got in and scrubbed the grime off my body and face and from underneath my nails. I slathered some soap on my body and ran my fingers through my hair before rinsing off and jumping out.

After drying off and changing back into my uniform I drained the bath. I left the bathroom and ran my fingers through my hair to make it look at least a little bit presentable.

I slipped right into the crowd of the main floor and found Lin.

"Hey Lin!" I whispered as I walked up behind her, minding my volume since she was with a customer.

"Rin!" She whisper yelled at me in excitement.

She held her pointer finger up to me, signaling to me that she needed a second. I nodded my head.

She led the customer to a bath before she ran back to me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a rather empty hallway. Lin brought me into a bone crunching hug.

"L-Lin, I can't breath!" I grunted under the pressure of her hug.

"Sorry! I was just worried about you! Why are you back so early! Did you find Chihiro? Is she here?!" Lin raved like a small child.

"No... Haku and I got to the human world only to find that Chihiro no longer lives in the town outside the forest. So Haku and I came back early seeing no more reason to stay in the human world." I explained, hating the fact that I had to lie to her.

"Oh..." Lin's grip on my shoulders loosened.

I gripped her hands to comfort her.

"Hey, hey. It's okay! Let's get back to work huh? It was a long shot we'd even find her right. I mean she'd been gone from here for what, six years?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Lin smiled.

"Yeah you're right, besides, I've got a new dope to care for." Lin joked before she led me back into the bath house.

The rest of the evening went rather... normally. Lin and I gave baths to about 7 spirits before the bathhouse closed. After clean up, which was oddly easy for a busy night, we went right to bed.

That night I fell asleep so quickly. I'd forgotten I hadn't even slept since he night before I left for the spirit world! I'd been powered by pure adrenaline this whole time. My tired body shut down and I slipped into a deep sleep.

The next morning I was greeted with the warm sun on my face. I sat up in my bed, feeling refreshed. Smiling I stretched and gazed at the sea of sleeping girls. Quietly I got dressed and slipped out of the room.

I ran quickly through the bathhouse on light feet. Taking the route through the boiler room and up the long staircase I finally made it to the bridge.

While I was walking across the bridge I noticed Haku wasn't by the garden entrance yet. I decided I'd just sit and wait for him. I sat up against the fence and leaned my head back, closing my eyes.

Enjoying the warm sun on my face I waited patiently for Haku to arrived.


My eyes shot open and I scrambled to my feet.

I whipped my head around trying to find the person that belonged to that voice.

"Haku... Haku...!"

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