Chapter 7

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Today was the day. The one I'd been dreading for three miserably long days. There I stood, dressed in human clothes that looked striaght out of a high fashion magazine, a black dress with pair kitten heels and I'd managed to pull my hair into some sort of an up-do. I was at the bridge waiting for Haku, it was just before sun up and I had my duffel next to me.

"You're early. That's new."

I turned my head to see an astonishing sight. Haku was dressed in a deep blue suit with a lighter blue crispt collared shirt underneath. He had a brilliant white handkerchief in his breast pocket and held a slick trunk in his hand. 

"Haku, you look-" I couldn't finish.

"Dastardly, I know, humans have such peculiar taste." He huffed walking up to me. " I suppose you don't look too wretched, after all you are a human." He looked me over before walking forward.

I stood there shocked for a second.

Was that a compliment? Nevermind...

I grabbed my duffel and jogged to catch up to him.

"The suit doesn't look bad, it fits you nicely." I said, trying not to sound awkward. "I just wonder why Yubaba gave us such fancy clothes." I questioned, looking down at my attire.

"We must look trust worthy if we are going to get anywhere." Haku pointed out, as if it was the most obvious answer.

"Right..." I mumbled. 

We made our way through the field of grass, getting closer and closer to the human side. My hands grew clamy and my throat tightened.

I'm going back to the human world to look for the girl that the guy I like, likes. Even thinking that sounds wrong.

"We must be getting close, it even smells worse over here." Haku tutted, trudging through the tall grass. 

As I was about to respond my heel got caught on a long strip of grass, causing me to lose my balance and plummet forwards, towards the ground.

Before I could make impact with the ground I felt Haku grab my hand and secure his free hand around my waist.

"Great, this trip is going to feel even longer with your clumsiness." He sighed, helping me back on my feet, picking up his trunk and continuing on as if nothing had happened.

I stood there in shock.

I want to hold his hand again...

Shaking my head I gathered my things and jogged after him, making sure I didn't trip again.


This was it. On the other side of this huge red building was the human world. The place I've longed to get back to for the past two years.

"Don't even try to escape, this might be your realm we are entering into, but I still have power over you." With that cold statement Haku walked inside. 

Swallowing the lump in my throat I followed him in. As we walked I made sure to stay at least three paces behind him. I observed him as he walked.

Why am I so attracted to him...?

His walk.

But he's so mean.

But he can be nice too! Sometimes at least... rarely.

Why do I keep trying?

He might like me back!

What do I find so alluring about this man?!

His eyes, his hair, his face, his laugh and goddamn the way he looks in a suit.

I had to shake my head to end the small war that was going on inside my head. I tried to distract myself by observing my surroundings. We were about to enter the tunnel that would lead us outside. The concrete walls were chipped and clustered with ivy and some of the stained glass windows were cracked.

Gripping my suitcase handle tighter I followed Haku, who hadn't stopped or slowed his walk since we entered the station.

"We're almost there. We'll have to find some place to stay while we search. Yubaba gave me more than enough human currency so it should be sufficient to satisfy our needs." Haku told me, not even bothering to glance over his shoulder.

However at this point I couldn't care less if he looked at me, I was to fixated on the light that was growing at the end of the tunnel. A giddiness began to grow inside my stomach, I felt like a child.

Do I really miss the human world that much?





I ran in front of Haku, ignoring his calls for me. Once I reached the end of the tunnel I let out the most pure laugh ever as I jumped into the warm sunlight. Twirling around I felt the warm breeze lift my dress as I spun. I leaned my head back to the sun and breathed in the sweet scent of the forest.

I remember this. The spirit world feels different, it even smells different. But this, this is home.

"Hah. Guess you humans really are simple creatures." I turned to see Haku leaning against the threshold of the station, smirking.

"You can't tell me that the sun doesn't feel amazing, and the forest air..." I inhaled happily. "Smells so wonderful." I let out a small laugh, forgetting my wall for just a moment.

"It smells like sewage, all of the human world does, and we have a sun in the spirit world too." Haku stated emotionlessly, standing up straight and picking up my suitcase, which I'd dropped when I was running for the sun.

He walked over and handed it to me.

"The sun is better out here, it's more... authentic." I replied with a sassy tone, swiping my suitcase from Haku.

We walked in silence along the overgrown dirt path. I took in as much as I could, who knows when I'll be able to come back to the human world! Probably never after this.

"Wipe that stupid smile off your face. You look ridiculous." Haku huffed, glancing over at me.

"Oh I'm sorry, are my feelings too much to handle dragon boy?" I teased sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.

"You're under my jurisdiction so you'll do as I say." And just like that, the finally fun playful air between Haku and I had snapped. 

Looking down at the soft dirt beneath me I sighed.

This is going to be a long trip.

I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN FOREVER! Shits been happening and O O F. Well anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I'll try my best to upload soon! Toodles!!

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